A Few Months Later

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QUICK NOTE: I will be ending this book soon but I will make a sequel.

"Rylee pass me another one." Nash yells from the backyard obviously drunk. I walk out the screen door and over to him. "Nash come on." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me. "You dating anyone?" He asks randomly. "Nash, your drunk lets go to bed." I say pulling him faster. "Come on, I can be better than whoever your dating now." He says slurring. "No, I'm about to get married to your brother." I say through gritted teeth. "Hayes? That idiot? I bet he hurt you a few times." He says dragging his finger down my back as we turn the corner to his room. "Nash go." I say pointing to the room. He walks in and I slam the door behind him. "What was that?" Hayes asks. "Nothing." I say with a sigh. "He's drunk isn't he?" He questions. I nod. "I heard." Hayes says grabbing my hand "come on." He said pulling me behind him. He brings me outside and walks me to the car and opens the door for me. "What are we doing?" I ask. "Well, I thought we should go out. Away from the problem." He explains pulling out of the drive.
After about 30 minutes we pull into a nice driveway. Hayes stops the car and walks around the front of the car over to my side before opening the door for me. "Sophia and Caden's house." I say to myself in a whisper. We go up to the door and ring the door bell. "Coming!" A girls voice says. There she is holding open the door. "Rylee! Come in!" She says letting both Hayes and I in. "Where's Caden?" I ask picking up her cat Midnight. "Oh, I haven't told you yet." She says as the smile fades her face. "What happened." I say sitting down waiting for an explanation. "Well, I noticed he had been looking at other girls. Like when we went out for dinner. And I realized if I was having second thoughts then I wasn't really in love." She says bluntly. "If I loved him with all my heart I would trust him with all my heart." She finishes. "Well he was always sort of a player." I shrugged. She nods. "So do you want tea?" She asked knowing I loved tea. "Sure." I said with a smile. "Hayes? What about you?" She asks walking to the kitchen. I smile when she thought to ask Hayes. Her and him had a pretty tough start, but I'm happy their good now. "So, how's work?" I ask to start a conversation. "It's been okay. I wish I had a bit more but it's all good." She says with a smile. Sophia is an architect and that's what she wanted to be practically her whole life. "So how's wedding planning going? Just two months left!" She says happily. "Good, im going to get my dress in a few days." I say with a smile. Her phone goes off as she pulls it out of her pocket and looks at it. "It's Samantha. One sec." she says answering the phone. "Samantha, have you talked to her in awhile?" Hayes asks glancing over to Sophia. "It's been about a month. She's with Chance now." I say with a smile. A few moments later Sophia walks in with a huge smile. "Samantha is coming over, with Chance!" She says with a dreamingly sigh. "Chance?" Hayes says trying to recall the name. "He went to school with us." I explain. All he does is nod. We continue talking until there's a knock at the door. "I'll get that." Sophia says setting down her tea and walking to the door she opens it to be folded into a hug by Samantha. "What's the surprise?" She asks as Sophia lets her in. She looks over toward me and Hayes and her eyes get wide and she runs over and hugs me. "Hey Sams." I say smiling. "I missed you!" She says. Once we let go she walks over to Hayes and gives him a small hug. I can tell it surprised him. Chance then walks in. He looks over to me and his face turns to confusion. "Rylee?" He questions setting down luggage. "Yes it's me Chance." I say giving a reassuring smile. "It's nice to see you again." He says walking over and hugging me. "It's been a long time." I reply. Hayes gives a small cough getting my attention "Chance, this is my soon to be husband. Hayes Grier." I explain. "The guy who broke up with you for Jordyn?" He asks giving Hayes a glare. "Chance, that was years ago." I halfway defend. "What's your right to bring that up?" Hayes says standing up with anger. "Don't talk to me like that!" Chance warns. "Guys stop!" I say pushing them away from each other as Sammy runs over to Chance while Sophia sits on the couch laughing. "I need some popcorn!" She exclaims. "I have known her practically forever, I was her brother before she even knew about Cameron!" Chance let's out in anger. "I have loved her since I first laid eyes on her!" Hayes says trying to top Chance. "Yeah, you didn't even know her. She has a wonderful personality and you just liked her from her looks!" Chance yells. "Guys stop." I say. "I think we need to leave. Nice seeing you all and Chance." I pause. "I hope you make it to the wedding." I finish giving him a smile. "Really hi-" Hayes stops seeing the glare I have him as he walks out the door.

Hey Guys! I can't believe it's so close to their wedding!!!! I'm SOOO excited! Quick question, what is your favorite 5SOS song and Member?! My favorite song is good girls and my fav are Luke and Ashton 😊 this is a very important question because what you guys think will be put in during their wedding!

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