He Wouldnt Let Me

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"Okay, we are leaving so you and Hayes can plan the wedding, we will be back around five." My mom says kissing my head as her, Marie, Sierra, Bryan, Nash, and Cameron leave the house. I go get my plan book and sit at the counter sorting out the papers. Hayes soon walks down the stairs and sits next to me. "Ready?" He asks with a smile. I nod as I grab a pen and get ready to start writing.

Guest list: Cameron, Nash, Sky, Marie, Sierra, Bryan, Kendall, Jacks, Shawn, Aaron, Carter, Taylor, Matt, Dylan, Jacob, Sammy, Sophia, Caden,

(And on and on)

Price budget: $5,000,000

Maid of honor: Kendall
Brides mates: Sammy, Erica, Sophia, Jordyn

Best man: Cameron
Nash, Caden, Jacob, Shawn

Ring bear: Matts boys Kyle and Brent

Flower girl: Marie

Place: first baptist church

After hours of planning I finally set the pencil down. "This will be a lot of work." I say yawning. "It will be well worth it though." Hayes says with a smile. "Lets go see Matt today." I say blankly. "Okay then. Let's go get ready." He says happily. I walk upstairs and grab some clothes. I get ready and put on makeup. I find Hayes waiting for me in the kitchen. "Ready?" He says with a smile. I nod as he grabs my hand and walks me out the door to our black Malabo. He open the door for me as I get in. We drive for about thirty minutes. "Where does he live?" I ask wearily. "Durant Oklahoma." He says smiling. "I use to live in Oklahoma." I say smiling back at the memory of before I bought the house in Dallas when I was 15. "So you know where Durant is." He says grabbing one of my hands. We drive for three more hours and we pull up to a gray two story house. It was pretty nice and clean but ours was more.... fun. I guess. We walk up the sidewalk hand in hand, he knocks on the door and a girl with platinum blonde hair opens the door. She has to be about two years older then me. "Hello?" She says with a friendly but exhausted smile. "Hi, I'm Rylee Dallas. I'm Matts friend does he live here?" I ask awkwardly. "Oh! He's spoken so much about you!" She says smiling. "Come on in, I will go get him. Make yourself at home!" She says running up the stairs. I look over at Hayes and he kisses my cheek. We walk over to the couch and sit down. "Their really here?" I hear Matt say as they turn the corner. "Rylee!" He says hugging me. I don't hug him back as he pulls away. "You don't forgive me do you?" He questions. "I don't know yet." I say nervously. "Well let me tell you about my life now." He says with a smile. His wife walks over and he puts his arm around her. "This is my wife Mage. I met her three years after I left. We got married last year, we didn't have a wedding we just did the papers." He explains before carrying on. "I have twins named Kyle and Brent, they are two and a half." He says smiling. I smile back. "What is your profession." I say carrying on the conversation. "I'm a retailer while Mage is a lawyer here in Durant. What about you both?" He questions sitting down next to us. "I'm a dance teacher in Dallas, I have 379 students in all." I say smiling. "I'm a police officer in Dallas." Hayes says smiling at Matt. "Any kids?" He asks. "Nope, just us, my mom, Nash, Cameron, Sierra and her husband Bryan, and my niece Marie." I reply. "Oh, that's nice. I heard you two are getting married!" He says happily. "Yes we are." I reply smiling. I look over at his wife before continuing. "I want you both to come. Do you think your boys could be the ring bears?" I ask nervously. Matts face flashes with a smile and so does Mages. "We all would love to be there. When is it?" Mage asks still smiling. "June 27, next year." I reply. "We will put it on the planner!" Matt says happily. "Do you want to meet the boys?" Mage asks. "Of course!" Hayes responds happily. He is great with kids and I can't help but smile when he is with them. Mage leaves for a few minutes and returns with two boys holding on to each hand. They have her bright green eyes and Matts hair. "Boys can you say hi to Aunt Rylee and Uncle Hayes?" Matt says smiling. We talk to the kids some. "Okay kids let's go take a nap!" Mage says happily grabbing their hands. "I will help." Hayes says with a smile. Before he leaves I notice Hayes sends Matt a warning full look which makes me a bit nervous. After awhile he finally says something. "I'm sorry, I wanted to come back and tell you I'm sorry but..." he trails off. "But what?" I ask a bit scared. "But he wouldn't let me." He says faintly.

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