•Chapter Thirty Eight•

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*Some Months Later*

I remembered the bus being smaller than this, but it had to he different considering the boys had separate rooms and we actually had beds this time.

Joey runs around giggling, begging me to chase him around the bus. Finally after relaxing a little while from unpacking clothes and what not, I give in and chase my nephew around.

I get close to him, still running as I bend down, almost ready to grab him but hitting my head on something hard.

I groan and hold my head as Joey laughs, allowing my eyes to look at a pair of legs, then a butt, then a back, then blue eyes.

"Have you been doing butt crunches or something? Your ass is like steel!" Even Joey laughs as I rub my head still and Mike scoffs.

"That wasn't my ass, it was the back of my knees. Watch where you're going, Joey gets spankings when he's a bad kid. I don't think you want that punishment" I grab Joey, hoisting him onto my hip.

"I'm not a bad kid, I just make bad choices. Isn't that right, Joe?" Joey nods and we stick our tongues out at Mike as he laughs.

"Come on, Joe. Let's go do something that doesn't involve possibly getting spankings from Uncle Mike" Mike hears me, saying something that I can't quiet understand over the television.

"Joey, where'd your mom go?" I ask, remembering her sitting on the couch a few minutes ago and promising to play poker with me.

After the boys went down for a nap and the guys left for their show, me and Adrienne could sit and hang out for a while.

I shrug, not worrying as soon as I see Billie's closed door. Joey climbs out of my arms and runs again, making me sigh.

I wasn't going to chase this kid around all day, that's for sure. But to my dismay, Joey comes back with several blankets and holds them up.

"Wanna build a fort?" He looks up at me with big innocent eyes, and even though there isn't a good place to make any forts on this bus, I agree so I won't let him down. The kid hit a soft spot in me.

Halfway through making the fort with Joey, Mike announces that it's time to leave for the show and Billie walks out of his room with Adrienne trailing close behind.

She talks to him in the other room as she buttons his shirt and fixes his tie. I hear her wish him luck and kiss him.


I didn't even wanna know why they were in that room so long. The thought of someone even kissing my brother made me about gag. But then again I wondered how he felt about me and Mike.

Billie carries his guitar through the front of the bus, calling Joey to give him a hug.

"Wish me luck, mini Joe" Joey gives him a high five and I chuckle at their matching smiles.

Adrienne stands next to me, Billie coming close again to kiss her.

"Could you guys be any more revolting?" Billie pulls away and raises an eyebrow at me.

"You're sleeping with my best friend, how do you think I feel?" I laugh, Mike approaching.

"That's the thing, Beej. I could care less" Mike comes to my side, rolling his eyes.

"Pushing his buttons again, V? Be a good girl for once" Billie sighs.

"I'm gonna go before I get sick" I wave him out of the bus.

"Good luck! Good luck, Mike. Knock em' dead" I place a kiss on his cheek and I watch with crossed arms as his blonde head disappears.

I sigh, Addie nudging my shoulder with a weird smile.

"What? Why are you grinning like that?" She laughs to herself, getting our deck of cards and sitting down at the make shift table.

"Nothing. I just think it's funny how you pick fights with Billie. It's actually quite amusing" We both look over as Joey slumps onto the seat and looks out the window.

I make a face.

"Why do you like Billie So much, Addie? I mean...why is he so special to you?" Adrienne seems taken back by my question as we get our hand of cards and begin playing.

"Well that's a good question. Billie's very...you know how people like some food and other's don't. It's because they have acquired tastes. Meaning, I like Billie for reasons you don't. He's funny and nice and sweet, and you probably don't think he's a drop dead gorgeous as I do" I wave a hand, scowling.

"Never mind. Forget I asked" She giggles at me, but I've got to give it to Billie. He must be doing something right if he can make Addie this happy.

"What about you and Mike? What do you guys do that makes you like each other?" I chuckle to myself, laying down a card.

"What do we not do? Me and Mike don't do anything special, we're just ourselves" Adrienne narrows her eyes like she's thinking.

"So when did you and Mike get together? I never knew you and then apparently one day you and Mike showed up together as a couple. What's the story on that?" Great, Adrienne wants my story.

"Do you have a minute?" She smiles as she looks up at me, putting her cards down with soft eyes.

"I have all night" I smile at her back and feel like I can trust her.

That being said, my story finally had a listener.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now