•Chapter Twenty Six•

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(Still Mike's POV)

I rub my eyes after waking up and try not to think about turning my dreams into a reality. 

Last night was one hell of a night. In the dream, I mean. Everything seemed so real. I actually believed that I was standing in the kitchen of Ollie's house with V by my side. I was convinced that I had been telling Billie about everything. The past, the present. Even how I wanted the future to turn out. I told him that I loved his sister and that he would have to accept it. I told him that I wouldn't leave her for anything and that I wouldn't let him control my relationship with her. 

I told him that I would marry her and that he could do nothing to stop it. I confessed how she spoke the same way to me about him as he did her. 

I jump as Velvet touches my shoulder and smile to see her awake with messy hair and a curious look in her eye. 

"Get used to it, Mike. Not every woman is a ten when they wake up" I smile and pray that I would get used to waking up to her. 

I wanted it to be routine. I wanted her face and messy hair and smile and tired eyes to be the first thing that greeted me every morning. 

"Don't doubt yourself. I like the messy look" She smiles at me and blushes like she did when she was a kid. 

"Ann gave me the day off today. She talked to me after you left and I told her about you and everything and how I wanted to come see you. She said I could have today off. So it's just me and you" I smiled at the thought of having her company all to myself today. Today I wouldn't have to share her with anyone. 

"What do you want to do?" I ask, knowing from the look on her face that she was waiting to give me information. 

"I changed my mind. I want to see Mom and Billie...I want to go home for a day...with you. I want them to know" She almost looked sad, but it was a sincere look and I wondered if my dream had been accurate about something. 

"That's a big step, V. And we're-" She nods, leaning her chin on my shoulder.

"The same as we always were. Nothing changed, Mike. I left because I was tired of keeping our secret and it was putting pressure on me. I want them to know now, no matter what" I was more nervous than I ever was about something I had dreamed of doing. 

It was a huge step, but she was right. Keeping the secret was a lot of pressure on me, too, and I was ready to face the facts rather than to possibly lose her all over again. 

"Okay. We'll go whenever you're ready" She smiles and the brightness returns to her eyes to see me agree. 

She throws her arms around my neck and I hold her as she leans into me. 

"I knew you'd understand..."


She holds my hand tightly as we walk up to the door, and blows out a breath before not knocking and walking in with me by her side. 

Giggles belonging to Joey and Jakob fill the kitchen, as well as Billie and Ollie's voices.

We round the corner and everything turns dead silent.

*Velvet's POV*

Two little boys who resemble Billie stare at me like I'm a stranger, and the realization that I am one makes my heart feel like it's splitting in two. 

One looks about he's three and the other is so young he's only in a diaper on the kitchen table, Billie's hands on his sides to steady him. 

It's not only the little kids looking at me like I'm foreign now, it's my own family, but there's something behind the foreign looks. 

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now