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I wake up in Hayes' arms. I smile at him as I get up. "WAKE UPPPP!" Taylor yells as he walks into the room. Hayes falls off the bed in shock. Shawn walks in with his guitar as all the boys come into the room. They sing happy birthday to me while I just stand there. Cameron comes up and spins me around. "GUESS WHOS SIXTEEN?!" He yells at everyone. "MY LITTLE SISTER IS THATS WHO." He answers his own question. I'm now sixteen, like Hayes. "Who's ready for breakfast?" Matt asks. "ME!"  All of the boys yell as they run to the black vans. "Where are we going?" I ask Hayes. "I have no idea." He says in his raspy morning voice. We get ready and meet everyone in the van. The whole car ride is filled with pictures of me posted to twitter. Hundreds of fans also wish me happy birthday. The van stops and I look outside. We are at an IHop. We all go in and get seated as Cam whispers something in the waitresses ear. Minutes later they come out with a pancake that has a candle on top. They all start singing again and when they finish I blow out the candles. "What did you wish for?" Hayes whispers in my ear as he kisses my cheek. "If I tell you it won't come true." I say playfully. We all eat our breakfast and go back to the hotel. "Rylee, follow us!" The Jacks say. I slowly follow them backstage. The song Lipgloss plays. "Your gonna dance with us." Jack G says. "Where's Jordyn?" I question right as someone walks up behind me. "I'm here." She says with a smile. We al go out and dance infront of the fans.

(I know Jordyn and Rylee aren't there. Just pretend)
I come off stage laughing. "Nice." Hayes says with a wink. I roll my eyes playfully as he then picks me up and starts tickling. "Ha-Hayes sto-stop!" I studdered out. "Nope not until I get something." He says laughing. "What do you want" I say childish. "A kiss." He says smirking. "Okay." I say back he leans in slowly. I push him back making him fall off the bed as I run out into the hall. I run right into Cameron. "Cam help me!" I beg right as Hayes comes running down the hall. Cam picks me up as Hayes gets there. I hold on to Cameron as tight as I can until he hands me back to Hayes saying. "I don't want her, you take her." He jokes. "Cameron Alexander Dallas!" I yell as Hayes carries my back into the room. "Now your gonna kiss me, and your gonna like it." He says trying to sound like the boss. I finally kiss him in the cheek. "Nope, not good enough." He says right as Nash walks in. I give Nash a look as he picks Hayes off of me, then picks me up bridal style. "Nah, she's mine Hayes." He says as he then kisses my cheek. "Well at least she's kissed my lips." Hayes taunts. Nash gives him a look as if saying 'wanna bet' as he quickly pecks my lips. "EW NASH.!" I yell. He laughs as he sets me down. "Love ya Ry." Is all he says as he walks out. I send Hayes a look. "Nash just kissed me?" I question as we both cry of laughter.

I spend the whole day with the guys until I get a call.
Me: hello?
Mom: Rylee, I want you to come home.
Me: what?
Mom: it's an emergency. Tell Cameron to come too.
Me: okay. I will see you soon.

My smile then fades. "Cam, we need to go home. Mom says it's an emergency." I say looking at him. "I'm going too." Hayes says confident. Cameron, Nash, Hayes and I load into the van and drive home.

When we get there we walk in. We see a man sitting with mom and Sierra. "Who's this?" I ask. "Oh, honey I didn't know you were bringing Hayes." She said worriedly. "Of course I brought Hayes, now who's this?" I ask as anger rises in me. "Rylee, Cameron. This is your father Alexander Harper Dallas." She says slowly. I feel tears in my eyes. "You left us." I say quietly. "What was that hon?" My "dad" says. "You left us!" I yell not holding in the tears. "Get out! You aren't aloud near us!" I yell at him. "Rylee- wait." My mom tries to stay. I pick the man off the couch and start shoving him to the door. "I'm pregnant!" Sierra yells grabbing my attention. "Wha-" I get cut off by the man. "Don't disrespect me like that!" He yells as he slaps my cheek causing me to fall to the ground. Cameron then shoves him against the wall. "Don't you dare touch my sister!" Cam yells. "Shes my daughter, just like your my son." The man says pushing Cameron away. Nash then grabs the man and throws him out the door locking it afterwards. Hayes comes to me. "Are you okay?" He asks cradling my cheek. I nod as I stand again. I hear the man "I will return, and when I do I will kill that kid." My eyes open wide. I hug Hayes and cry. "What if he was talking about you?" I ask through sobs. "Nothing will happen to me." He says calmly. "Who's the father?" I ask blankly referring to Sierra. "What?!" Hayes asks freaking out. "It's Bryan." She says with tears. "You guys aren't even married." I say back. "I love him Rylee. He asked me to marry him." She says showing me the ring. "I'm happy for you" I say smiling with tears. "You do want the baby right?" I question. "Yes. And you and Hayes will have a niece or nephew" she says happily. I hug her as I have tears of joy. "I'm going to be an Aunt." I spill out. "What if he comes back?" Nash asks. "Mom, Sierra. I want you to come live with us. We're. Moving." I command. "But where will we live?" Mom asks. "I have money. I will do more events. We will be okay." I say. "We will help." Nash says referring to Hayes. "We are going to be uncles after all." Hayes says smiling at me. "I'm going to call Bart." I say as I walk into the other room.

Bart: Bart speaking?
Me: hey Bart. It's Rylee.
Bart: oh, how is your family?
Me: my sister is pregnant.
Bart: oh, I'm so happy for you guys!
Me: there's a problem.
Bart: and that is?
Me: I need to do more events. We need to buy a new house. A man says he's my father. He also threatened to kill one of us.
Bart: oh, well. I'm so sorry. I will schedule more things.
Me: thank you Bart.

I then walk into the other room. "We will go house hunting tomorrow." I say with a smile. "Thank you Rylee." Sierra says smiling at me. We then turn on the t.v the title said 'ten of the wealthiest kids in the US.' "Are we really watching this?" I ask. "Well, you could be in it." He said shrugging.

4. Jacob S.
3. Jordyn J.
2. Hayes G.

We all clap. "And the most rich kid is.." the announcer says. "Rylee Dallas, sister of Cameron Dallas who won in 2012." The while house is now full of excitement. "Good job Ry." Hayes says kissing me. "You too." I say back with a smile.

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