The House

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"What do you guys want FOR in the house?" I ask my family. "At least six bedrooms and four baths." Mom says. "Okay and?" I ask. "A big yard." Sierra says. "And a pool!" Cam says. "With a cover though." Sierra says protectively. "Alright, let's see what we can do." I say. We load into the black van and drive back to Dallas. "Hello?" The housing Agent says. "Hello, I'm Rylee Dallas and I am buying a house in Dallas Texas." I say maturely. "What are you looking for in your house?" The lady asks. "At least six bedrooms. Four baths, a big yard. And a pool." I say. "And is there a location you would like?" She asks. "Can we make it in the area of The Sixty Seven Highway Lodge." I say. (TSSHD is the hotel they have been staying in and where the events have been held.) "okay, meet me at the lodge." The lady says happily. "Alright, thank you." I say back. "Drive to the lodge." I tell Cameron. Hayes looks down and grabs my hand for comfort. "Are you ready for this?" He asks. "For what?" I ask. "Everything." He says with a sigh. "I think so, as long as I have you." I say smiling at him. He kisses me slowly. "Love you." He says with a smirk. "Love you too." I say back. "This will be perfect for your wedding." Sierra says happily looking at her phone. "Wedding?!" Hayes says unsure. "We won't get married for a long time." I say laughing. "I know but you two need to remember this." She says as she shows us the video. "We're like a romance movie." Hayes says with a smile.

We finally look through many houses until we find one that is perfect. It has everything we wanted and more. "Okay Miss. Dallas, I will talk to some people and get you moved in soon." The lady says. "Soon? I need now!" I demand. "But that is halfway impossible." She says worriedly. "Then make it happen." I yell. "Rylee, chill it's okay!" Hayes says. "No! No it's not! He won't hurt my family." I say under my breath. "I will see what I can do Miss. Dallas."

Minutes later, full of calls the lady comes back. "I need you to go to our building and sign some papers, then it's all yours." She says with a smile. "Thank you." I reply.

(Weeks Later)
"Sierraaaaaa" I males voice calls from outside the door. I walk over and open it. "Uhm... Sierra said she lived here?" The guy said. "I'm Rylee Dallas, her sister. And you are?" I question. "Oh, it's nice to meet you. I'm Bryan Mackerel. Her fiancé." He says with a smile. "Come in." I say letting him in. "Sierra! Bryans here!" I yell up the stairs. I send him a smile. "Hey Ry." Hayes says as he kisses me. His eyes open as he looks at Bryan. His lips still on mine. "Mhh." I say as he pulls away. "This is Bryan." I say to Hayes. He does nothing but nod. "What's up Hayes?"Bryan says. "Nice to see you finally got yourself a girl that doesn't use you for.. ya know." He says with a wink. "Hayes?" I question. Hayes gives Bryan a bad look as Sierra comes down stairs. Bryan greets her with a kiss. "Boys! Come down here!" I yell. Seconds later Mom, Cameron, and Nash come down. "This is Bryan." I introduce. "I'm Nash." Nash says. "I'm Cameron, Sierras brother." Cam says. Him saying "sierras brother" sounded so different to me. It was always "Rylees brother". I don't know if I liked it. "I'm Camlee Dallas." My mother greeted. I always liked her name. She named me and Cam after her. "Nice to meet you all." He says with a smile. "Mom do you want to help us with the wedding planning?" Sierra asks. "Of course honey." Mom says with a smile. "I have an event to go to." I say as I hug mom and my sister. I give Bryan a wave. "I'm going too." Hayes says. "Text me." Cam says as I leave. "What was that about." I say as we get outside. "What?" Hayes says. "What Bryan said." I say as we pull out of the drive. "He was referring to Kaloni." He says. "Wait? From ALDC? The Dancer?!" I ask. He nods. "She is a beautiful dancer." I say half day dreaming.

Once we get there I get in a chair with Hayes to my side and the security guards in the back. Today I was doing a signing for my head shots. "Rylee are you ready?" Bart asks. I nod yes and people start filling the building. The first girl hands me a headshot and we talk for a bit. "Can I have a picture with you and Hayes?" She asks sweetly. "Of course." I say with a smile. One of the guards take a picture and hands her the phone back. "Thank you!" She waves as she leaves.

(After the signing)
Me: we are coming home.
Cameron: k ;)
I get into the car and drive back home. "Sing." Hayes says. "What?" I ask looking over to him then back to the road. "You haven't sang in forever." He says. I turn up the radio. 'The Weight' by Shawn comes on. I start to hum along until my phone rings. "Can you answer it, I'm driving." I say sweetly. Hayes picks up my phone and answers. "Hello?" He says. "Yes, she is here. Okay." He says to the phone. " pull over it's important." I pull over with a worried look.
Me: hello?
Person: is this Rylee Dallas?
Me: yes. And this is?
Person: I'm Abby Lee with The ALDC.
Me: oh Miss. Abby! It's nice to hear from you.
Abby: yes, I have been watching you Rylee. You have true potential.
Me: oh, well thank you.
Abby: I have something for you.
Me: and that is?

DUN DUN DUN! CLIFFHANGER! Hey guys! What do you think? Do you guys like Bryan? Soon I will be doing a time skip. It will be HUGE. I hope you guys love it! VOTE/COMMENT/FOLLOW!

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