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"Ok I will text you when I get home." I say as I wave goodbye to Olivia, Kadynce, and Jesse. "Don't forget the wedding is tomorrow at 10." I say before closing the door and walking to my car. I get in and start driving back to Dallas Texas.

|At Home|
I grab my bag and walk up the walk way to the house. I reach to open the door but then I see Shawn standing there. I put my hand over my mouth and drop my bag. "Shawn!" I say before tuning and jumping into his arms for a hug. "I missed you!" He says as I feel a smile creep across his face. "You don't even know how much I missed you Shawn." I say back. "I bet I missed you more." He says as we pull away. "No I think-" I get cut off by Nash. "Okay let's not go all couple talk." He says with a laugh.  I look at Shawn and we both looked shocked. "Nahhhhhh..." I say as I grab my things and walk to the house. "Where's everyone?" I ask Nash. Before he says anything a little puppy and Marie come running into the room. The puppy runs up to me and it has a note. "I missed you so much! Come in our room ;) ~Hayes" I let out a small laugh before putting the note into my pocket. I hug Marie and grab the puppy before walking upstairs. I open the door to my room as I am forced into a huge group hug. "LOOK WHOS GETTING MARRIED!!!" I hear a fimiluar voice yell. I pull away and see Taylor, Aaron, Jacob, Dylan, Matthew, Jack and Jack. "Oh. My. Gosh!" I yell. "I missed you guys so much!" I say before hugging them all again. Then Cameron comes from the bathroom. He is throwing rose petals and Hayes is following behind him in a tux holding a rose. Cameron stops and Hayes walks up to me. "I believe we have reservations. If you would like to go on a date with me?" He says almost sounding nervous. I let out a small laugh. "I would go but..." I pause. "I don't believe you would like me to change with all these VERY attractive guys." I say with a laugh. His eyes get big before he starts laughing. "Ya heard her. Get out of my room!" He says before they all start laughing and leave. Expect for Aaron. "What are you doing In here?" I say jokingly. "I got you a dress." He says bursting into a huge smile. "Whoa..." I say as he reveals a black dress with spaghetti straps and layers on the bottom. "I picked it out for a wedding present. Like it?" He asks. "No. I love it." I say as I hug him. He laughs before walking over to the door. "Ok start getting ready!" He says before leaving the room.

(After I'm Ready)
I walk down the stairs slowly nervous of what the boys will think. I get to the bottom and can see all of their faces. "You look stunning." Aaron says admiring the dress he got. "Thanks." I look over to Hayes. "I have no words." He says with a shrug. "Do I look bad?" I ask looking down at myself. "No, I just think you out dressed me! I need to go fix my hair!" He says walking fast up to the bathroom. I start laughing until I notice something. "Where's mom? And Shawn?" I ask looking over to Nash and Cam. "Shawn is planning a surprise." Nash says with a smile but it soon fades when I look over to Cameron. "I will tell you about mom later." He says shaking it off as he walks over and hugs me. "You look beautiful just go have fun." He says before letting go and walking away fast. Hayes then comes down stairs and we leave for our date.

|At The Restaurant|

We walk in and walk up to this lady standing at a podium. "Name?" She asks. "Grier." He says with a smile looking over at me as I look around the place. It's very fancy. "Follow me." A new lady says. She is looking at Hayes not me. She has a big smile on her face. "Here you go Me. Grier." She says gesturing to a table. "You mean Mr. and Mrs. Grier?" He says noticing she is only talking to him. He pulls out a chair and I sit before he pushes me in. He walks over and sits down on his side. "Mrs. Grier?" I ask with a small laugh. "Well, that's what your going to be known as in a day." He says with a smile. "Yeah, I guess your right." I say smiling back. "Mr. Grier, your entertainment is here." A man says as he gives us sprite. "How did he know?" I ask. "Secret." He answers with a smile. Then Shawn walks up to our table with his guitar. "Shawn what are you doing her?!" I ask surprised. "This is my wedding present. He says before he starts imagination. My favorite song of his. I smile at him before turning to Hayes. "I didn't know." He mouths. After Shawn finishes we get our food. We eat and talk until four guys walk over. "Ready Hayes?" One asks. "Wait. Luke?" I ask shocked. "Hello Rylee." He says with a smile. "Go ahead." Hayes says. "5 seconds of summer? They sing-" I pause. "Yes." Hayes says looking at me.

"How did you know, I never talk about them." I ask. "Cameron told me. You could have told me, many parents split." He says "he didn't just leave!" I say in anger. "What?" He asks. "He took my sister with him!" I say getting more mad. "Sierra is here with you and Cameron and your mom." Hayes says trying to calm me down. "Remember Abby?" I ask. "The girl we seen on tour." He says. "Yes, she's not just my best friend shes my sister." I say as tears go down my face. He walks over and I stand up and he puts his arm around me and we leave. "I'm sorry." He says when we finally get outside. He kisses my cheek as we walk to the car and go back home. When we get there I race into the house. "Where's mom." I ask Cameron obviously mad. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks as he hugs me. "Cam, where's mom." I ask again. "Rylee, I was gonna wait to tell you. Mom went to the doctor yesterday she said her stomach hurt. And-" he paused. I pull away and look into his dark brown eyes. "She has stomach cancer." He said as a tear rolls down his cheek. I hug him again. "Why aren't you crying?" Hayes asks from behind me. "She's still here and she always will be. She can get past this. And sometimes you just have to be strong for the people you love." I say looking at my brother. "I told Hayes about Abby." I say quietly. Cam hugs me again. "Is Shawn back?" I ask as we're still hugging. He nods. "I'm going to go talk to him." I say before letting go. I look over at him one more time before leaving.

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