Meeting her

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I walk up on stage as they sing to me. "Jordyn! Come out!" Daniel yells as a shorter blonde headed girl comes out on stage and starts dancing. I immediately snap to look at Nash. When the music stops I run up to him. "That's her!" He clarifies. "Yeah, and now I do... what?" I ask. "I have no idea." He says honestly. Hayes then walks up with Jordyn beside him and a HUGE smile on his face. "Hey Rylee! Have you met Jordyn yet?" He asks smiling. "I don't believe so?" I ask reaching out for a hand shake. She goes in for it then pulls it back quick. "Talentless is contagious. I need my dance career." she sneers at me. Hayes with a confused look on his face while mine has a glare. "I'm twice the dancer you will ever be." I state rolling my eyes. "Whoa, I was just kidding." She says laughing. "Plus I sing and dance. You... do nothing." She says back. "Rylee! Hayes! You need to do an interview." Bart yells from a trailer. I smirk at her and walk away with a hair flip. Hayes catches up with me. "What was that?" He asks. I hand him my phone with anger as I show him the picture. "She's trying to ruin me Hayes." I say through gritted teeth. "Hayes your first!" Bart yells as Hayes walks to the area.

Announced: what's up Hayes!

Hayes: nothing really.

Announcer: today we will ask you a few questions. Are you ready?

Hayes: ask away!

Announcer: everyone heard about the split between you and Rylee Dallas. Can you tell us why?

Hayes: well, we just needed a brake. Her more than me.
(He mutters the last part.)

Announcer: so you are single now?

Hayes: yeah, I guess so.

Announcer: what kind of girl would you be looking for?

Hayes turns and looks at me.

Hayes: a bad girl, that can dance and sing without freckles. And maybe... my ex? (He questions the last part.)

Announcer: are you talking about Jordyn Jones?

Hayes: I think... i am.

Announcer: you heard it here first Jayes is back!

And they cut off the video. "Rylee you have ten." Bart yells. I turn to go find Nash. He is with Cam by the stage. "You were right." I say to him. "Uhm about what?" He asks. "She's ruining me." I say looking down. "Look." I say handing him the video. "Rylee- I" he starts. "No it's fine. I don't need him." I say as I turn back to the trailer. Once I walk in I see Hayes sitting in the chair with Jordyn. "Rylee your turn." Bart says as I walk infront of the camera. "Hey guys!" I greet. "I will be reading questions from twitter and answering them at #RylzForRealz." I say forcing a smile. I pull out my phone. "Okay, what is your reaction to Hayes' video. Do you still love him?" I turn to look at Hayes who hears the question. "I don't really know what to think. If you would have asked me yesterday I would have said yes, I still love him. But now? I'm not so sure." I say truthfully. I turn to look at him with a hurt look  on his face, but then he turns away. "Is Jordyn a threat to you?" I smile to myself. "N to the O." I laugh at my comment. "If you had to choose Dance or Singing what would you pick. Probably dance." I say confidently. "Last question. Are you mad that I'm stealing Hayes from you. Because he never broke up with me. He got paid to date you. From JordynJ." I smirk to myself. "Uhm okay. Nope not mad. But what kind of question is that?" I ask amused. "CUT!" The director yells. Within second there are comment. "Rylee VS Jordyn. Rylee is way better then Jordyn. What kind of question was that? Lol." I smile at the comments. "Jordyn, Hayes, Rylee over here please." Bart yells. I walk over kind of nervous. "Nice job on the interviews." He greets. "Now, Hayes and Jordyn you both are below Rylee." He gets cut of by Jordyn. "below? As in?" She questions. "As in less popular. On the scale she beats you by...." he stops to think. "Let's just say a lot. Jordyn this will brake your career. And Hayes you and Rylee need to work something out or I will have to fire you." He says honestly. "Good job today Rylee, you are dismissed." He says with a smile. "Thank you Bart." As I walk away I hear Bart say. "You need to work on being like her." I smile at the comment. I look down at my phone.

Brendan: ignore them Ry. I got you.

The text makes me smile. "Rylee!" Cam yells catching up to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Of course." I reply as I keep walking. "There is a dance competition type thing." He blurts out. "What?" I ask stopping. "Bart is making you and Jordyn dance with eachother, but against eachother." He clears. "Seriously?" I spat. "Well, time to prove she is nothing compared to me." I say with sass as I walk into my room.

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