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"Aunt Rylee! Your going to get married?!" Marie says in an astonished voice. "Yes, yes I am. And guess who's going to be the little flower girl?" I ask in a sweet tone. "Who?" She asks curiously. "You!" I say as I tap the tip of her nose. She begins to giggle as she runs through the house. "I'm going to be a flower girl!" she chants. "Rylee?" I hear a sweet voice say as she walks up the stairs. "Yeah?" I ask coming to the stair way.  "Skylynn?" I question in a happy tone. "Rylee, is it true you and Hayes are going to get married?!" She says happily hugging me. "Yes."  I say happily. "So, your going to be my sister-in-law?!" She halfway squeals. "Yes!" I squeal back. "Hey Skylynn." Hayes says hugging his little sister. "Where's Nash?!" She asks happily. "Downstairs. At his room." Hayes says patting her back as she walks back downstairs. "So. We should do something." Hayes says quietly. "What is that?" I question. "Matt, we need to talk to him." He is now whispering. "What? Why?" I ask. "He's changed. I promise you." He says grabbing my hands. "Please, for me?" He says looking into my eyes. I stop and think for a minute. "Okay I guess." I say shrugging. "I will call him." Hayes says with a smile as he walks back into our room. "Rylee! Come play with me and Skylynn!" I hear Marie yell from my room. I walk into her room to see her and Skylynn playing with dolls. I walk over and sit next to them. "She has a pretty dress." I say sweetly holding a doll. "She's a fashionista named Maya." Marie says. She blabs on about all of her dolls but all I can think about is how good Hayes is with her. With children in general, he will be a great father when is time. "Aunt Rylee?" Marie says snapping me out of thought. "Hmm?" I say lifting my eyebrows. "This one is like you! I named her Rylee!" She says as she plays with the Rylee doll and the little girl she claims is her. "Okay M, I am gonna go. Keep playing with Sky." I say smiling at Skylynn as I kiss Marie's head. (M is Marie's nickname) "Rylee! Come here for a second!" I hear Cameron yell from Nash's room. I walk in to see both of them sitting on the bed. "Yes?" I ask stopping in the doorway. "Come in and shut the door behind you." Nash says. I do as I'm told and I stand infront of him. "Why are you doing it!?" Cameron yells. Shock spreads across my face. "Cam, stop. Let me talk to her." Nash convinces. Cameron walks out of the room slamming the door behind him. "What's going on?" I questions nervously. "He's upset your going to see Matt." Nash says as I sit next to him. "I will be with Hayes the whole time. Plus Hayes says he has changed." I say plainly. "I know, just be careful. I will talk to Cam about it." He says hugging me. "Thanks Nash." I reply. I walk out of the room and walk into mine shutting the door behind me. I jump on the bed and spread out. I lay there thinking. When Marie was two we stopped Magcon. Bart tried suing us all, if it weren't for my aunt who's a lawyer we would have lost. We only meet up sometimes for shows, just to be together again. We haven't told Marie about it and I doubt we will. I haven't see Matt in years, I have heard he got married and has twins but I don't know if that's true. Shawn is seeing a girl right now and the Jacks are still single as pringles, for the most part. Aaron and Carter have seen a few girls through the years, yet none of them stick. Nash hasn't seen anyone since Kaloni and Cameron is still with Brittany. I haven't seen the guy who's name I told no one to say. "Rylee?" Hayes says as he walks in. "What?" I say slightly frightened. "Are you okay?" He asks walking closer and laying next to me. "Yeah, I'm just looking back on memories." I say dreamily. "Any of me?" He asks with a smirk. I lift up my arm bringing the bracelet he got me years ago into view. "Lucky number seven." He says smiling. "I didn't know you still had it." He says looking closer at it. I had so many memorized of us. I remember Jordyn, who is now a close friend and Kaloni who I haven't seen in years. "Their deleting vine!" Cameron yells running into my room. "What? Seriously?!" I say jumping up from bed. I begin to cry. "Rylee? It's just vine." Hayes says hugging me from behind. "Vine will fade away, just like all our memories." I say trying to calm down. "Come on Ry, we got them up here." He says pointing to his head. "Magcon is done. You need to focus on being a dance teacher, the thing you worked so hard to do." He says. "And you need to do your job as a police officer to keep people safe until football season starts and you get hurt. So much for keeping people safe when you can't keep yourself safe." I say rolling my eyes in anger. "Rylee, football is what I love! Plus we need the money to keep up with the house, the wedding, Marie, us." He reasons. "I get it." I say standing up and sliding on my shoes. "Where are you going?" He asks. "I'm going to the studio to get some things done." I say walking down the stairs. "I made her mad." I hear Hayes say to Cameron and Nash as I leave.

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