A Week Later

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"Rylee, you need to focus. You will see them soon and its been a week." Sierra says as I cry in the school bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. "Plea- Please just stop crying." She says hugging me. I wipe away the tears and walk out of the bathroom. "Hey name stealer!" Someone says from behind me but i keep walking. I hear the person behind me running. "Hey Rylee." The person says tugging on my shoulder. I turn and look at the person. "Hi Riley." I say awkwardly as i give a small fake smile. "Whats wrong?" He asks looking down at me. "Nothing." I say as i look behind him to see some of his friends. "Do you wanna sit with me at lunch?" he asks making me look over to him again. "I dont think thats a good idea." I say slowly as i keep glancing at his friends. "Why not?" He asks concerned. "Well, your a Senior and im a freshman. You have important people to talk to." I say looking over to his friends. "They can wait." He says  back as his friends start walking this way. "I will just sit  with Erica." I say giving an 'oh well' look. "No, please. At least sit with Hunter I will talk to him." He says smiling reassuringly. "Okay, i gotta go. see ya later Riley." I say with a fake smile as his friends show up. "Bye Rylee. cough name stealer cough." he jokes as i walk away.

I start walking to the cafeteria for lunch when someone comes up from behind me. Its Hunter. "Hey" he says slowly. Hunter doesnt talk very much unless its about sports. "Hi, im guessing Riley talked to you?" I say as we walk up the stairs to the cafeteria and he opens the door for me. "Yeah, he said you were upset." He says as we get in line. Its silent for awhile until he asks. "Somethings wrong. What is it?" I look down at my feet "I just miss my brother." I say truthfully. "And your boyfriend!" Shalee says from behind us as she rolls her eyes. "Boyfriend?" Hunter asks confused. "Shalee! I told you not to tell anyone!" I scold her. "Well Hunter's your old crush isnt he?" She asks with a smirk. Riley comes up to us with a huge smile. "You are SOOO in love with Riley G." She jokes. I glare at her "Wait what?" Riley asks looking at me then Hunter. I turn around and run out of the cafeteria.

"Wait Rylee!" Hunter says as he runs to catch up. He then catches up and grabs my hand. "I'm in football, you knew I would catch you." He says not looking away. "Do you like Riley? Or me.... or?" He questions. I know this is awkward for him. "Riley, of course not!" I say defensively. "And... me?" He asks. "I-I don't know. I love Hayes, but...." I sigh. "I just don't know." I say honestly. "Rylee! You got called to the office!" Riley says from behind us. I look over at the two brothers. "We're coming with you." Hunter says grabbing my hand. The three of us walk into the office. I look at the principle and then at the seat next to him where a boy sat. "Cameron?" I ask shocked as the older boy walks up to me and hugs me as I drop Hunters hand. I start to cry into my brothers shoulder. "I missed you so much!" I say pulling away. "We need you Rylee." He says looking into my eyes. He looks over to Riley and Hunter as if just realizing they were there. "Oh Uhm. These are my friends, Riley and Hunter. They are brothers." I say introducing them. Someone then bust throw the door. His bright blue eyes find mine. "What's going on?" I ask confused. "We need you. We are broken without you." Hayes says walking over and pulling me into his arms. I glance over to Hunter who is looking at the ground awkwardly. Hayes sees me looking at him and slowly let's go of me. "Who's this?" He questions looking at Riley and Hunter. "These are my friends. Riley and Hunter." I say looking up at Riley. I then get a text.

You only like them because they look alike. ~Unknown

I put my phone up and start crying again. This time Hunter has me in his arms. "Are you okay?" He whispers in my ear. I step away and give my phone to Cameron. As I see the anger in his eyes. "Rylee, do you like both of them?" He asks not looking away from the phone. "I really don't know anymore Cam." I say as I turn around and walk out of the office.

HAHAHA! Cliffhanger. I'm sorry but I had too it will keep you guys interested. Please Vote/Comment/Follow love you guys!

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