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"You know. I don't want you to leave." He says pulling me away from packing. "I have to. I have to make money for the baby and the wedding." I respond. "Rylee." He says. "Hayes it's time for me to go." I say zipping the suitcase. "I love you and will be back in two weeks." I say kissing him. As he grabs my hand. He slowly lets go.

Back to tour
"Rylee, stop Day dreaming." Daniel says to me. "Oh sorry." I say shrugging. "I have something to tell you." He says. "And that is?" I ask concerned. "I knew you when you were young. We were best friends." He said grabbing my hand. I pull my hand out of his. "I wrote that song about you, it's sorta a love song." He confesses. "What?" I ask. "You got my brother and tricked him into singing a love song to me?" I spat. "That's sick!" I yell as I turn around and leave him. "That wasn't right." Jordyn says from behind. "Great, you seen it to." I say rolling my eyes. "It's okay, just stay focused on the tour." She says walking past me. I walk outside and sit down setting my hat on the ground next to me.

Going, back to the corner where I first saw you. Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move.

I continue singing until I notice a circle around me and my hat full of money. "Oh." I say in shock. Everyone starts clapping. "No, I didn't mean this. Take you money back." I say holding my hat out to the people. "You are a great singer, you deserve it." A man says. "Sing something else." I lady behind him says. I continue spending the day singing to groups of people. I even tell them about the tour. When I finally get back I meet Bart. "You did a good job." He says with a smile. "What?" I question. "You drew attention to the tour bringing more money." He says. I walk to my room and watch t.v waiting for Hayes to wake up so he can call me.

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