The Game

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"You braking up with Hayes because of me." He says noticing my confusion. "I'm not braking up with Hayes?" I say questioningly. "Well, look at this." He says holding his phone up. He's on InstaGram where a girl named JordynJ had a picture of me and Hunter hugging. The caption said. "Hayes' girlfriend found with another guys? Wow why cheat? @HayesGrier @HeyItsRyleeD7" I feel tears in my eyes as I get a call from Nash. I slowly answer.

"Hello?" I say starting to cry.

"It's not true is it?" Nash asks knowing I didn't.

"I would never hurt Hayes, it isn't like that. Who is that Jordyn girl anyways?!" I ask as I walk out of the cafeteria fast as I cry more.

"Jordyn Jones, she was Hayes' first girlfriend and he broke up with her for you. She wants to ruin you Rylee. You need to come back." He says understandingly.

"I will come back Sunday." I say as I continue crying.

"Okay, I will talk to Hayes. Don't forget I'm always here for you." He says before I hang up.

I walk back into the cafeteria and carry on with what I was doing. I sit with Erica, Sophia, Shalee, Kadynce and Kylie.


I walk into the gate of the football field. I see the younger kids run into the field to get in their places as someone puts their hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" He says. "Hayes!" I say as I turn around to hug him. "Who's jersey are you wearing?" He questions. "Oh, Hunters." I say awkwardly. "Hm, okay." He says as I grab his hand and pull him into the stand. We sit together and talk for awhile. "Rylee, we need to talk. Come with me." Hayes says as he stands up and grabs my hand and walks off the bleachers.

We get to a dark road when he stops and turns to me grabbing both hands. "Do you love me?" He asks after a long while of silence. "Hayes, of course I do. Why would you question that?" I ask as I hug him. He pushes me back. "Why are you always with him?" He asks not looking at me. "Hayes, he's only a friend. He was there for me when no one else was. I love you Hayes." I say pulling his chin, forcing him to look at me.

I walk out into the darkness following the sound of Rylees voice. I finally find her with a boy. "I love you Hayes." She says as she pulls his chin making the boy face her. "That must be the Hayes she talks about all the time." I think to myself. Right as Hayes kisses her hard yet passionately. It goes on for awhile until I interrupt. "Cough cough." I say making both of them jolt back. "That seemed intense." I say laughing as I can tell Rylees cheeks are getting red. "I kinda need to talk to Rylee." I say awkwardly as I look over to Hayes. He shifts awkwardly as he nods. He walks past Rylee and kisses her cheek. "I will be right there." She whispers to him as he walks off. "Caden just asked out Sophia!" I squeal. "Oh My gosh really?!" She says back tuning up and hugging me. "Let's go make sure they aren't doing anything." Rylee giggles as we run to the bleachers to spy on them. Caden had his arm around Sophia as they were eating popcorn and laughing. Sophia puts her hand in the popcorn and Caden does to making their hands touch. They take their hands back with shock before holding hands and smiling at each other "Aww." Rylee coo's. Sophia jolts toward us. "Oh my gosh Rylee!" She scolds. "Wow Rylee, thanks for ruining the moment." Caden says kind of annoyed.
The high school football boys then enter the field. "I gotta go watch. I hope we do well!" Rylee says as she runs down to Hayes on the other side of the bleachers. They laugh and smile with eachother, they are perfect. I smile to myself as he kisses her cheek.

"What if I mess up and disappoint her?!" He halfway yells. "Hunter pay attention! We gotta win this!" I say as we all get into a huddle. "1,2,3" Gatlynn says as we all yell. "Go Indians!" And run off to the field. John, Jake, Me, Gatlin, Zac, Hunter, Preston, and Damien are the starters. Gatlin as quarterback and me as running back. We all get into our area until. Gatlin has the ball I run over behind the other team as he throws it to me. I run halfway to a touch down until some one hits me causing me to fall. I keep the ball in my arms as people pile on top of me adding pressure where I can barely breath until. Crack.

"Number 7 down!" The announcer yells as I jump out of my seat. "What?" Hayes yells as I jump over the railing into the field. "It's Riley!" I yell as tears fall down my face. I run over and start shoving people off of him I grab him and lift him up. "I- I" he gasps for breath. "Is okay Riley, I got you stay calm!" I practically yell as I put him on my back and carry him to the ambulance getting in with him as I grab Hunter hand and pull him in. We finally get to the hospital and the lady at the counter stops me. "Are you related to him?" She questions. "Uhm..." I don't know what to say, I'm blank. "Shes his sister!" Hunter yells as she lets me go and I run to catch up. They run him through the doors. "You will be okay Riley! I promise!" I yell as they take him away.

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