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"Hey, what happened last night?" He asks through the phone. "You were being stupid that's what happened! Taylor, just don't talk to me." I say before hanging up. "Are you ready to go?" Shawn asks from my door. I turn around and nod.

"Do you remember that day in the bathroom?" I ask out of no where. "What?" He asks unsure. "When we kissed." I clarify. "Oh, yeah. Uhm sorry again." He says nervously. "It's fine. It's just. Did you like me?" I ask nervously. I look over at him and all he did is nod. "And I still do." I hear him whisper to himself. We finally get there. We sing Sad Song by, We The Kings. I go backstage getting ready for our next event when I get a call. "Come to the hospital! The baby is here!" I hear Nash say nervously. I hang up and find Bart talking to Shawn. "I have to go, Sierra is having her baby." I say fast. All Bart does is nod. I run outside to see Hayes waiting in his car. I hop in. "Thanks." I say as he pulls away. "No problem." He says not looking away from the road. "What's wrong." I ask. "I'm not the uncle." He says simply. "What?" I question. "I'm not the baby's uncle! You're not my wife so that baby isn't my niece!" He says flustered. "Hayes, you will always be the baby's uncle. And you know what? We will get married someday." I say. A smile spreads across his face. "So you will marry me?" He questions. "When we are older and when you ask." I say grabbing his hand with a smile. Once we get to the hospital we run towards Cameron who we see in the hall. "How is she?" I ask nervous. "They are both fine." He says with a smile. We walk into the hospital room to see Sierra in bed holding a tiny baby girl. "She has your eyes." I say walking in. Sierra looks up at me and smiles. "Do you want to hold her?" Bryan asks. I nod solemnly. Sierra hands her to me. "She's so pretty." I say looking down at her and smiling. "Marie. My niece." I say in a daze. I look over to see Hayes. "Our niece." I say again.

Soon Marie gets to come home, we already have clothes for her and her room made. She has Bryans nose, Sierras eyes and right now blonde hair like me. She mumbles and cries but no words. The sounds she makes, makes her that much cuter. I stand in my room facing the window. I hear someone walk up behind me. "You will be a perfect aunt." He says kissing my cheek. "How do you know what I'm thinking?" I ask turning around. "What can I say? I know you." Hayes says shrugging. I nod as I walk downstairs. "Wanna do a video?" I ask looking up at him. "Sure, doing what?" He asks. "Singing, you do the rapping." I say smiling. "I can't sing." Hayes says laughing. "I hear you in the shower. Trust me you can sing." I say as we both laugh. We pick to sing Sweater Weather. Not much of a rap but it doesn't matter. "It's perfect." Hayes says from behind me. "Hm?" I question editing the video. "You." Is all he says as he kisses my cheek. "How do you always do that?" I ask with a look. "Do what?" He asks curiously. "Always say the right things?" I say in almost a whisper as Hayes leans in closer to me. He then grabs my hand. Our song begins to play as he spins me around. "Why are we dancing?" I ask. "You ask to many questions." He laughs. I look over at my clock. "Crap!" I say grabbing my bag and shoes and run down the stairs. "What?" Hayes yells following behind me. "I forgot about dance!" I yell grabbing my keys and jumping into my car. Hayes gets in the passenger seat. "What are you doing?" I ask surprised. "I'm coming with you." He says simply as I pull away.
I run into the studio to see them doing pyramid. "Rylee? What happened?" Miss. Abby asks. "Sorry, my sister had her baby. And my mom isn't here." I say out of breathe as I stand by Kendall. "Oh, it's okay hon." She says looking back to the pyramid. Jojo, Nia, Kaloni, Kendall, and me at the top. "Today we have two duets." Miss. Abby says as the girls all clap. "Rylee and Kendall." She says letting us clap. "Against Kaloni and Nia." She says with a pause. "Kendall, Rylee. Your dance will be called. Friend, or Foe? Rylee, you will play a girl who isn't sure if Kendall is a friend of foe. This dance is lyrical." She says with a smile as me and Kendall hug. "Kaloni, and Nia. You have a contemporary piece." Miss. Abby says. She continues speaking until. "Whoever wins will have a solo next week." She says with a smile. Then she starts with the minis. When we walk out Jill and Kalonis mom are fighting. "She's making all our girls fight eachother!" Jill yells. "Yeah, well Kaloni already Hates Rylee in person." Her mom says. "Rylee is a great dancer!" Jill defends. "You know she will make Kendall and Rylee compete against each other" Kaloni says with a snear. I look over at Kendall. "That won't separate us." I say with confidence. "We'll see." Kaloni says rolling her eyes. I walk out of the studio with Kendall, Jill and Hayes. "Thank you for defending me in there." I say to Jill. "No problem. You are like my second daughter, I wouldn't let her talk to you like that." Jill says as we part ways.

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