The Dress

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I walk into the place where we are buying my dress and I am super excited but nervous at the same time. "Rylee Dallas?" The man calls. "That's me." I say raising my hand slightly. "Oh nice to meet you! I'm Kelvin and I will be helping you pick out your dress today!" He says with a huge smile as my family begins to clap. "Now, may I ask a few questions?" He asks. "Ask away." I say with a sigh of relief. "Who all did you bring with you?" He asks pointing to my family. "Well this is my mom, my sister, my best friends Sophia, Kendall, Sammy, Nash, and my brother Cameron." I say pointing to each as you go. "It's nice to meet you all." He says shacking all of their hands. "So who's the lucky fella?" He asks raising his eyebrows playfully. "Hayes Grier." I say with a smile as I feel my cheeks get red. "Well isn't that adorable!" He squeals. "Is he the famous kid from Magcon?!" He asks as I nod my head. "Ooo, this will be fun. Now what are you looking for in a dress?" He asks curiously. "Something traditionally white, maybe a ball gown?" I somewhat explain. "Lets see what we can find you!" Kelvin says as he walks us back to where the dresses are. We pick out five. One Sierra picked out that was made to fit really tight and is kinda revealing. Then Cameron's, which was less revealing but had a lot of lace. Sammy picked one with a heart neck line and it was kinda pinkish. My mom picked one that had one long lace sleeve and the other side didn't have one, it was knee length. Last after a lot of hard looking Nash brings me a dress that is the most beautiful I think I have ever seen.It is a white ballgown like I wanted. It has sleeves that are mid shoulder a heart neck line and a more snug top with some rhinestone and the bottom puffs out. I finally put it on and look at it in the mirror. (A/N the girl in the picture isn't Rylee, I just used that picture for the dress.) I put my hand over my mouth as tears of joy fall from my cheeks. I turn around and see my family and friends all smiling at me. I waddle up to Nash and hug him. "It's perfect, thank you." I says still crying a little. As I am still hugging Nash, Cameron comes up to hug me from behind and Sierra and everyone else causing a huge group hug. I talk to Kelvin and he puts it up for me. We walk out of the store and head back home.


We walk in and Hayes is sitting on the couch watching football. "We're back!" Cameron yells as he shuts the door. Hayes turn and looks at me with a smile before standing up and walking over to me. "How'd it go?" He asks with a smile as he leans close and give me a small peck on the lips. "Good, how was Marie?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "We had so much fun Aunt Rylee!" Marie yells as she runs over and hugs my leg. "That's great!" I say bending down and picking her up. "What all did you do?" I ask anxiously. I look over and Hayes has a surprised look on his face. "What the heck happened to the kitchen!" Nash yells from the other room. I look back at Hayes and roll my eyes as I walk into the kitchen. "Surprise!" Marie yells as we walk in. My jaw drops at the mess. There is flour all over the counter and floor and eggs cracked in the sink. I set Marie down and tell her to go play outside. "What were you two doing?!" I ask annoyed as I grab a rag and start wiping the counters. A ringing sound then goes off and Hayes races to the oven and pulls out a cookie sheet. "Ta da!" He says placing them on the stove to cool. "Fine, just help me clean this up." I say smiling as I roll my eyes again. He starts cleaning the sink as I wipe off the cabinets. "Hey Rylee." He says real calm like. "Hm?" I ask turning to face him as water goes all over me. "Hayes! Stop!" I yell as I begin laughing. "Benjamin Hayes Grier!" A fimiluar voice says from behind us. He stops squirting me as we both turn to the voice. "Will!" He says as he runs up and hugs his big brother. "Hi Will." I say as I hug him. I haven't seen him since Hayes and I first started dating. "Hey Rylee." He says smiling at me. "What are you doing here?" Hayes asks right as Nash and Cameron walk down the stairs. "I just was around and decided to stop and check in." He says still smiling before he starts talking about football with the guys.

After I Clean The Kitchen

I walk up to my room and lay down watching tv. My phone rings, I don't look at who's calling I just answer.
R: Hello?
Unknown: Hey is this Rylee Dallas?
R: yes, who is this?
Unknown: oh, hey it's Kadynce.
R: Kadynce! I haven't heard from you in forever how are you?
K: I'm good, I'm married to Jesse and we are expecting a baby girl this month.
R: I'm so happy for you. I don't mean to be rude but why did you call?
K: well, we bought the house you use to live in. I was wondering if you would like to come over for a bit to see what we've done to the place.
R: of coarse when?!

(After the con.)

I walk downstairs and down to the basement. I turn to the door of my mothers room and knock. "Mom?" I wait for a bit until she answers. "Come in!" She says. I walk in to see her in bed watching tv. "I am going back to Oklahoma next week to see some friends." I explain. "That's nice." She says with a smile. "I'm going to see Kadynce, she married Jesse and they are having a baby soon!" I say happily. "That's nice! How long will you be gone?" She asks still seeming happy. "For a week, they live in our old house and they want me to see what they've changed." I explain all she does is nod as I soon leave the room. I walk back up the stairs to tell Hayes.

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