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We rush to the hospital as they take Kadynce into her room. They don't let me in since I'm not family so I sit in the waiting room and play on my phone a bit. I text Hayes and tell him about Kadynce before going on twitter. People still make cute little fan videos of me and Hayes along with the rest of the boys but we still get a lot of hate for leaving. I send out a tweet.

Rylee Dallas

Hey guys! We're starting up Magcon again!!! Who's ready to see us?!

I get responses really fast, everyone seems excited. I even get some from the boys Shawn says "can't wait to see my best friend again @RyleeDallas" and Matt talking about smack caming Hayes. It makes me laugh a bit remembering all the memories I have with these guys I can't wait to see them again. I sit there for hours before I get called into the room.

"How are you doing?" I ask as I walk over to Kadynce. "I've been better." She says with a little laugh. "I'm sure." I say laughing along with us. They bring in a little baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket. "What are you naming her?" Asks the nurse with a paper. "Olivia Lee Jones." Jesse says with a smile as he looks over at his new born daughter. I step back and take a cute picture of them all. "Aww you guys are making me kinda jellous." I say with a laugh. "Why don't you have a child?" Kadynce asks curiously. "I want to get married first. I'm sure Hayes wouldn't mind either way." I say with a laugh. We continue talking until they let us leave. When we get back the sun is just coming out. "If you guys don't mind I wanna go walk the creek." I say looking over at the trees. "Go ahead, be carful for the goats their a little aggressive." Jesse says with a laugh as I slowly walk over the cattle guard down the the trees. I miss living here where you can walk wherever you want. I look over and the creek is pretty low, they must be going through a drought. I walk along the slick muddy path to the pond. It isn't much of a pond anymore. I look over at the tree where I would always put my fishing pole. I see a small hook I must've left the last time I went fishing. I pick it up and put it on my hat before I turn around and start jogging through the trees, I don't know why I just want to run faster and faster before I get to a clear spot and fall to the ground and look up at the beautiful blue sky with mini little white clouds. You've never seen beauty until you've seen the Oklahoma sky. After a few minutes I get up and walk back. I get a call from Sierra.
R: hey
S: hey, how are you doing?
R: good. I just got back from the creek.
S: how does it look?
R: it's a little low.
S: oh, so are you having fun? I heard Kadynce had her baby!
R: yeah her name is Olivia Lee Jones.
S: oh I gotta go, Bryan is sick today.
R: oh tell him I said her well soon!
S: I will, be careful love you
R: I will love you too.

I open the door to the house to see Jesse playing with Olivia. "She went to sleep." He says looking up at me. "That's good, she needs to rest." I respond as I sit down next to them. "So what do you do now? Nurse, lawyer?" He asks. I laugh. "No dance teacher." I pause "why would you think I'd be any of those?" I ask anxiously. "Well I remember you always being well at talking to people. And you were always smart so I just thought." He says with a shrug. "Oh, well what about you?" I ask. "I'm a gym teacher at the school." He explains. "I had a feeling. " I say with a small giggle. "Yeah." He says laughing. We keep talking until his phone rings. "I got her." I say referring to Olivia as he stands up and answers. I pick up Olivia and just hold her. She has Jesses darker skin tone but Kadynces nose and eyes. She's a really pretty baby. She starts looking tired so I decide to sing her a lullaby to see if she will sleep. I start singing and slowly she falls asleep. I let out a small sigh once I finish. "That was really pretty." Jesse says standing in the doorway. "Oh, thanks." I say with a small smile. "You should have kept singing." He says halfway to his self. "We are starting magcon again so I might." I say with a small shrug. "Good." He says giving me a smile.

Hayes' POV
"You can't tell her okay?" I say to Nash and Shawn. "We won't." I pick up the puppy and bring it into the house. "What's this?" Cameron asks once we get in. "He got her a puppy and a Shawn, exactly what every girl would want." Nash says with a laugh. "You got my sister.... a puppy?" Cameron asks. "Yep." I say with a smile as I let the puppy down. "At least you got her a husky." Cam says with a shrug. "And I get no hi, or hello?" Shawn asks from behind. "Oh hey Shawn." Cameron says with a smile as he plays with the pup. "You think she will like it?" I ask nervously. "Yes." A voice says from the stairs. "Hello little Marie!" I say as she runs over and hugs me. "What do you think she will name her?" I ask her. "I hope she names her Alli!" She says with a huge smile. I remember the time Rylee sang to us and she said something about her cousin named Alli. Maybe it was something else? I think to myself. "Hey Cameron, I'm going to the doctor real quick I'll be back." His mom says. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yes I'm fine I just am having a little stomach pain." She says as she grabs her coat. "I'll be back soon." She says with a small smile as she walks out the door. I look over at Cameron and he looks worried, we all do. "I hope Mary's okay." Nash says grabbing Marie and carrying her upstairs.

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