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*Shawn's POV*
Today I am planning a day out with Rylee, she's the only true one that knows about music. I walk to her room across the hall and nock. She opens the door still in her PJ's and no make-up. She shouldn't wear make-up she doesn't need it, she's prettier without it. "Hey!" I say as we hug. "Hi!" She says back. "So I wanted to take you out for a walk today, do you have plans?" I asks probably sounding like a dying rat from my nerves. "I do now!" She says smiling. "Good." I say back. "I will get ready and meet you at the lobby at 10." She says not taking her eyes off mine. "Okay, see you then." I say smiling uncontrollably. I walk back to my room and play on my phone since I'm already dressed.

*Rylee's POV*
I tell Cameron I'm going to go out walking with Shawn, he approves. I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom. I put my hair in a side braid wash my face and brush my teeth. I look at down at the bracelet Hayes gave me and smile happily. I doubt I will ever take it off. I look at the time, it's 9:55. I walk to the elevator and run into Matt. "Hey.. I'm sorry Rylee." He says not making eye contact. "Just, don't talk to me. Please." I say as the elevator dings and I walk out. I look around and see Shawn I run and jump into his arms as he spins me around and sets me down again. "Where are we going?" i ask excitedly. "You'll see!" he says with a huge smile. We walk out the french doors to a taxi, Shawn whispers something in the drivers ear and he starts driving. "Lets take a picture." he says pulling out his phone. We both smile and he takes the picture. "Send it to me!" i say right as he sends me the picture, i save it and add it to my camera roll. We pull up to a Starbucks. We order our drinks and Shawn gets us both a muffin. He hands it to me "Thanks muffin man!" I say giving him a cheeky smile. "No problem." He says laughing as he takes a HUGE bite out of his muffin. I start walking infront of him until he walks up from behind and takes a bite out of my muffin. "Hey!" I yell swiveling around to face him. He gives me puppy dog eyes and offers me to have a bite out of his. I take the offer. "Wow bigmouth!" He says jokingly. "i know." I said laughing.

After we finished our drinks and muffins we walk outside, I never noticed how close we were to the airport. "Why are we here?" I asked nervously. He walked over to the corner of the sidewalk, close to the street. Shawn pulled out his guitar I didnt notice he brought with us. He sat down and started strumming. "Going back to the corner.

Cam's POV

Rylee walks in, first thing I think? Well crap. "Hey guys..." Rylee says as she slowly sits down. "How was your walk with Shawn?" I ask. "Good?" She says not taking her eyes off Matt, still having her look of confusion. "Why is... uhm-" I cut her off. "He wants to talk to you. And so does Hayes." I say trying to stay calm. She looks at both of them as she backs up to the door. "Cameron.... your not acting right." She says worriedly. "I know I'm not. Just let them say it." I say trying to fight the anger. Hayes stands up and walks over to her grabbing her hands.

Hayes' POV
I walk over to Rylee, ready to tell her EVERYTHING. I grab her hands and look down at them. She's still wearing the bracelet which makes me smile stupidly. "Hayes?" She says nervously. I look up and find my way to her eyes. "Rylee, I know your leaving tomorrow night but-" I get cut off by Matt pushing me into the wall behind her. He slams my head against the wall and I start seeing dots. The last thing I see is Cam and Rylee running to me and Matt saying. "She's mine! I told you this." As he slams my head into the wall one more time and I'm out.

Rylee's POV

I don't know what the boys were talking about but apparently it was about me. And I'm guessing Matt didn't like it. I run to Matt and push him off of Hayes leaving Him to fall to the ground. I feel rage inside and I need to let it out. "Why would you do that!" I scream in his face. He starts turning pale as his eyes widen. "Ryl- Rylee, I love you." He says slowly. I feel dizzy. I remember i didn't take my medicine this morning. I start seeing dots again as I feel myself falling on the hard carpet.

Nash's POV

I hear a loud thump as I enter Cameron's room. I look around and see Hayes in Cameron's arms and Matt against a wall with Rylee at his feet. Cameron is motionless looking at his little sister. I see tears in his eyes right as they fall. I run over to Rylee and pick her up. I kind of tug on Cam telling him to follow. I run and find Bart. I tell him everything and eventually the ambulance is here.
Finally Rylee and Hayes wake up. We paid for them to be in the same room. Rylee looks around confused while Hayes doesn't take his eyes off of her. "Rylee? Hayes, you guys okay?" I asks slowly. Rylee's eyes flash toward mine. "Where is he?!" She yells with anger. "Who?" I ask confused. She yanks out her IV without hesitation. She stands up and runs out of the room. "Rylee?!" Hayes yells. She stops and slowly turns around. He walks over to her not unhooking the IV. She turns toward him and gives him a huge hug before running down the hall again. "It's Matt. She loves Matt." Hayes says with his head down as tears start to fall. "What?" I ask REALLY confused. "REALLY NASH?" He yells at me as he walks over to the table full of things from Matt to Rylee. He picks everything up and slams it against the ground before falling to his knees bawling. "Hey." I say calming him down as I put my hand on his back. "What happened." I ask. "I was about to tell her how I felt about her until Matt the Jerk slams me into a wall and steals her from me!" He yells but not as loud. I hear crunching of glass from the vase, I look up and see Rylee and Cameron with their hands intertwined as Rylee cries. "H-Ha-Hayes?" She says between tears as he looks up at her. "Oh what? I broke the stuff from your "true love"?!" He shouts angrily. "True love?" She questions as Hayes wipes his tears away and stands up. "Yeah your true love! As in Matthew Espinosa." He says in a girlie voice. Her jaw drops as she lets go of Cameron's hand and walk up to Hayes pulling his chin forcing him to look into her puffy red eyes. "I don't love Matt. I love you, and it's secretly always been you. Even if I didn't believe it at times." She says not taking her eyes off his. "I-im." I cut him off. "Yeah yeah, your sorry just kiss her already." I say getting glares from Cameron, a jaw drop from Rylee, and a smirk from Hayes. Hayes turns toward Rylee. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks slowly and calmly. "Y-yes." She stutters from nerves as Hayes lowers down and kisses her passionately. "Okay, okay that's enough." Cameron says pushing them apart jokingly as Rylee's cheeks turn tomato red and Hayes not changing at all. Hayes walks to me with a confident look on his face. "Got the girl." He states smiling at me with a small wink.

The doctor ends up releasing both of them later that evening. Rylee and Hayes walk hand in hand to the van as they sit together not taking their eyes off of eachother and Nash and Cameron in the seats behind them. Cameron will tell them 'your too close' or 'scoot farther apart.' Every once in awhile. They get to the hotel and Hayes yells at the top of his lungs "WE ARE OFFICIAL!" As they walk into Rylee's room. They spend the night together. And wake up in the morning helping Rylee pack for her flight that day.
Hey guys! Just so you know this IS NOT over. Rylee will go home for awhile and I will write some about that but she will return to Magcon and I might add some things in to make it more dramatic. Maybe Hayes cheating and falling off a cliff.... NO IM JUST KIDDING!but I WILL add drama sooo... Follow/Vote/Comment. Love you guys!

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