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I drop everything as my locker door opens. There is a note that falls to the ground. I pick everything up and put it back in my locker as I unfold the piece of paper. 'Turn around.' It said. This type of thing is usually found in a horror movie I think to myself as I slowly turn around. Hunter is there holding up a poster and his jersey. The poster read 'Homecoming is Coming. You are going to the game. But why go to the dance by yourself? Come with me?' A smile crept across my face as I walk over to him. "Yes." I say smiling as he hands me the jersey. "Go ahead. Put it on." He says smiling. I slowly pull it over my head and it falls slowly. "It's a bit big." I say with a giggle. "It's fine he says. "Hey, I gotta go. See ya tonight." He says as he races up the hall.

"No. bad Rylee!" Sophia says as she comes up to me. "What?" I ask looking at her. "You can't like him! You have Hayes." She says obviously getting mad. "He's just taking me to homecoming. It's like Caden taking you." I say annoyed. "No it isn't. I have seen the way he looks at you Rylee Marie. And it's not alright." she says in a louder tone. "I have seen the way Caden looks at you too! And don't use my middle name." I say madly as I slam my locker and walk to math.

"Nice jersey Name Stealer!" Riley laughs as he runs up behind me. "Ha, thanks." I laugh. We walk into the lunch room. "Well, she is obviously cheating!" A girl with dark black hair whispers to a boy I know, named Teagan. Riley notices too. "People have been giving you a hard time?" He questions as I fight back the anger. I slowly nod. "Riley... does he like me." I ask. "Of course he does! Everyone likes you." He says bringing me into a hug. "No, I mean like-like me." I say looking at my feet. "Maybe...." he says looking around the room. "Riley, you know! Just tell her." Preston says from behind us. "Everyone knows." Eric says back. "What?" I say confused. Hunter then runs up to us in line. "Rylee, I don't mean it like that! I don't want you to brake up with Hayes. I mean I do but- I don't want it to be because of me." He yells as he holds my shoulders. "Hunter? What are you talking about?" I ask worried.

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