•Chapter Thirty Three•

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****Velvet's POV****

I curse to myself, not caring if it was loud and customers heard. It was the third plate I've dropped today, the third plate I've broken and sent glass shards everywhere. The third mess of food I've had to clean up off the floor and make customers wait longer.

I got to the point where I was done apologizing, done hiding my anger and putting on a happy face. I knew what I needed right now. I needed to be alone. I needed peace and ducking quiet. I needed to sit and think and cry until I couldn't cry anymore.

Ann offers me a smile that shows she's trying, but after the third time, even she can't take it anymore.

I untie my apron with shaking hands and fingers, throw it on the floor after ripping it from my neck, and stop my way to the bathroom, fire beneath my skin.

I can hear Ann sighing and the noise in the dining area pick back up as people went back to their everyday business.

The bathroom door, only for employees, smashes against the wall as I push it open with force. A hole had been made there over the years when I've had times like these. This time was different though. It was so much different.

The hot tears that I never welcome slide down my cheeks, and the more I wipe them away, the more they fall.

I lock myself in a stall, and sit on the floor, my back against the wall. My hair that had faded it's dyed color, now black, falls in my eyes, sticking to my wet eyelashes. I felt my whole body shaking, and it shook more when I tried to stop.

The door to the bathroom squeaks when it opens slowly, and judging by the shoes, I could tell it was Ann.

I wanted her here, but I wanted her to go. I wanted to be alone, but I wanted someone to cry to. I didn't even know what I was doing any more.

Ann doesn't say anything at first. She just sits down with her back to my door, swinging her feet back and forth.

"Go ahead honey...tell me what's wrong. You haven't been right since you walked in Monday morning" Monday? I've been noticeably irritated since Monday?

"Everything..." My voice comes out shaky, sounding weak, something I despised. I wasn't weak, I knew I wasn't. But I also knew as of right now, I wasn't strong either.

"Everything is a lot. Surely it's not everything. Just tell me what's bothering you...I'm here to help you, Velvet" I don't need help. I'm strong. I can handle this on my own.

No you can't. You're weak and you ducking know it, stop lying to yourself.

My own tormenting voice echoes in my head, and I just wish all the buzzing would stop.

"When's the last time ya' slept, sweetie?" Hearing Ann talk to me like I was a little kid, like I was vulnerable made me sick.

I think back to the time I had a good night's sleep, realizing it's been too long to count. I think next of the last time I've slept relatively well.

"Saturday. It was a week after Mike's birthday...I was exhausted" A shiver rolls down my spine, and sweat begins to form on my hairline.

"Why were you exhausted?" I shut my eyes tightly, images of him making love to me coming back. Our sounds mixed together echo in my head and I press my hands against my ears.

"I...I don't know" I lie, my voice shaking harder.

"Yes you do..." She says calmly. "Tell me the truth, Velvet. What did you do that night?" I shiver, tears rolling down my cheeks as my stomach lurches and my throat tightens.

I felt like someone was strangling me to get the answer out.

"We had birthday cake and ice cream for, Mike. A lot of people came over, but it was a week late because we had to meet when our schedules would allow us to. And then everyone left..." I can see Ann's body move as she nods slowly.

"What happened when everyone left?" The fire raging inside me makes me scream.

"You know exactly what happened when everyone left! The same thing that always happens when everyone leaves!..." I was breathing so heavily and I felt like I just needed something.

I needed to get slobbering drunk to where I couldn't remember my name. Just something to make me forget.

"Did you guys fight? Or did you guys sleep together?" I nod slowly, chewing on a nail as my throat burns.

"Yeah. We slept together" My voice cracks, I don't sound like myself.

"What happened after that?" I cringe, my body beginning to shake again.

"We fell asleep"

"Before that" And then it happens.

The slow tears that once rolled down my cheeks, cranked up the speed. A sob escaped my tight throat, and I held myself as I shook, rocking back and forth.

"You didn't fall asleep, did you?" I close my eyes, tears rolling out as I had to start breathing through my mouth.

I shake my head to myself.

Somehow she saw it.

Somehow, she knew all my problems.

Somehow, she had all the answers.

****Mike's POV****

I hold my head in my hands. I had been channel surfing for the past two hours, my favorite shows looking boring.

All I could focus on was Velvet. All I could focus on was Billie, and how our relationship could be ruined. But there was still hope, right?

Maybe this is just some scare, maybe everything will be fine. Maybe Billie will accept it for what it is.

Maybe I'll have to accept it for what it is.

Maybe Velvet will vanish for another four years. Maybe she will hate me. Maybe everything just went down the drain.

Maybe my life isn't over.

****Velvet's POV****

"No matter what happens, just know that you're strong. You're a strong girl, Velvet. Your Life won't be over, barely anything will change. Everything could get better" Ann says by my side, smiling through her own words of advice.

I look up at her under my wet eyelashes.

"I always thought I was strong, too. But it's obvious that I'm not. I...I don't know what to do" Ann wipes a stray tear from my cheek, and I pull away from her, wiping my nose on my arm.

"Everything happens for a reason, Velvet. It'll all work out in the end" Ann places a kiss on my temple, and I sit on the bathroom floor with my knees to my chest where she lets me have as much peace as I could muster up.

No matter which way this turned out, it would impact my life one way or another. It could teach me to learn from mistakes. It could also teach me to be responsible.

I knew already which one I preferred.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now