Night Swimming?

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Magcon is over for today and I'm walking out side to one of the 3 black vans Bart drives us around in I get in one with Taylor, Cam, Matt, Erica, and Sophia. "Hey Rylee tonight we are planning to go night swimming, you in?" Taylor asks with a smirk. "Night Swimming? What the heck is that?!" I ask laughing to myself. "It's just swimming in the night, the sun is gone so you can't tan." Sophia says rolling her eyes. She hated that I would tan more then swim. "Oh, okay sure I guess." The vans start driving and I scroll through my phone until we get to the hotel I race to the elevator and press the button. I have to be the first one there so I get the bathroom. I run down the hall and try to open the door. But just my luck I don't have the key. "Hahaha, little sis looking for this?" Cam says holding up the key. I give him a look right as Hayes comes from behind him grabs the key card and runs to me with all the other guys following he hands me the card and I quickly grab my things and run to the bathroom. "HAHAHA!" I yell through the door. "Oh shut it." Cameron says laughing I get out my phone and text Hayes thanks and I put on my swimsuit it is a teal and zebra print bikini but I hate the bottoms so I have some zebra print shorts I wear with them. I look around for my shirt. I always wear a shirt over my bikinis. I have a secret that I have always hidden... But I left my shirt outside. I open the bathroom door and Sierra races past me stealing the bathroom. "Uhm Rylee?" Hayes says confused. "Hm?" I say raising my eyebrow. "Why are you hiding your stomach?" He asks while I grab my shirt. "Uhm.." Crap. "Well.. I- I'm fat!" I say relieved I came up with something. "No you aren't!" He says laughing. All of a sudden he runs at me and yanks the towel. "HAYES!" I yell. His jaw drops. "Woah." He says in awe. I put my shirt on and walk up to him inches away from his face. "Shut up and don't tell anyone!" I say through gritted teeth. "CAM!" Hayes yells I turn and cover his mouth as Cameron runs in. "Uhm... Rylee what are you doing?" Hayes bites my hand. Not hard but it suprises me and I let go of his mouth. "RYLEE HAS A FULL ON SIX PACK!" Hayes yells fast as he runs out the doorway where everyone is now standing. "Rylee?" Cameron says raising an eye brow. I look away, that's all I can do. "Take off the shirt." Sophia says pushing past them. "You shouldn't be ashamed, it's cool! I told you!" She says smiling. I lift up the shirt and take it off. Mahogany starts laughing. "Cam! She might have more abs then you!" Everyone starts laughing even me but Cameron stands there shocked in disbelief. Hayes peeks through the door. "HA TOLD YOU!" He says running in and hugging me. We eventually start walking to the pool. Hayes runs and does a front-flip in unison with Carter and Aaron. Cam and Nash do cannon balls and everyone else walk in. I stand out and watch for a bit until someone comes from behind and grabs my hips lifting me and and throwing me into the pool I turn and look to see Taylor laughing his butt off. "You think that's funny?" I ask laughing along with everyone else. "Yeah, I do!" He says honestly. I walk up to him and run to the edge of the pool where I do a two backflips into a back dive all in one. I come up and get out of the pool hearing gasps. "What can you do?" I ask raising my eyebrow at Taylor. "Uhm.." He walk to the edge and jumps straight in. "That's what I thought." I say wiping my shoulders off.
The day goes on and we are all having fun. After Taylor jumped in he ran back to the hotel room to get his bandana since his other one is wet. He comes back out and yells "SUPPP IM BACKKK!" Then he turns to me. "Miss me?" He says as he winks and I look down and blush. We all sit down and everyone talk. I sit by myself and Taylor comes up and sits by me. I sit up. "Hey Taylor, I have a question." I say kind of nervous. "Ask away?" He says looking at me. "Why do you always wear a bandana?" I ask. "Well, I hate my hair. I always have." He says shrugging. "Tomorrow would you not wear it, for me? So I can see what you look like without it." I ask as he thinks for a bit. "I wi-" I cut him off. "YAY!" I say hugging him. He pushes me off and puts a serious look on his face. Did I do something wrong? "I will, only if you agree to go on a date with me tomorrow night." He says smirking and hugging me back. "Okay, I agree to this." I say trying to be serious and we both laugh at me failing to be serious. He leans in. Is he going to kiss me?! What do I do?! *cough cough* Cam clears his throat. I turn to look at him as Taylor almost falls out of his seat. "What going on here?" Cameron asks glaring at Taylor. "Cam, Taylor asked me to go on a date with him tomorrow night. I said yes." I smile over at Taylor who calms down and smiles back. "No." Cameron says sternly as my smile fades. "Yes." I say in my usual tone. "I'm your older brother and I said no!" He yells getting everyone's attention. A tear slowly falls down my cheek. "Yeah your my older brother who only cares about his friends obviously, that's why your never around." I say storming away as Taylor follows me. The tears come down fast and I just fall to my knees. "Hey, it's okay." Taylor says trying to calm me down. "No! No it isn't! I just met him and he wants to be part of my life yet he hasn't been around for 15 years of it!" I yell. I turn around and Matt and Hayes are coming closer. "Hey Rylee. Cam shouldn't have done that to you but you need to go out there, speak your mind, and sing for us." Matt says with a laugh at the end. My tears dry like magic as a smile appears across my face. "Sing for 'us'?" I ask laughing. "Yes us!" Hayes says. We all laugh and they walk me outside. "Cameron you have no right to treat me like a li-" he cuts me off "I know." He says but I ignore. " I'm 15 you can't treat my like I'm 12! Wait? What?" I ask. "I should be more understanding I'm sorry." He says hugging me. "Whoa whoa wait! You are still going to sing for us aren't you?!" Taylor asks with a smirk. "What should I sing?" I ask while sitting down. "Alli." Sophia said, and that's all I needed. I whisper in Shawns ear and he plays the tune of "September" by daughtry. This song is pretty much me and my best friend/cousins life. I start to sing.
Of all the things I still remember summers never looked the same, years go by and time just seems to fly but the memorize's remain. In the middle of September we still play out in the rain, nothing to lose but everything to gain.

And I go on until it's over and everyone claps. "Why did all Sophia have to say was Alli?" Carter asks curiously. "Alli is my cousin and my best friend. We loved the rain and every September when it would rain we would spend time together." I say truthful as he makes the 'oh' face. I walk up to my room and fall asleep.

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