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  I finally help Rylee finish packing. We still have a few hours left. "Hey, what do you wanna do for your last day?" I ask her as she walks out of the bathroom. "I want to stay with all of the boys, I want to sing a cover with Shawn, make people laugh with Taylor, be weird with Nash, hang out with my big brother, and look into your eyes and tell you how much you mean to me." She says really fast. "I'm up for that." I say standing up off of the bed. I grab her hand and walk into my room where all the other boys are. "Hey guys! Listen we have plans for today." I say loudly getting their attention. "It's Rylees last day and she wants to spend time with us. She will do a cover of a song with Shawn, make a YouTube video featuring us, and just sit around and talk." I say not to fast and not to slow. "I like the sound of this." Shawn says smiling at Rylee as she smiles back. "Yo, Hayes. What were you yelling last night?" Jack J asks, in front of everyone. Rylee turns and looks at me questioningly. She then looks down at my hand and grabs it, I look up into her eyes then back at everyone else. "Me and Rylee are official, officially together." I say smiling and looking back at Rylee. Her eyes glisten as she smiles back. I look back at the boys and Shawns jaw drops. "You can't be." Matt says through gritted teeth. "Yeah prove it!" Taylor says standing next to Matt. I look over to Rylee, she nods. I lean down and kiss her slowly. I stand back up straight and Shawn paces out of the room. Taylor sends a glare at Rylee, then me. He starts walking to the door but I stop him. "What's your problem?" I ask sternly. The only word he says is "you." As he walks out of the room. Matt walks over to the Jacks and they start talking. "I should go check on Shawn." Rylee says slowly and kind of upset. "Why? Do you like him?" I ask upset and nervous. "No, no! He's just my friend. Shawn was there when no one else was, and I need to be there for him." She says as she hugs me and walks out of the room. I look through my phone and set a picture of Rylee as my background. I look down to see her phone has lite up from a message.

Taylor: Why would you lie to someone you love?

Someone she loves? I am the ONLY someone she loves.... right?
I set her phone back down as she walks in with Shawn. Hand in hand. Angry boils up inside me. "You got a text Ry." I say as her and Shawns bright smiles fade. She walks over and picks up her phone. Her jaw drops. "Hayes... I-" she starts until I cut her off. "No! I asked you and you didn't need to lie to me, maybe you like Taylor AND Shawn since you guys are always so happy." I said as my eyes get glossy. I don't usually cry, but when it's about Rylee it's different. She walks up and hugs me. I want to push her away but I can't. I just stand there as the beautiful girl I love is hugging me. Taylor then walks in. "WHATS UP?!" He screams. I can't help but send him a glare, Rylee lets go of me. I look into her stunning eyes that are somewhat grey. I love her, but right now I need to think. I push past her and walk out of the room.

Hey guys! Sorry this is A LOT shorter than usual. I wanted to try doing it from Hayes' point of view. What do you think Hayes will do to take his mind off of things? What will Rylee do? What is Shawn thinking? What is Taylor and Matt planning? Well, read to find out on the next chapter. Don't forget to Vote/Comment/Follow! Love you guys! XOXO 😘

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