A Day Out With Cam

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*Chapter 6!! There was a mess up!*

I get into the room that Shawn shares with Nash, Hayes, and Erica. Shawn sits at his keyboard. "Do you know how to play?" He asks smiling at me. "Yes." I say. He gets up and gestures me to sit at the seat. I smile reassuringly at him. I play his song Stitches. He starts to sing, and slowly I join him. We finish the song when we hear Cameron cough. I turn to the doorway and everyone is there. I feel the heat in my cheeks. "Since when do you sing?" Sophia asks with a snicker. I wonder if she is mad at me? "Uhm... Always I guess." I say awkwardly. "Then why didn't you tell us?!" Erica asks in shock. "Because I'm afraid of singing in front of people." I say mumbling. "What?" They say in unison. "IM AFRAID OF PEOPLE LISTENING TO ME SING!" I yell as I push past the crowd in the doorway and go to the lobby as I sit in their fancy leather chair and cry, and cry, and sob. I hear someone walking up to me. I look up and it's Cameron. I look back down into my knees and keep crying. "Hey... Hey Rylee. It's okay." He says pulling my chin up now sitting beside me. "n- no it's not! No one should ha-have known!" I say between sobs. He hugs me "Your a beautiful singer, be proud of yourself." I look up and him and hug him again calming down. "Thank you Cam." I say wiping away the tears. "Well, it's my job. I'm your big brother an-and I need to make it up to you for being away all these years." I look up at him. "What do you mean? It's not your fau-" he cuts me off "YES! *cough* yes it is. And I'm sorry. Will you please let me take you out to breakfast tomorrow?" He says smiling nervously. "Yes, I would love that." I say smiling. "What place should we go? Say it in 1,2,3!" "IHOP" we say in unison laughing. Cam gets in position. "Ride?" He asks while smirking as I jump on and he takes me to our room. No one is here? I wonder where they went. I lay down next to Cam and slowly fall asleep.
I wake up and look around. Sierra and Erica are here now. Cam is in the shower. I go to my closet and pick out a green ruffled tank, white capris and green Vans. Cam is out of the shower so I have the bathroom. I take a shower and get out. I blow dry my hair brush it out and straighten it. I pick up the green bandana Taylor gave me yesterday. I put it on and then do my make-up just the usual, foundation and mascara. I don't really need mascara I already have long eyelashes, but it makes my greenish blue eyes pop. I walk out of the bathroom and everyone is up. Cameron and Sierra are sitting and talking on one bed. Sierra actually looks... Happy around him. Cam looks up "ready to go lil sis?!" He asks curiously. "Yeah, come on big bro." I laugh to myself at calling him 'big bro' and him calling me 'lil sis'. We walk out of our room and I see Taylor. He's looking at me with a smirk on his face, but I look over and Hayes is mad. Then I remember, I'm wearing the bandana. "Nice bandana Ry!" Taylor yells as Hayes scoffs. "Why are you wearing Taylor's bandana?!" Cam asks kinda upset. "Well, I thought it matched what I was wearing?" Maybe I don't match?! "Oh.." Cameron says looking away. We get in the car and start driving to IHop. "So, how are you and Sierra?" I ask curiously. "Really good! I told her I was sorry about our past and we started talking about our memorize's!" He said with a confident smile. "I hear you dance?" He says curiously. "Yeah, I love dance! It helps me express feeling." I say truthfully. "We are having Magcon tonight... Why don't you dance for us then?" He asks. "Okay.." I say. I turn quickly and look out the window. "What's wrong?!" Cam says worried. "Oh, it's just- what if no one likes it?" I asked nervously. "I talked to Sierra, if you can impress her. You can impress almost anyone." He says smirking. I'm not as nervous now. He has a point.
We pull into IHOP and we get out and immediately get a table. "What would you like?" A lady says winking at Cam. "Uhm..."
              Cameron's POV
Perfect she's flirting with me in front of my sister. "Uhm..." I don't know what to say. Rylee nudges me and gives me a look 'just pretend you don't know what she's doing' I nod. "Can I get- uhm.. A three stack with a cup of OJ." I say looking up and smiling at her. "Oh and Rylee, what would you like" I ask. "The same as him." She says looking at the lady with her innocent smile.
              Rylees POV
Wow, she's kinda forward isn't she? She gives me a dirty look as she walks away. I look at Cameron and smile. His smile slowly fades. "What's wrong?!" I ask worried. "Do you like them?!" He says sternly "Well that was straight forward." I say awkwardly. "Rylee, don't play games. I'm your big brother  and I want to know! I want to protect you like a big brother should do!" I look into his eyes and anger boils inside me. He's treating me like my abusive father. "Oh why?! So you can ruin my life just like dad did?!" I snap at him. His eyes fill with concern. "Rylee... That's not what I mea-" I cut him off. "Oh well, what did you mean then?!" I snap at him again. "I-" "you know what? Save it! Mom was right about you!" I yell at him and stand up. Everyone is looking at us now. I walk out of the building and run. I don't know where to... I just run. I heard Cameron yell after me. But I didn't stop.
When i stop running I am at a Starbucks. Yay! I walk inside and order my usual. I go to a corner and sit down. Someone walk up to me "Rylee?" It's Matt. I look up at him. "Matt.. Uhm.." I'm blank... What do I say?! "I thought you were with Cam?!" He says worried. "Well, I was... But-" I trail off. "But what?" Matt says raising an eyebrow I laugh at his gesture. "We got into a fight." I say looking down. I didn't mean to, but I started crying as Matt brings me into his arms. "Shh... It's okay." He says trying to calm me. "No, I should have answered him! He's my brother and I turned him away." I say sobbing I look up and someone runs toward me. It's Taylor, Hayes, Nash, and Cam. I don't know what to do so I just look down. "Rylee! I'm sorry I- I just-" Cam's at a loss of words. "No Cam I'm sorry. I just am hot headed sometimes." I say honestly. I get out my phone and text him.

Me: do I like who?

Cam: Hayes, or Taylor, or Shawn... Or now Matt.

Me: honestly...I don't know.

I run into Cameron's arms and start crying.

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