•Chapter Twelve•

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*Velvet's POV*

Mike's plan had worked out so far. Good bye bus, hello hotel room. It was a relatively nice hotel, the rooms were big and equipped with nice televisions and phones. 

Billie hadn't seemed to mind, in fact he set it up himself, offering to bunk with Tre and leaving me and Mike to our own room.

That also scared me though. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with Mike with nothing to worry about, but I finally had to open my eyes and accept the facts. I couldn't be with him. I couldn't lay there and talk with him and get involved. 

He would end up leaving me one day for the band and I wasn't going to be heartbroken because of it. I wasn't going to give myself that chance. 

And that's what I craved.

Like earlier when he had led me into the room and helped me with my bags. Right now as we sat next to each other watching some black and white movie that made me want to go to sleep. But it didn't make me want to go to sleep so much, it made me want to kiss him every time the woman and the guy flirted. It made me want to show him what a real kiss looked like instead of a fake one.

I wanted to crawl on him and beg him to show me a good time. Yet I wouldn't, because I was scared. Our time together was limited. I was limited. This wasn't going to change me.

"Hey, what's wrong? You've never been this quiet before" My whole body burns when he places his hand on top of mine.

I shrug, not looking at him.

"I dunno. I'm just not sure what to do with you" His lips touch my cheek and his breath grazes my neck, making me release a sigh.

"Let me show you how much you mean to me" He whispers, goosebumps covering my skin.

"If I meant something to you then you wouldn't choose the band over me" But then he kissed me and I decided to forget about everything for the time being and put a shield over my feelings.

I would be numb, unaffected, just like he was anytime I mentioned something about living in the real world. 

I never should've come on this tour. I never should've felt the way I should about him. I shouldn't feel the way I do about him, and yet I can't help it. I hate the son of a bitch and admire him at the same time. 

I had excuses and an answer for everything as my mom always told me. But this was one thing I couldn't figure out. Right now I just wish I was back in that cab with Scott, the guy with all the answers. 


I woke up naked and with a pounding headache. The room was spinning and too bright for my liking. The windows were open as if this were some kind of happily ever after movie and the birds and deer were gonna jump in and help me get dressed as we sang merrily. Fuck that. This was the real world.

Mike was gone, nowhere to be seen in the room and I was almost glad just to have the space to myself. Maybe I could leave, go do a few things I wanted on my own. I'd leave a not just in case I accidentally induced panic rather than celebration. 


Walking down the sunny sidewalk, the air was slightly chilly but fresh as it hit my nose. I was so awake, so relaxed just feeling my freedom. I wasn't boxed in somewhere with people watching over me, I was doing my own thing.

I passed a small shop on the strip, seeing very little business with the faded words: Bookstore.

Couldn't hurt, right?

With only twelve dollars in my pocket, I got what I wanted. The addictive scent of old must books and the cinnamon air fresheners. I could live in a place like this. 

I picked up as many books as my arms could carry.

The Catcher In The Rye, The Jungle, Wuthering Heights, and a few others I couldn't name off of the top of my head.

I was back in the hotel within an hour and had just enough time to myself before I heard Mike re-enter the door.

I didn't look up at him, I just kept reading about the man that was destined for me. Holden Caulfield. He would understand me. We would understand each other. I could help him take care of his little sister and I would be there to comfort him and be able to tell him that I understood. 

Mike would never be a guy who could do that for me. After all, he wouldn't even have to think about it before choosing his band and my brother over me. To him I wasn't important and it was like a broken marriage. We liked each other and all, we just didn't understand each other and there was the one of us who was oblivious to everyone else's feelings.

I'll give you a wild guess who that is. 

"What's new?" I look up at Mike before glancing back down at my book.

"I'm going to marry Holden Caulfield one day. Just watch" The love I had for my fictional character couldn't compare to anything else. I wanted to jump into the book and forget about the real world. The real world full of disappointment and misunderstanding. 

"Who's that?" He asks, distaste in his voice.

I shrug, looking up at him and closing my book.

"You wouldn't know him. He's from New York" He sends me a confused look and I smile an evil smile.

As long as he believed Holden was as real as I did, then I would have no problem making him jealous over it.

Game on.


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