•Chapter Nineteen•

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*Mike's POV*

Laughing, I jolt forward every time Velvet makes the engine stall as she tries to learn to drive stick.

"Hold down the clutch and shift forward at the same time" The dirt builds up behind us from all the starting and stopping, and Velvet looks close to giving up.

"That's what I did last time" She blows hair out of her face except for the little pieces that stick to the sweat forming on her hairline.

She starts the truck and hits the gas slowly, holding down the clutch as she begins to shift. Improvising, I hold down the gas with my own for and she gasps as I help her gain control of the wheel and scoot into her side.

"Mike, you're going to fast!" She looks scared as the needle hits forty and we begin to fight for the wheel, the truck swerving back and forth on the dirt road.

The anticipation was building in my chest and making my heart beat as a stray truck blares his horn and she closes her eyes with a scream. I take control of the wheel, yanking it hard to my right as her hands go over her eyes and dust surrounds us.

The truck spins and we jolt forward as I stomp on the brake and find myself in a corn field.

"That was fucking awesome!!" I'm cheering and my heart is beating so fast from the thrill that I want to do it again.

Velvet shakes as she pulls her hands away from her eyes, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.

"We're alive..." She looks at me with a hard glare.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!" I laugh as I use my arms to block my face from her angry slaps.

She pushes at my chest and my back hits the window hard, making me wince and lose the humor throughout me.

"I can't believe you did that" She sobs for a good minute, short of breath with her head leaning back against the seat.

"C’mon, V. You're with me, I'm not gonna intentionally put you in danger" She laughs sarcastically, her cheeks tearstained.

"What do you call that little stunt you pulled back there? That truck could've killed us. You could've killed us when you spun the truck. I could've gone through the fucking windshield!!" Sighing, I apologize quietly.

"But hey....you drove stick" She shakes her head, throwing the seat belt behind her and opening the door as she jumped into the corn.

"No! You drove stick, or whatever the hell you called that!" Letting her walk away, I move into the drivers seat and back the truck into the road, slowing to her walking pace before parking it.

"V, C’mon! Just get in the truck" I jog to catch up with her and she still looks pissed as she pushes me away.

"Do you not understand that we could be dead right now? Mike, you scared the shit out of me! What the fuck were you thinking?!" She slaps me before I have time to block it, and my face stings as she growls and grabs her hair.

"Will you just take me home and try not to kill me on the way there?" I nod slowly, and she stomps back to the truck, slamming the door.

Of all the first fights I've had with girls in my life, I had a feeling this one wouldn't be forgotten about in a few hours and end up with us in bed.

"I'm sorry, V. Okay? I love you" I put a hand on her knee and she blows out a sigh, as she crosses her legs to get away from my touch.

"I love you, too" I smile when I know that she still hasn't given up on me.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now