A Night at Magcon

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"Hey Rylee, you need to start getting ready for Magcon! I have a surprise friend that's coming to see you!" Sierra says as I crawl out of Cam's arms. "Who is it? I hate suprises." I say annoyed. "You will just have to see." She says giggling. "Fine." I say as I walk into the bathroom. I take a shower and get out *nock nock nock* "who is it?" I ask through the door. "Hey, I-it's Shawn." I open the door. "Hey!" I say smiling at him. "Would you like to sing with me tonight? I have a new song." Shawn says with a helpless smile. "Of course, but right now I need to get ready." He says kissing my cheek. He steps back and we both looked shocked "uhm well-" I say awkwardly. "Eh yeah I gotta go." I shut the door and dry my hair, that was awkward... I leave my hair wavy and pin it back. *nock nock nock* "who is it this time!?" I say as I open the door. It's Nash. "Hey, sorry to bother you but, would you wear this?" He asks holding up a sweatshirt that says 'Nashty' I laugh. "Oh, yeah. You can wear my, sweatshirt!" He says laughing. "Of course I will! Oh and will Jacob S. Be there?!" I ask curiously since I only met Jacob W. "Yeah, he has to do pictures in the VIP section." He says smiling and walks away as I pull on the Nashty sweatshirt. I go to my favorite blue Vans and there's a note
"Hey, I know this matches your shoes so, could you please wear it?" ~Your Tay Bear.
It's another bandana, but blue. I put it on and I'm ready. I walk out of the door and start walking down the hall toward the elevator. "Hey Rylee! Wait up!" Hayes yells from behind. I stop to let him catch up. And I turn to face him. "Woah." He says with an astonished look on his face. "Do I look okay?!" I ask worried. All he does is nod with a shocked look on his face. "Uhm are you sure." I ask. "No, your beautiful." He says handing me a bracelet with a note.

Hey, I was wondering if you would wear this to Magcon. I know your lucky number is 7 and so is mine =) . Also I was wondering if you would like to go to my school dance with me <3

I text Hayes yes and get in the elevator putting on the bracelet . The elevator dings and I step out and get pumbled by someone from my side. "HEY!" I yell looking at who it was. "Sorry sis, had to!" It was Nash, and Cam. Wait Nash called me his 'sis'? Okayyyy???
We get in the cab and head to Magcon, as I get a text from the guys.
Taylor Caniff
Yo guys! We have a guest for magcon. @HeyItsRyleeD7 she da bae 😍
I couldn't help but laugh!
We get to Magcon and we all get to go backstage. Time flies! I hear from out side.
Shawn: okay guys i have a dear friend that is going to do a duet with me for my new song "air" Rylee can you please come on stage?

I walk onto stage and wave "hey guys! Hey Shawn!" I say hugging him. I sit at the piano and he has the guitar.

Shawn: Never thought that we would end up here, shoulda known it from the start. I know you mean it when you say you love me! But we're trying way to hard.

Me: used to think that we would last forever. How could I have been so wrong? Never thought I'd be the one to say this, but if our time has come and gone.

(Song continues until over)

I stand up and take a bow and the crowd cheers. I see Cameron walking on stage with a mic. "Hey guys! How do you like Rylee?" The crowd screams. "Thank you!" I say as I blush. "Well guys here's an announcement. Rylee Dallas is my little sister!" Everyone cheers louder as Cam grabs me into a hug and gives me a ride back off stage. "Nice Job Sis!" He says. "Thanks Cam." I say blushing. "I need to go get ready for my dance." I say as he winks. I go over and grab my phone 'new trend on Twitter' I look at it and it says:
I drop my phone and scream for Cam. He runs to me. "Rylee! What's wrong?!" I handed him my phone and anger rose in him. He marched on stage.
Cameron: guys! Shylee isn't a thing! My sister isn't dating Shawn so stop!
He walked off stage and came and hugged me. "I'm sorry." He says but I don't reply. He pulls away and smiles at me and walks off. I change and grab my shoes. I'm doing a lyrical routine. "Hey, danc'in lady." Hayes says. I look up at him and smile. "Hey." I say. "Can I see your dance." I nod.
I start off on the ground and spin on the floor I stand and do 6 spins, leap, Ariel, spin... And it goes on.
"Wow! I never knew you could actually dance." He says in amazement. "So you doubted me?" I say raising an eyebrow. "No it's just-" he trails off. "Just what?!" I snap. "I-" he gets cut off by Bart.
Bart: Rylee is doing a dance routine for us tonight. Rylee, can you please come on stage?"
I glare at Hayes and walk on stage smiling first then getting in my spot. I do my routine and the crowd cheers. I walk backstage and see Hayes looking at my phone. "HAYES!" I yell grabbing my phone. "Sorry, I- well yo- you use to lik-" I cut him off. "Yeah Hayes! I was a crazy fan-girl okay?! And I liked you... A lot actually. *i laugh cruelly at the thought* but you know what? I'm starting to change my mind. I turn around and run into Cam. He wispers in my ear. "You okay?" I look at him then turn to glare at Hayes. I walk away and don't look back. Finally I run into Sierra, she's talking to a girl. "Abby?!" I question. "RYLEE!" She screams and hugs me and I hug her back. "I missed you so much!" I say into her ear. "I missed you too!"
Hey guys! How do you like my story?! Shout outs are going to some of my friends my sister in the story Sierra, yeah Cameron has a sister named Sierra. I have a friend name Sierra. Add her batmansierragossett also Abby. abbyxxmark and Sophia ILOVEPURPLE1013 and Erica Ericaann2404

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