•Chapter Thirty Nine•

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I groan at the light coming through the window, it keeps getting in my eyes and I want to keep sleeping.

I can hear Mike moving around next to me, awake by the sound of him tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable.

"I smell breakfast..." I mumble, feeling Mike roll over and face me.

I open my eyes slowly, watching as he comes into focus. His hair was messy and the blanket covered everything above his waist, so I wasn't sure if he was wearing pants yet or not.

"Do you wanna go get some?" I shrug, sighing as I closed my eyes again and scooted towards him, having him surround me in his arms.

"What time is it?" He kisses the back of my neck, and my shoulders go up in response as I shiver and giggle.

"Almost noon" I back away from him a little just enough to see his face.

"We slept that late?" He smiles, closing his eyes as if having fond memories of last night.

I don't blame him, my memories of last night made me blush and look at him from under my lashes.

"We did stay up half the night. You couldn't sleep, remember?" I think about it, nodding.

Last night was hard. I couldn't fall asleep after we had had our fun together, so he sang to me and rocked me like a baby until I did.

I smile at the thought.

"You should do that more often" He nods against me before sighing and sitting up to the edge of the bed barely big enough for the two of us.

I inhale through my nose again, smelling bacon and hearing little kid's jabbering their jaws.

I sit up quickly, too quickly as I feel lightheaded and almost throw up in my mouth. Yeah, gross I know.

I moan, Mike looking back curiously at me before zipping up his jeans and opening our door.

"I'm starving" He says quickly, not waiting for me to follow him out the door.

I take my time before standing, getting that rush to my head again, but not as bad as before.

I sigh, put a hand in my hair and dress before walking out to see Addie making food.

"Morning, sleepy head. Want some lunch?" My stomach growls in response, but not in a hungry way. It began gurgling and felt uncomfortable.

"No thanks, maybe later. Smells good though" Addie shrugs her spatula at me before getting back to work. I take a seat next to Joey at the makeshift table, watching him as he colored.

"Where's Billie?" Mike asks, chomping away on some bacon, Addie absent mindedly pointing down the hall.

"Music room, said he had a few last minute things to work on before the concert today" Mike walks that way, leaving me, Addie, Joey, and Jakob all in the kitchen together.

"You better eat your food instead of coloring, Joe. It's gonna get cold" Joey ignores me, so I stop trying and look away from him.

Addie still tends to flipping more bacon as I sit at the table, leaning my head on my hand.

"Soooo, how was your night?" Addie asks, my stomach grumbling again.

I put a hand on it, laughing at how loud it was being.

"Eh, I couldn't really sleep for a while. I got a good few hours in...this tour is already driving me nuts and it hasn't even been a month" Addie laughs as if to say "me too".

"How was yours?" Addie makes eyes at me under her lashes, smirking like the devil as she points her spatula at me.

"You don't want me to explain that" Chuckling, I close my eyes and shake my head.

"Gross. Yeah, I'd prefer it if you didn't explain your sex life with my brother, thanks" She laughs, knowing she was making me uncomfortable. I shrug it off, sighing and still feeling tired as I looked out the window.

"It's sunny today..." She nods.

"Yeah, it's nice. Later me and you can get out of this stinky old tour bus if you want, we can take the boys to a park or something" I shrug, not really up to it as I felt a headache coming on.

"No thanks, not today. I've got a migraine" Addie frowns.

"That sucks. I've got some aspirin" She reaches into the cabinet, throwing me the bottle and a water.

"Thanks. Maybe I'll be up to it later if it goes away" She nods, offering me food once again.

"Not hungry" She laughs.

"You? Not hungry?" She smirks. "You must've bit off more than you could chew last night" I blush, looking away.

"You're cute sweetie" She pinches my cheek, sitting down next to me with a plate of steaming food.

My mouth watered but my stomach growled, screaming "no!".

"I'm only a few years younger than you" She looks sideways at me.

"Are you calling me old?" I shake my head.

"Nah, I'm just calling you experienced. But yeah, old" She hits me playfully in the shoulder and my head begins to pound.

I wish this aspirin would work a little faster.

"What's it like being married to my brother? And I mean that in a normal way. He's so moody, do you guys fight a lot?" She looks at me weird before answering.

"Well...not really. I mean, we've had our little fights and all, but I'm a moody person, too. So it just...works out" She smiles.

"Does that mean you're going to snap in two seconds and rip my head off for calling you old?" She chuckles, taking a bite of her bacon.

"Possibly. Just because you're my sister in law doesn't mean I'm not afraid to get into an argument with you" I listen to her words and smile at the thought.

"Oh yeah, I guess that does kinda make us sister's doesn't it? I haven't really thought about it before" She shakes her head at me, still laughing.

She puts a hand on my back, looking sincerely at me.

"You need to wake up and smell the coffee, kid" I nod, getting lightheaded again and laying my head on her shoulder.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now