Four Years Later

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"Aunt Rylee!" Marie yells as I walk in the door with Hayes. "Hello Miss. Marie." I say picking her up and spinning her. "How was tour?" Sierra asks. "Good, me and Kendall had so much fun!" I said happily. "Did you win?" Marie asks in her little girl voice. "Yes, she did." Hayes says tapping her nose. "Uncle Hayes!" She says just noticing him. "Where's mom?" I ask. "Her and Bryan are in the basement." Sierra says. Marie runs down the stairs. "Grandma! Rylee and Hayes are here!" She yells. I walk down behind her with Hayes holding my hand. "Hey mom." I say greeting her. "Oh honey! Your back." She says walking over to me. "I missed you." She says hugging me. "I missed you too!" I say hugging back. "Where is Cameron and Nash?" Hayes asks. "They are swimming outside." My mom says smiling. "Lets change and go with them!" I say smiling. We change and walk outside to find a girl with red hair and Kaloni sitting by the boys. "Whoa." Hayes says as we get closer. I elbow him in the stomach. "Rylee?!" Cameron questions. "Uhm... wrong time?" I ask. "I didn't know you were coming home today!" He says. "Can I talk to both of you?" I ask looking at Nash. They all walk over to where we are in private. "What is she doing at my house." I demand. "Well, I-" Nash stutters. "Rylee, he's dating her." Cameron says. I send a glare to Nash. "And you didn't tell me?" I ask. I try not to yell. "Rylee, we should go do something else." Hayes begs. "Get her out of my house, or I will." I say turning around and leaving. I run into the house and run to the basement. "Why is she here?" I ask my mom. "Who? Kaloni? Oh she's a sweetheart, truly." My mother says smiling. "If she comes to my house again you guys will have to leave." I say looking into her eyes. "Is there something you want to tell me?" My mother asks. "No, there isn't." I say walking back upstairs. "Is she gone yet?" I ask Hayes. He nods. I walk out side to Nash. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask hugging him. "I knew you didn't like her." He said ashamed. "And I'm getting back at her for you." He whispers. "What?" I question. "She wants to get married. I got a fake ring and I was going to show it to her, then tell her it was for you. Your coming home present." He explains. "Nash, you don't have to do that. Plus that's taking it a little far." I say honestly. "I'm sorry. Here's the ring." He says grabbing my hand and putting it on my finger. It said 'sister' in a silver heart. "Thank you." I say hugging him again. "Oh and, since your back." He starts picking me up. He walks over to the pool and throws me in. "Miss me?" He asks laughing. "Honestly yes." I say laughing.i get out and walk inside to see Cameron with the red headed girl. "Hello, I'm Rylee." I introduce myself. "Oh, I know. Ive heard so much about you!" She says giving me a hug. "You know that girl I told you about a month ago?" Cameron asks me. I nod. "Well, this is Brittany. My girlfriend. And, Britt, this is my little sister Rylee." He introduces. "Oh, nice to finally meet you!" I said happily. "I was just about to leave." She says. "Oh, you don't have to leave so soon." I say. "Well, Rylee. I made plans." Cam says. "Oh. Well, you can always come back tomorrow." I say with a smile. "Okay, I'm going to go. Nice meeting you! Bye babe." She says kissing Cameron. "What plans?" I ask. "I'm taking you out. To catch up. I mean I haven't seen you in six months." He said smiling. "Is Nash taking Hayes?" I ask remembering Hayes' secret. "I don't know." Cam says hugging me then walking up stairs. "Griers! To the kitchen now!" I yell up the stairs as I walk to the kitchen. Seconds later Nash and Hayes are sitting infront of me. "What's wrong, you aren't pregnant are you?!" Nash asks really fast. "What? No!" I yell as Hayes burst out laughing. "You two are going out to dinner tonight to catch up." I say smiling. "I'm not paying!" Nash jokes. "Fine your staying home and watching movies to catch up. I say turning around and grabbing some pretzels and then to the fridge I grab mustard and hand it to Nash. Then I grab sprite and a KitKat and hand it to Hayes. "Have fun." I say waving with a smile. "You know us so well." Nash says in an amazed voice as he looks at the food. "I know, I know now go!" I say walking upstairs to my room. I change and meet Cam downstairs. "Ready?" He asks opening the door for me. "Yeah." I say walking outside. We go to a nice dance restaurant. "So, how are you and Hayes?" He asks with a mouth full of food. "Good." I say smiling. "Have you guys... Uhm. Well, ya know?" He asks trying to sound casual, but I could tell he was mad. "What? No! Of course not Cam." I say kind of shocked. "Well, you are 20..." he trails off. "And you're 25." I say filling it in. "How's your food?" He asks taking away the awkwardness. "Good." I say with a smile. "And yours?" I ask.

After we eat and talk we go home to Hayes and Nash watching Titanic eating the food I gave them. "How was it?" Hayes asks. "Good." I say with a smile. He pats the couch offering me to sit. I walk over and sit as he puts his arm around me pulling me closer as I lay my head on his chest. Cameron whispers something in Nash's ear. Cam then sits next to Nash and Nash does the same thing Hayes did to me but with Cameron. "Are you taunting us?" Hayes asks laughing. "What? Us? Ha, no!" Nash says trying not to laugh too. Hayes then leans down and kisses my forehead. Nash began to do the same thing but Cameron falls on the floor dramatically. "Not that far!" He yells. I burst out laughing and so does Hayes. "I'm going to go to bed, coming?" Hayes asks me. "Oo, whatcha gonna do?" Cameron jokes. "Are you gonna make us uncles again?!" Cam asks rudely. I send them a look as I walk over to Cameron and grab his rist twisting it. "What was that?" I ask. "Oww!" Cam yells. "Oww! Okay stop! I'm sorry!" He yells as I let go. I glare at Nash. "No thanks!" He says running outside and fake throwing himself in the pool. "Alright, lets go." I say to Hayes as he is dying of laughter.

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