Hayes' POV

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We get back home and I pick Rylee up and carry her inside. I walk out of her room and sit on the couch texting Carter. I feel someone sit down next to me. I look up from my phone to see Cameron. "Hi?" I halfway question. "I want to talk to you about Rylee." He said. I gently put my phone back into my pocket. "What's up?" I ask. "Rylees going to be gone a lot. She's working hard for our family." He says. "Yeah, I know." I say. "Well, she's going to meet more people. Girls, and boys and I don't want you to... ya know. Act the way you do when she's around other guys." He says. "Act what way?" I question as Nash walks in. "Don't get jealous Hayes." Nash says sitting down. "Cameron, what are you saying?" I ask nervously. "Hayes, I except you and Rylee. You guys are perfect together, but if she is talking to another guy and you go on your spurt again and hurt her... let's just say it won't be good for you." He said as he gets up and walks away. I look over at Nash and he shrugs. "Cameron isn't kidding." He says as he stands up and follows.

After about five minutes of texting Carter I get up and go to Rylees room. I am extremely bored. I get on her bed and start jumping. "Hayes." She moans in her raspy morning voice. "Yes dear?" I say sweetly still jumping. "Hayes stop. Let me sleep." She says. "But I'm bored!" I say bouncing down. "Go text Carter!" She says rolling over and putting the blanket over her head. I then get on her and pull off the blanket. "HAYES GET OFF!" She yelled. "Nope. Not until you do something with me." I say. "Hayes your heavy!" She complains. We sit there bickering until her phone goes off. She then rolls her eyes. "Thanks Hayes, i could have slept five more minutes until that went off." She said grabbing her phone off the night stand with me still on her. "Hello?" She says annoyed. "Oh Sophia!" She says brighter. "Of course! Come over!" She says happily. "Okay bye!" She says putting her phone down. "Get off please. I need to get dressed." She says. "Will I be included?" I ask. Her face turns to disgust. "Be included in my changing? Heck no! Get off me perv." She says trying to push me off. "You know I didn't mean it like that." I say as we both laugh. "Kiss me, then I will think about it." I say. She lets out a loud sigh and then leans up. I lean down to meet her as she quickly pecks my lips. I get off her. "Thank you." She says as I sit down in the bed. She goes to her closet and gets cloths she turns around and sees me. "Hayes... you can leave now." She says laughing. "Oh, yeah. Uhm of course." I say awkwardly walking out of the room closing the door behind me. Minutes later she comes out hair, and makeup done. "Your dressing up for Sophia?" I question. "Hey, I haven't seen her in awhile." She said. I hear a knock at the door. She walks down the stairs quickly. "Rylee!" I hear a voice say as another one says "Sophia!" I can tell there are hugging. "We need to talk! How's life going?" Sophia asks Rylee as I walk down the stairs to the living room where they were sitting. Sophia's dark eyes bolt toward me. "Oh, you live with him?" She asks dissatisfied. "Yes, Sophia. Hayes is my boyfriend." Rylee says with concern. I sit down next to her and kiss her cheek, showing Sophia I care about Rylee. "Well, you do remember he is the guy who hurt you multiple times." She says looking at me. "Sophia." Rylee complains. "Let's go to the trampoline." I say changing the subject. "Yeah, come on." Rylee said leading us. Sophia kept sneaking me bad looks when Rylee wasn't watching. We walk outside to our long trampoline. When I say long I mean LONG. Sophia gets on and jumps as Rylee does a front tuck and sticks it. "I can't do that." Sophia laughs. "Okay what about this?" Rylee says doing a round off toe touch. Sophia tried the round-off but it turned into a cartwheel and then toe touch. "Rylee, I'm going to call Carter and see if he wants to come." I say pulling out my phone. "Who's Carter?" I hear Sophia ask. Rylee explains while I invite Carter over. He said he is coming so I go onto the trampoline.

Carter finally shows up and we jump for a bit. "Hey! Let's play spin the bottle." Rylee says looking to Sophia who blushes. Rylee goes into the grass and does the middle splits where she will stay through the whole game. I sit across from her as Carter and Sophia sit to her sides. Rylee spins the bottle first. It spins and spins until it lands on me. She sighs with relief and kisses me. I kiss back quickly knowing Sophia was watching. Next I spin. It lands on Carter. I scoot close to him but he tries to push me back. "Come on Carty just a smooch!" I joke as Rylee laughs. We continue playing as Carter spins the bottle. It spins and soon lands on... Rylee. I feel anger rise as he leans in to MY girlfriend. I know Carter likes Rylee which makes it worse. Rylee scoots back not letting him kiss her. I feel relief as she says. "Okay let's do something else." We all stand up as Cameron runs outside. "Oh, hey Carter." He greets. "What do you want Cameron." Rylee jokes. "Do you have your phone?" He asks. She pats her pockets telling him no. He picks her up and carries her. "Cam what are you doing?" She questions. I didn't notice Nash came out but soon enough I was in his arms. He picked me up and followed Cameron. Soon we all were side by side and the boys were walking to the pool. "Oh heck no!" I yell. "I have my phone!" I lie trying to let them stop. "Liar." Nash says as they stop. Nash and Cameron face eachother then throw us in at the same time. "CAMERON!" Rylee yells as she climbs out. "Cam, this is where you run." I say. Nash looks at Cameron right as I tackle him. Cameron starts running as Rylee starts catching up. I don't even want to know what happened to Cameron.

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