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Abby: I want you to come and try out for my Elite Dance team.
Me: really? Miss. Abby I would love to! I will talk to my manager and then call you back.
Abby: okay, I will be ready for a call.
Me: bye Miss. Abby.
Abby: bye dear.

"What did she say?!" Hayes asks. "She wants me to try out for her Elite Dance team!" I say happily. "What did you say?!" He asks. "I told her I would call her back. I need to talk to Bart first." I say calmly as I continue driving.

I run into the house and into Cameron's arms. "Wow, are you okay?" He asks surprised. "I'm fine." I say happily. "Guess what!" I say. "What?" He asks as everyone enters the living room. "I got a call from Abby Lee and she wants me to try out for her Elite Dance Team!" I half way scream. Cam picks me up into a hug. "What did you say?" Mom asks. "She says shes going to talk to Bart first." Hayes says. "I will go do that now!" I say running up to my room. I talk to Bart and he says yes. I run down the stairs screaming. "I GET TO TRY OUT FOR ALDC!" Over and over again. Nash spreads the word over social media and Cam spreads it to the boys. I call Abby back and the try outs are tomorrow. "I want you all to watch!" I say excited. "Even me?" Bryan asks. "Yes, you will be my brother-in-law soon. So of course." I say smiling. "Rylee, you need to get to bed." My moms says. I walk up to my room and set out my dance clothes for tomorrow. "Wow, your gonna dress like that?" Hayes asks. "All dancers do. Is it bad?" I ask worried. "Is there going to be guys there?" He asks. "Well, some." I reply. "I don't want you to wear that." He says. I don't refuse I just grab a muscle tee that Taylor got me. I lay in bed and Hayes cuddles next to me.

(At the try outs picture above is what she sees when she walks in)
"Rylee! I'm excited you made it!" Miss. Abby says. "Meet the girls!" She says scooting me in. "This is Maddie, Mackenzie, Kendall, Kaloni, Nia, Jojo, and Brynn." She says pointing to all of them. "Maddie and Mackenzie are just watching because they are leaving this year. But the other girls will be trying out." She says with a smile. "Hi, I'm Rylee Dallas." I say smiling. "Your dating Hayes." Kaloni says. "Well not dating." I trail off. "Let's get started!" Miss. Abby says. I get on stage as she tells us what to do middle split, people leave, right split, more people, left split, even more. "I want you all to watch Mackenzie." She says. We watch and follow the routine and more people get called out. We do ariels, back hand springs and different dances until she has a small group. "Position." She says. She walks passed me. "Your foot isn't straight!" She yells. Most of the girls leave. "My girls are. Nia, Jojo, Kaloni, Kendall, and Rylee!" She says happily. I can't help but bounce up and down.

I told myself that when Rylee won I would ask her out. To be my girlfriend again. She did really good and Abby calls out. "My girls are. Mia, Jojo, Brynn, Kaloni, Kendall, and Rylee!" I look over to Rylee and see her jumping up and down and getting hugged by the rest of the girls, except Kaloni. I walk onto the stage with flowers I had brought just in case. I got down on my knee in front of her. Her eyes full of shock. "Rylee Dallas. I love you. I love you so much." I say slowly. I hand her the flowers. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask as I open a box revealing a heart necklace. Tears come into her eyes. She begain to nod. "Yes Hayes!" She said happily. I pull her hair back and clasp the necklace. She runs into my arms and we kiss. Not quick, but long and full of love and passion.

"Okay, you can stop swollowing my sister!" I hear cam yell over the "awes." I pull away and smile as she blushes. We then walk off stage. "The practices start next week on Tuesday!" Miss. Abby says as we leave. As we get into the car Cameron and Nash both are on their phones spreading the word. Before we leave I see Bart. "Nice job Rylee." He says smiling before we pull away.

I get many calls that day from the boys and one from Sammy. Sammy and Jacob are now dating. They were announced "cutest kid couple" until Hayes and I started dating, which was today. They are now second and we are first. She really loves Jacob and Jacob loves her. She tells me every cute quote he says and all the cute things he does for her. For Valentine's Day he got her a huge candy heart and when he gave it to her he had it on video and posted it to which made a huge scene. For my Valentine's Day me and Hayes went out to IHOP and then we watched movies at my house. No romance movies because that's not what we are into but horror. Today was amazing all thanks to Hayes. Hayes brings me out of my day dream by kissing me again and whispering sweet things in my ear as he holds my hand and let's my head rest in his shoulder.

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