Country Kid

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"Yeah, Hayes broke up with Rylee and then this kid comes and starts a HUGE fight until Rylee comes out and stops him." Nash says over the phone. "I would kill your brother but.... it sounds like he's been throw enough." I halfway joke. "Yeah, but now he's gone." Nash says worried. "Gone?" I question. "Did I studder?" He questions. "I will be right there." I say as I hang up.

"Taylor, Jacks! Let's go!" I yell as I grab my car keys and slide on my jacket as they run down the stairs. "Go where?" Jack J asks. "We gotta go get Rylee." I say as we all run out the door. "What happened? Is she okay?" Jack G asks. "Uhm... physically fine, but mentally broken." I say back. They give me a confused look. "Hayes broke up with her and her best friend is in the hospital." I some up. "Wait so she's single?!" Taylor questions kind of in an excited tone. "Yes, but no you can't date her." I say as we pull out of the driveway.

I got a text from Jack G saying Rylee wasn't feeling the best. I figure I should try to cheer her up. So I FaceTime her.

Her: hey Shawn, this isn't the best time.

She says looking at someone else, but you can tell she's been crying.

Me: I heard what happened and I wanna cheer you up. Lean your phone up on a table or something.

Her: Uhm okay.

She places her phone on the table and now I can see the room. She's in a hospital with two boys one injured one not.

Me: wait? Your best friends a guy?

Her: ha, yes. This is Riley and Hunter.

Me: oh, well. Are you ready to be happy.

Her: Uhm I guess.

I pull up my guitar and start strumming.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house, if things go wrong we can nock it down." I start to sing. "Shawn, you want me to sing? Here? With them? They don't know I sing!" She say back. "Just do it." I say confidently as the boys exchange looks I heard one whisper. "Is that Shawn Mendes?"
"But two words have two meaning, there's only one thing on my mind. It's all for you. It's dark in a cold December but I got you to keep me warm." She sings. "If your broken I will mend ya, and keep ya sheltered from the storm that's raging on." I sing back.

Okay well, I don't know how this started. Rylee was just in tears then she is facetiming this guy that looks like Shawn Mendes and sings like him. Oh and! Apparently she can sing too. I have learned way to much today. They soon finish singing and we all start to talk. "So wait, are you really Shawn Mendes?" I ask. He then laughs. "Yes, yeah I am. And you guys are?" He asks. "I'm Hunter, her guy friend." Hunter says. Rylees eyes get wide. "I'm Riley, her bestfriend. " I say. "Oh, so there is a 'guy' friend and a best friend and I am a?!" He asks looking at Rylee. "A best singing friend." She says cheekily. She is actually smiling. Someone then comes through the door.

Someone walks through the door and picks me up and hugs me. "Cameron?" I question as I finally see his face. He looks around slowly noticing Riley and Hunter. "Oh, nice to see you both again." He says trying to be polite. He walks over to Hunter and shakes his hand. "I'm Cameron Dallas, Rylees older brother. And you both are?" He asks looking from Hunter to Riley. "I'm Riley Gates." Riley says shaking Cameron's hand. "I'm Hunter Gates." Hunter says sharing eye contact. *cough cough* I turn around and run into their arms. "Jacks! I have missed you guys so much." I say smiling at them. "We missed you to." Jack J says. "Oh, and your birthday is coming up. And yes... we are planning a surprise." Jack G says knowing I hate surprises. I roll my eyes dramatically. "And what about me?" Taylor questioningly smirks as he walks into the room. "Tay Bear!" I yell as I run into his arms. Everyone looks shock as I pull away. I even do. "Oh, Uhm... I don't know where that came from." I say kind of embarrassed. "I know where it came from." He says smirking as he hands me a piece of paper.

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