Going to Magcon

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*There was a mess up. This is chapter 4.*

"Uhm Rylee, Hayes and Nash are in your house." Sophia says in shock as Erica runs and jumps into Hayes' arms. "RYLEE YOU GIVE ME THE BEST DREAMS!" Erica yells still in Hayes' arms. "Yeah, okay Erica." I say laughing to myself. "Guys I'm sorry that I made us late to magcon." I say looking down. Erica turns and looks at me. "We don't get to go to Magcon now, do we?" Erica says looking at me and Sophia. "Well, how would we get there in time?" Sophia asks questioningly. Nash clears his throat. I turn and look at him raising an eyebrow. "Well, it's not like me and Hayes are famous or anything. Plus it's not like we have a private jet." Nash jokes playfully. I run into his arms. "Thank you Nash!" I say as he slowly lets me down. I grab my things and Nash opens the door for us. The order is Erica, Sophia, me, then Hayes. Erica walks past and Nash kiss' her cheek, Sophia passes him and tries to kiss her cheek but she puts her hand to his face as his bright blue orbs open wide as he blushes of embarrassment. "Wow, nice Nash." Hayes says from behind me. "Your Nashty." Sophia mumbles under her breathe. Her dark eyes pop open. "I MEAN NASTY!" She yells knowing I heard. Nash laughs as he puts the bags in the back of the pick-up. I look over and see Sierra with her knees pulled up to her face crying under our tree we go to when we're sad. I walk up and she looks up at me then looks down and continues crying. I hold out my hand and help her stand and pull her into a hug. "Sierra, I know what happened. I know your upset but just give him a chance to apologize. For me?" I say looking into her brown eyes and her looking into my greenish blue. She nods. "Okay, but only for you." she says as we hug again. "Thank you! Here I will help with your bags." I say with a smile and grabbing some of her things. I put them in the truck and get in sitting on the left side next to Hayes and I let Sophia sit on my lap(her being the smallest)
We get out of the pick-up and get into the jet. We all get settled and I decide to look at my phone. On Twitter I got 20 new follower some of them I didn't know but Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Shawn, and Matt I knew. I look at my Vine and Cameron, Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Matt, Carter, and Aaron follow me. I look around and everyone is peaceful. "Hayes?" I say as he turns around and our eyes meet. "Yeah?!" He says curiously. "How much time do we have left, I'm kinda tired." I say honestly. "Oh 30 minutes." He says getting up from his chair and coming to pick me up bridal style. He sets me down on one of their white leather couches. He lays next to me and I drift to sleep in his arms.
Hayes' POV
Rylee fell asleep in my arms, she looks so peaceful and beautiful. "Sleep tight." I whisper kissing her forehead. "Wow Hayes." Nash says not being quiet at all. Everyone turns and looks at me as I put my finger over my lips telling them to be quiet. "She's trying to sleep!" I say to them. "So you need to kiss her?" Nash says smirking at me. I look over and a girl is giving me a bad look, I think her name is Sophia. She has dark eyes and dark hair, she's pretty I guess but not as pretty as Rylee with her amazing eyes and golden hair.
The jet is on the ground and it's time to get off the jet. I don't want to wake up Rylee so I pick her up and walk slowly off the plane to see  Cameron standing there. "Can you not touch my little sister?!" He said bitterly taking her into his arms. I go back into the jet and grab some stuff and put it in Cameron's car. Cameron, Nash, me, Rylee, and Sophia take Cam's car while Sierra, and Erica take a cab. We are halfway there when Cam turns and looks at me. "What did you do to my sister on the jet." He snickers. "Wow Cam, I just didn't want to wake her. I carried her off the jet and gave her to you that's it." I say innocently. "Except you kissed her to." Nash says laughing. Cameron pulls over and I'm sure he's going to kill me until he picks up Rylee and takes her to where Nash is sitting in the passenger seat. Cameron opens the door. "Move." He says looking at Nash then at me coldly. Nash gets up and sits where Rylee was. "Thanks a lot Hayes." Nash snickers. I hear a giggle and look over to see Sophia laughing at me. I promise you she is evil.
                      Rylees POV
I wake up in a car. I sit up and look around. I see Cam driving and in the backseat Nash on the right Sophia on the left and Hayes in the middle. "Well good morning sleepy head." Cameron says laughing. "How long was I asleep?" I question. "Only about an hour." Hayes says looking into my eyes. I wonder if he can see through my soul or something with those eyes. I mouth the word "oh" and turn back around. We pull up to a 10 story building that looks REALLY nice. Cam pulls up and stops the car and I go get my things from the back as Sierra and Erica pull up. "How was the ride?" I ask. "Pretty good, you?" Sierra asks sleepily. "Same." I say going back to work. We walk into the lobby and walk up to the front desk. "Rooms for Grier and Dallas please." Cameron says looking at me and back to the man behind the counter. We get our keys and Cam looks at me and get in a position. "Want a ride?" He asks playfully. "Sure!" I say hopping onto his back as he carries me up to our rooms. Our room is 207 and Nash's is across the hall. Me, Cameron, Erica, and Sierra walk into our room and start putting things away when all of a sudden people burst through the door. "YO CAMMM!" Taylor yells as the other guys just say hey. Taylor walks over and whispers in Cameron's ear. "Who's the cutie?" He says winking at me. Cameron steps back and yells. "BRO THAT MY LITTLE SISTER!" As they are fighting Matt comes over to me and hugs me swaying back and forth. "I'm Matt." He says smiling. "I'm Rylee." I say as I look into his brown eyes until he turns and walks away. Taylor walks out of the room and comes back soon after. He walks up to me with a green bandana (my fav color) "hey, I thought you might want this." He says smiling as he puts it on and stepping back as if he is admiring his job. "Your beautiful." He says before kissing my cheek and walking out of the room. I look down and blush. I walk over to Erica and we start talking until Shawn comes in. "Hey, Rylee I heard you like music.. Would you maybe wanna work with me?" He asks nervously. "Of course." I say smiling at him reassuringly. He grabs my hand and practically drags me.
Hey guys! How are you liking it so far?! What do you think would be better #Rayes or #Tylee (Rayes= Rylee and Hayes Tylee= Rylee and Taylor) please tell me who would be cuter with who! Love you guys and thank you!

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