•Chapter One•

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*Billie’s POV *

I knew she was gonna be trouble the day mom brought her home from the hospital. And I was right, like always.
The little brat I had to call my sister was trouble as much as she was troubled.

First it was crying as a baby. Changing her poopy diapers and being woke up in the middle of the night. Then as a toddler she would whine and make a fuss when she wasn't walking around touching all my things and breaking my records.

When she was seven she was constantly asking to join the band and be a rock god. What a stage she went through.

Thirteen she was playing the angel kid who was a sweetheart to everyone and never made mistakes.

Sixteen and I was covering for her while she snuck out her window and made me lie for her.

Eighteen and I'm currently paying money for her jail bond. I guess she didn't know that getting caught with marijuana in your car while drunk was illegal. But then again she didn't know that resisting arrest was illegal either.

Just to count myself safe, I let her sober up in her jail cell before being instructed by mom to bail her out. Of course I would've let her sit there because I believe that she needed to learn from her mistakes, but no. Mom just had to be a bad parent again.

Rolling my eyes, I pay her bail and watch as my baby sister walks towards me after regaining her cigarettes and purse from the front desk.

She walks next to me, head down as she lit her smoke and we walked towards the truck.

"I'm done, Velvet. I mean it. Just because you can get by with mom doesn't mean you're gonna get by with me. I'm done taking the blame for you and fixing the problems you create. I'm sick of it. I have my own life, I'm an adult and I need you to grow up and start taking responsibility for your actions" She blows smoke out of her mouth a flicks her ashes out the window.

"What do you want me to do, Billie? Say I'm sorry? Thank you for my bail? You told me a long time ago that you never wanted to hear it again because it wasn't true. Tell me what you want" I blow out a breath, trying to calm myself.

I steal a glance at her, overlooking her red rimmed eyes and alcohol perfume. Her maroon colored hair that showed black at the roots made a whole new meaning of her name come to life. She needed a touch up bad, and not just on her hair. On her whole life. No matter how much me and my sister didn't get along or like each other, I didn't want to see her have a shitty life. And right now, that's the path she was making for herself.

"I want you to grow up. That's what I want" Our eyes meet and I notice how they look for the first time in years. The last time I had looked into her eyes was years ago, when I cared a little more. They were happy and challenging then. Now they looked desperate and lonely.

"I don't know if you know this, Billie, but life isn't fair, and I've never gotten what I wanted. Why should you? Like you really give a rats ass about me anyways. Stay out of my life, you don't know the half of it" I shake my head, giving up.

"I wish I could, kid" She looks at me for a second more before returning her cold gaze out the window and ignoring me.


I stand watching and disapproving of my sister the whole time my mom takes a new path and punishes her. I couldn't believe my eyes. Our mother was actually punishing her. But I wasn't smiling or happy, I was disgusted.

Listing out all the things that my sister was to me was sickening. She was a pot head for one. She never went anywhere without her pipe. I mean anywhere. I know for a fact that she's popped pills before and sold them. In also know that she's a thief and a liar. She hangs out with the wrong crowd and bad mouths everyone. She's a disgusting human being and I'm ashamed to call her my sister.

It got bad after dad died. Her sweet little girl image was ruined and I found cocaine in her room. That's when I told mom and that's where our whole relationship went down the drain, even though I'm still the one that's always been there for her.

I used to think covering for her and proving myself trustworthy would make us have some kind of relationship again, but i was dead wrong. And even after I figured that out, i continued to help her out and lie for her. Now the relationship would be mutual, because I was done trying to fix what wasn't broken.

Coming back to reality, I rub my shoulder that I had been leaning against the wall on and walk outside for fresh air.

That's what I need, fresh air...and maybe a few of her pills. I think, my mind warped and exhausted from worrying about her. I just wanted all of this to be over. I wanted our family to be normal. I wanted her to call Mike her big brother and plead for him to teach her bass. I wanted her to smack Tré and call him annoying as she giggled.

I rub my eyes, knowing it will never be a reality.

My pocket vibrates and i pull out my phone to see Mike's name appear.

I answer it to hear music in the background.

"Hello?" The music softens and I can tell he's walking away from wherever he was.

"Beej. What's going on? Your mom just called me and asked me to come over after I gave Tré a call. What's going on, dude? She sounded mad, and you know she's never like that" My eyebrows furrow and I realize that something must've happened while I slipped into my own little world.

"Hell if I know, come over and find out I suppose" I can hear his truck start and a sigh.

After telling me that he's on his way, we hang up and i run through the possibilities of why mom would've called them over. I mean it couldn't have been about Velvet. She wasn't their concern. Why would they need to come?

Instead of wondering about the other possibilities, I walk inside and prepare myself for what could be bad. Although I just prayed for the normal punishments.

Boot camp. Rehab. Dungeon.

If I was mom I sure as hell wouldn't hesitate, but I'm not, and im jealous everyday because of it.


~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now