•Chapter Sixteen•

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*Velvet’s  POV*

"What happened on that tour, Velvet?" Mom asks as I take a bite of my cereal and watch her cook pancakes at the stove.

I haven't sat and eaten breakfast with my own mother in years. I forgot what it even felt like to sit at the kitchen table unless there were tons of people gathered around and white lines of happiness.

"What do you mean?" I drink the milk from my bowl and look at her over the top of it.

"You're just different. You're eating breakfast with me. You watch TV and stay home all day. You laugh at your favorite shows again. I'll ask again. What happened on tour?" I shrug and put my bowl in the sink.

I lean against the counter and find myself wanting to spill the beans about Mike. I wouldn't though, it was too risky.

"I missed being home. As the saying goes, you never know what you miss until it's gone" She nods with a small smile and skeptical eyes.

"I think there's something you're not telling me" I roll my eyes and see her ready made grocery list on the counter.

I so needed a reason to get out of the house. I hadn't seen Mike in three days and I missed him.

"You need me to go to the store for you?" That's when she stops looking completely trustworthy of me and grabs the list.

"We can go together later if you'd like" I sigh but nod anyways, wanting to gain her trust at some point.

"Okay. Just let me get ready and we'll go together" I didn't want to go, but I would to make my mom trust me.


"Fresh air, just a walk. I wanna get out, Mom. Just trust me. I won't be more than an hour...I want you to trust me now" She has a look in her eyes and I could tell she didn't want to let me go.

"Be home by midnight, okay?" I look at the clock.

It was already dark at ten thirty. I only had an hour and a half with Mike.

"I will. I promise" I kiss her cheek before tying my shoes and running out the door.

It would take me no more than fifteen minutes to get to Mike's and that's if I ran the whole way.


There was a dim light on in the garage and I could see him under an old truck. His shirt was off and his arms were above his head as he worked on the underside of the vehicle.

He must've heard my footsteps as I approached, and dropped his tools, sending me a smile.

"How'd you get out of the house?" I lean against the truck, looking under the lifted hood at the engine as if I knew anything.

"Mom told me to be home by midnight. She doesn't know I came here" He grabs his shirt off the side of the truck and wipes his face.

"So. Where'd you get this beauty?" I ask, wondering why he had an old non-running truck when he had a perfectly good one in the driveway.

"Some guy I know told me I could have it for free if I got it running. And I needed something to keep my mind off of you anyways" I smile and look at the clock on the wall.

"You can think about me all you want for the next hour" He throws his shirt on the floor and I put my back against the truck to face him as he approaches.

"Is that all?" I shake my head and he moves close enough to kiss me if he wanted to.

"You could do more if you'd like...I wouldn't mind" I say in a soft voice, his lips grasping mine for a small kiss.

"I missed you" He whispers, my arms going around his neck to pull him closer and get rid of the gap between us.

He leaves me short of breath as his hand leaves a trail of goosebumps and heat up the back of my shirt.

The clinking of keys against each other makes his mouth leave mine and he arm return to his side.

I open my eyes to see a guy I've never met before standing in the garage with a look that was full of shock and a dirty secret.

"Tim...uh, the part. Thanks" Mike stumbles over his words as I see some sort of truck part in "Tim’s" hand.

The weird smile on his face grows larger as he points between me and Mike.

"You're messing around with Billie's sister?" Now the fear in my chest started to make my heart pound.

"Say one word to him and I'll ring your fucking neck, got it? I have dirt on you, man. Don't try me" I tried to calm my ragged breaths as I stood awkwardly against the truck.

Apparently Tim knew Billie and he would be the end of us in the long run.

"Don't worry dude, I won't say a word. My lips are sealed. I wouldn't mind having a piece of his sister either, I can totally relate" Mike looks angry and I look at my feet as Mike snatches the truck part from him.

"Just get out of here before I beat your weak little ass" Tim walks away with a chuckle, and Mike throws the truck part on the floor.

"He won't tell him, V. I got dirt on him and I can do just as much damage as he would if he actually did tell Billie" I sigh, the worry in my chest still not gone.

"He's creepy. Didn't you hear what he said about me? He makes me want to throw up" Mike gets a chuckle out of it and wraps an arm around me.

"That's Tim for you. Just don't worry about it. He's to chicken to do anything" I look up at him and think of the possibilities.

"What if he does tell Billie, though?" He shrugs, not looking worried.

"I'll take care of it. And then I'll have to tell Billie that I choose you over him. He might not like it too well, but he'll get over it" And that's when I smiled.

I had never felt more wanted or loved in my life other than this moment right now.

"You'd choose me over Billie? Over the band, over the money?" He nods with a smile.

"Yeah. I would. And I'd tell Billie myself before I let you think otherwise" I smile at him and keep his eyes locked on mine.

"You're getting too serious about me, Mike. It isn't healthy" He laughs at my joke, and we kiss throughout the night as I watch him fix his truck and hand him tools.

"I have to go" Standing up, I remember to honor my promise of being home by midnight.

He stands up with me, looking sad to see me go.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" I smile because I couldn't make a promise.

"I can try, unless you can somehow find out a way to get to my place without being suspicious" He grins.

"Maybe I'll surprise you one of these nights" I grin back as I start to walk towards the driveway.

"Maybe you will" And from there I'm told to text him when I get home so he'd know I was safe.

That's what it feels like to be wanted. Just to know that someone out there worries about you is what it feels like.

And it felt great as the smile on my face didn't wear off until I got home.

"Where'd you go, honey?" Mom asks as I start to climb the stairs.

I smile at her as she sits on the couch.

"I took a journey" She seemed satisfied with my answer and told me to have sweet dreams as I announced I was going to bed.

With Mike on my mind, a sweet dream was guaranteed.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now