•Chapter Thirty Six•

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After my bath, I sit on the couch, silent as I begin to chew on my thumbnail. Mike is silent and ignoring me, his eyes fixed on the television, but not interested. He was just trying to keep busy. I knew that look, he was thinking of ways to solve a problem, he was thinking before something he regretted came out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry I ruined your show..." Mike looks over at me and sends a smile that I didn't know was real or not.

"Don't worry, V. We'll get more shots. Our rep isn't ruined yet" He offers a chuckle, but I still felt lower than dirt.

"Are you mad at me?" He shakes his head, chewing on the inside of his lip.

"Disappointed?" And that's when I feel even lower. He stops chewing on his lip and his eyes say everything along with his sigh.

"Billie's right, V. I get it, she probably provoked you...but you just need to control it...you just need to...grow up a little bit. I'm not mad alright? I just didn't like having to bail my girlfriend out of jail because she got in a fight" Mike sighs, turns off the television and walks away, mumbling something about going to bed.

He doesn't kiss me goodnight, he doesn't even say goodnight. And he closes the door to the bedroom, somehow I figured out that he didn't want my company tonight.

I get out of my rut to look forward to things, smirking to myself and my thoughts.

I knew I'd make it up to him. I just needed time.


It's two weeks later and I've been down with the stomach flu while Mike has been stubbornly taking care of me.

"Hey, Mike?" I call, hearing his sigh from the bedroom and the bass lines ending.

His heavy footsteps walk out to the living room, and he looks tired of getting up for me as I smirk evily. I was feeling fine now, I just liked using him as my personal slave.

"What, Velvet? What is it now?" I had been waiting anxiously all day for the company to call, but still nothing.

"My back itches. Will you scratch it for me?" He looks bored and not interested as I speak.

"Velvet, come on! Do you know how busy I am? I'm trying to figure out some things for the band and all you're doing is wasting my time..." Yet my unhappy and fed up boyfriend walks over, reaching his arm under my shirt to scratch my back, my eyes closing from the feeling.

"It's been a few weeks, Velvet. You're abusing this" And then the phone rings and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"I got it!" Mike's eyes widen, but quickly go back to normal as I jump up quickly to answer the phone.

"Hello?" His name is Tom from Reprise Records and he asks to speak to Mike Pritchard.

"Yep. Hang on a second. Mike, sweetheart, it's for you..." Mike seems cautious and weirded out at the new name, taking the phone with his eyes fixed on me.

I kiss his cheek.

"Have a nice chat" He looks scared at first, and I go into the kitchen, watching as he paces around the living room, his eyes changing.

"For real? Look, I...I don't know how you- No, no! I want it! Friday? Uh-huh, at seven. Thank you, thank you!" I hear the phone hit the floor, and I barely have time to blink before I'm in Mike's arms having the life squeezed out of me.

"You'll never believed who called!" His words are muffled as he speaks into my shoulder.

"His name is Tom. He works for Reprise Records and he wants to have a meeting with Green Day so he can possibly sign you a record deal..." Mike sets me down slowly, his eyes interested.

"How did you...." The look on his face when it hits him is priceless. He smiles and blushes and kisses me.

"I was starting to get worried about you talking on the phone late at night, V. But you did all this, didn't you?" I nod against him.

"I didn't want you to hate me for ruining your show at Gilman. So I contacted a few people" He hugs me tighter.

"I would never hate you, V. You're my world, remember that" He had never said anything so....serious.

He walks away with a smile the phone ringing again.

He answers and I can hear Billie's screaming voice on the other line.

"I just got off the phone with him. How?" Mike steals a glance at me.

"Well, I think a little bird put something in his ear. Who? Yeah, her. Right now?" Mike rolls his eyes, offering the phone to me.

I take the phone, smiling at the boys rejoicing in the background for their Dad.

"Thanks, Velvet. What you did means a lot to me and I just wanted to thank you. I pay you back for it" I tell him it's no problem, and we hang up before Tré calls a minute later.

This was gonna be chaos. That's the only thing I was certain of. And another thing I was certain of. Mike was no longer disappointed.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now