The Scars

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"Hayes." He whispers faintly. "Rylee, I still like you. I love you but when I left." He pauses for a bit looking around. "Before I moved away he met me in this Allie and told me if I didn't leave you alone bad things would happen to me. I tried to stand up for myself but.. he started throwing punches. He left me there in that Allie with 5 broken bones blood everywhere and a black eye. I went to a hospital for my bones and they asked what happened, but I didn't tell." He says as I drift off picturing his story. I hear steps coming down the stairs. "Ry, Your mom wants us home for a family  supper." Hayes says with a smile. "Alright." I say holding a fake smile as I hug Matt and Mage. "We will see you again soon." I say relaxing a bit. "Bye Rylee." Matt says with sadness in his voice. "Bye Hayes." He says acting happier.

CAM: Hey are you guys headed home?

ME: Yeah, leaving now.

CAM: How did seeing Matt go?

ME: ehh.... we should talk when I get home...

CAM: did he do something?!

ME: no... but.... we just need to talk.

CAM: okay, see you when you get here.

ME: k.

I then slide my phone down into my pocket. "Who were you texting?" Hayes asks curiously. "Cam, he asked if we were on our way." I say with a reassuring smile. "So, did you work things out with Matt?" He asks looking over at me then back to the road. "Im not sure yet." I say nervously. "Everything comes with time." He says with a smile as he grabs my hand. "Do you think we will have kids?" He asks randomly after a few minutes of silence. "Uhm... I don't know?" I say slow and awkwardly. "Do you want to?" I ask caringly. "I've always wanted kids. When I was with Jordyn I got asked in an interview if I wanted kids. I was only thirteen at the time. My answer was no. The announcer asked me why and my only answer was I didn't know." He says staring at the road. "What about you?" He asks looking over at me. "I never was really sure." I start. I look out the window. "Every time I see you with Marie or any other child I think about it." I say realizing how tired I was getting. "I would love to have a child with you. Think about if it had your eyes and my hair, and freckles!" He says kind of childish which makes me laugh. After awhile of silence I fall asleep.

We pull into the driveway at home. Rylee is fast asleep, I walk over open the door and grab her. I pick her up bridal style and start carrying her to the house. Nash opens the door as I walk in. Cameron who is sitting on the couch glares over at me. "Is she okay?!" He questions jumping off the couch and quickly walking over. "She just fell asleep." I explain. "He grabs her and starts taking her upstairs. "What was that about?" I ask Nash. He shrugs, "he's been like that all day." He explains. "Hey, Hayes. I got a question." Nash says quietly. "hm?" I ask turning on the t.v. "Why does Rylee always wear long sleeved shirts?" Nash asks still in a whispering tone. "She doesnt always." I say knowing what he is thinking. "But when she doesnt she always has that tape. Do you think?" He paused. "No." I say quickly. "Rylee is beautiful. She would never to that!" I defend. "okay, okay! I was just asking." He says raising his hands in surrender. "Hayes, you know something." Cameron says harshly. I glance over at him. "Im going to look at her wrists." He says turning around to go back upstairs. I jump off the couch and race behind him beating him to her room. He runs after me as I stand in front of Rylee. "Move Hayes." Cameron orders. "No Cam, I cant." I say truthfully. "Why. She didnt do it. You wouldnt lie to your own brother, would you?" He says almost mockingly. "Get out Cameron." I say raising my voice slightly. "No!" He yells. Rylee lifts her head. "Whats going on?" She asks. "Did you cut your wrists?" Cameron yells pushing past me. Her eyes bolt towards mine with fear and hurt in them. "I-" She gets cut off by Cameron grabbing her arm about to pull up her sleeve. I run over and shove him away from her. 'What did you just do Hayes' I ask myself. Cameron stands up and glares at me. "Please Cameron." Rylee says in her sweet convincing voice. "Thats it! Im tired of you lieing to me Rylee! Im leaving!" He says as he bolts out of her room angrily. A tear glides down Rylees face. "You know." She says faintly as she looks at me. All I do is nod. "How did you know?" She asked looking down at her wrist.


I look down at my wrist again regretting it. "That day a few months ago when you were changing the bandage, I seen." He explained. I remember the day I did it.

"You seriously think you would beat me? You've been gone for weeks!" She says with a snear. "Im a better dancer then you and I always will be!" I defend. Hayes walks up. "Hey Ry. Hi Kaloni." He halfway questions. "Hi Hayes." Kaloni says spinning her hair in her fingers. She gets out her phone and seconds later Hayes pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Kaloni." He starts but I take his phone.

We should meet up later XOXO ;) *Kaloni*

I shove his phone back into his hands and turn around fastly walking away trying not to cry. I hear Hayes call my name but I ignored him. I wasnt paying much attention as I ran into someone. "Sorry-" I start as Look up at them to see Brenden with a really pretty girl hand-in-hand. "Rylee-" Brenden tries to explain "Leave me alone!" I belt out before running into the bathroom of Nash's. I get into his drawer and pull out his blades he keeps just incase. I fastly glide them across my skin. Once, twice, and a third time. I look up at myself in the mirror. "Dont be weak!" I threaten myself before doing it once more. There was a knock at the door. "Rylee?" Nash questions. "One sec." I reply before grabbing a wrap bandage and rolling it up my wrist. I wiped away my tears and unlocked the door. "Are you okay?" He asks hugging me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say as we pull away. I give him a fake smile. I start walking towards the door when he stops me. "Rylee?" He questions as i turn toward him. "What happened to your arm?" He asks. I look down at it. "I ran into a piece of metal." I lie. "Oh, you should probably get it checked out. You don't want an infection." He says with a slight smile. I nod and turn around walking out of his room and into mine.
"It's been three years now." I say to Hayes once I finish my flashback. "I'm sorry." He says as he walks over to me.  He grabs my wrist and kisses the wrapping covering my scares.

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