The Dance

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(Rylee is Red and Jordyn is Blue)
All credit to ALDC.

After walking backstage we meet our choreographer. "Girls, are you ready to hear the story?" She asks. We both nod and she continues. "You both are fighting on who will be the queen. Your friends are your loyal soldiers. In this war, Rylee wins. We also will have some other dances with you two. So get ready." She assures. "Good Job." I tell Jordyn with a smile. She looks shocked. "You too." She says with a smile. We walk out together and finally she says something. "We should be friends." She blurts out. "Okay, what made you change your mind?" I ask. "Everything." Was her only answer before we were split up. 

"Girls." Bart says over the phone. "Great job with the show. I want you both to dance again. A lyrical, for Rylee and a hip hop for Jordyn." He says clearly. "I'm up for it." I say. "I can't wait!" Jordyn says before we hang up.

The next chapter is the dances they do. You don't have to watch it but you can if you want.

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