I Think We Need To Take A Break

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I sit with Hunter waiting to hear about Riley. Shalee, Caden, and Sophia come into the sitting area and pull me into a hug. "Rylee he will be okay." Shalee says trying to sooth me, "Hunter, you okay?" Caden asks him. "He will be okay, he always is." Hunter says as he stands up and gets a bottle of gatorade. Hayes then runs into the area as my head is in his hands. "How is he?" Hayes asks Hunter. "A few broken ribs. He wont be able to play the rest of the season." Hunter says upset.

"Rylee, You okay?" Hayes asks as i slowly lift my head. "Yeah, im just worried." I say looking into his eyes. "two of you can come in." The nurse says as me and Hunter stand up and follow behind her. "hey guys." He says softy. I walk over and sit on the corner of his bed. "How are you doing?" I question. "Fine, It hurts really bad..." He says. After a bit of silence he says. "Thanks for pulling me out of there." I smile at him reassuringly. "Rylee, can i talk to you in private?" Hayes asks peaking his head through the door. I look over at Riley  and he nods as i walk over to Hayes. We walk out of the hospital and sit down to talk.
"I love you." He says holding my hands. "I love you too, but Hayes are you okay?" I question curiously. "No, no im not." He says as tears start forming in his eyes. "I can't stand waking up every morning and think if you still love me, or if you love someone else... or even if your cheating on me." He says. Tears start falling from my eyes. "Hayes, what are you saying? Do you?" I can't go on through the tears. "Rylee, I love you but I think we should take a brake, and when you come back to magcon we can be together... it's just.." he trails off. "Its just what Hayes?! You think someone will take me from you?" I question. He does nothing but look down at his feet. "Well guess what Benjamin Hayes Grier? It's not going to happen." I snap as I stand up and walk back into the hospital. I get out my phone and text Nash.

Me: your right...

Nash: okay I don't get told that a lot.... what happened?

Me: Jordyn is trying to ruin me. Hayes just said he thinks we should take a brake.

Nash: Take a brake?! As in brake up?

Me: apparently.

Nash: but you guys were so perfect and he loved you so much.

Me: well obviously it was all a lie.

Nash: I will talk to him.

I put my phone back into my pocket as I wipe away the tears and walk into the room. The boys were laughing and talking about football. I sit back at the edge of the bed and everything goes silent. "What happened?" Riley asks grabbing my hand. "He did something. What did he do to you?" Hunter asks with rage. I don't hold it in anymore as tears run like a river down my face. "Hayes and I bro- broke up!" I spill out. "That's it!" Hunter yells as he speed walks out of the room with his fists balled up. I can hear him run when he turns the corner. I glance over at Riley. "He's going to do something bad.." Riley says sanding up as we walk down the hall.

I can't believe that coward would brake up with her! He doesn't know what any guy would do to have her and he just throws her out like she's nothing. I run out the doors of a hospital and see him with a taller guy that some what looks like him. I pick him up off the bench from his shirt. "Do you know what you just did?!" I yell in his face. "What are you talking about?" He says trying to pull him away. "You just broke the beautifulest girl in the world's heart, and your gonna regret it." I say as my fist meets his cheek. The taller guy pulls me back but I keep swinging my fists. "Hunter!" I hear Rylee yell. I jolt around in time for a fist to hit my eye.

I run over and pull Hayes off of Hunter who stands up and punches Hayes again. I get in the middle of them and push them back as hard as I could causing them both to fall backwards. "Hunter , I know you were trying to protect me but you have no right punching Hayes." I say looking over to Hunter who's eye is already turning purple. "And Hayes, you shouldn't have fought back. You are literally going to start World War Three." I say looking over at him. He has a bruise forming on his cheek. I turn around and realize Nash is there. He looks like he's in shock. "And why didn't you stop this?" I question. "What? Oh... Uhm I don't know I just couldn't." Nash shrugs. "Hayes, I think you have something to say to Rylee." Nash says as I look over to Hayes. Hayes looks over at me, then Hunter and turns away and runs across the street. "Coward!" Hunter yells. I slap his shoulder lightly. "Don't." I scold as I look over to Nash. "I better go find him." He says awkwardly as I walk over and hug him.

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