•Chapter Seven•

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I had gotten somewhat used to sleeping on the bus now, it being my third night after all, but tonight I just couldn't. I kept thinking about earlier, about the guy I ran in to and his filthy suggestions. And then I would think about Mike and how he seemed to be mad at me but not really mad. Like a parent when they yell and you but know that when you cry it makes them feel bad. He was mad, but I could just hear the line:

"I'm not here to be your friend. I'm here to be your parent" Circling about in my head.

I kept wondering if this was all his idea. I wondered if he had given mom the suggestion because he knew I wasn't well off. Because he thought he could work miracles and move mountains. He wasn't my father. He couldn't do either of those tasks. And it's not like he was someone special. He was just some guy who apparently thought he was superman. He was full of it. 

Still tossing and turning in my little space, the bus coming to a stop makes me give up and climb out of the area, in search of anything entertaining.

I figured the kitchen was a good place to start since I was starving to death. I don't even remember the last time I ate something. 

Grabbing my sweater, I walk out in bare foot, the cold floor making me shiver. Turning left, I find my way to the small kitchen and raid the fridge, stopping when I spot alcohol in the back. 

I was so tempted, my mouth was watering. This was the kind of entertainment I was looking for.

Reaching for it, I jump at the sound of a voice.

"I wouldn't take that. Billie'd be pissed if you drank his good stuff" I growl, narrowing my eyes as I reached for a water instead.

"Why do you care? Are you following me? Was this some kind of setup? I mean, why do you always have to pop up when I'm about to find some peace? Why can't you just watch me drink some and then lie?" His eyes grow wide at the numerous questions and he seems to get an edge.

"Because I'm not a liar like you. I live my life on morals and God" I roll my eyes and slam the fridge door shut.

"Bullshit. I know exactly what you live your life on. Booze, publicity, weed, and music. You're a bum, just like me" That's when I've finally gained some common sense and knew I could use my assets to my advantage.

I could do it if I had to. I mean, I knew him and he wasn't terribly bad looking. We used to be close and isn't that the start of all romances? Yes. This was a done deal.

"C'mon, just take my side for once and be dangerous. I can promise you'll like it. No one will ever have to know" There's no hesitation as he smiles.

"I think you need to grow up a little bit, there kid. Besides, I'm plenty dangerous without the help of you. And I can drink and smoke my weed while I rub it in your face, too. No filthy suggestions" I cross my arms, scoffing as I brushed some hair out of my eyes.

"You heard what you wanted to hear. I suggested you be dangerous and lie for once. I didn't suggest anything filthy. You're mind's in the gutter. I'm ashamed" For some odd reason I'm smiling and we're laughing at each other as if this position were entirely funny. 

"Get back to bed, Velvet. Kids need there rest" I cock and eyebrow.

"Call me a kid one more time, old man" I warn, playfulness in his eyes. 

"Or what?" I make a fist and shake it at him.

He raises his eyebrows and motions for me to give him all I've got.

"C'mon, dude. Just let me have a sip" He pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and I run to grab them, only to be softly nudged away.

"One  condition" I nod, willing to do anything for a cigarette. 

I hadn't smoked since the night Billie choked me, and I've been craving one ever since. 

"Tell me what happened earlier in the rain. Why you were crying and running" He lets me take the pack and follows me to the back room.

"After a smoke" I say calmly, closing the door behind us and feeling my muscles relax at the first inhale. 

For some reason Mike decided to believe me. Even when he had called me a liar and a kid. He was trusting me. A liar. Maybe he didn't think I was a  liar. Maybe he was just wanting to be amused when I got pissed off about it.

Now as I sit on the floor with my back against his knees, I feel like I could sleep like a baby. I wanted to think that it was the cravings keeping me awake and not Mike's calming presence. 

"So, tell me what happened now" He says again, determined to get it out of me as I felt him grab the ends of my hair and rub them between his fingertips.

He used to do this when I was little. I would be sick or sad that Billie would push me away. But for some reason Mike always found time for me. Whether it was two minutes for a break from the band rehearsal or when he was starting to leave when Billie wasn't home. He would always listen to me and pretend to be interested even if he wasn't. I find myself liking how he hasn't changed a bit. But I also wonder if he was ashamed to see the way I turned out.  

I didn't dwell on it and instead took another long drag of my smoke.

Blowing it out, I sigh and decide to get it off my chest.

"One of the guys I worked with at the t-shirt booth ran into me. Well, I ran into him thinking it was you. He held me there and gave me all kinds of filthy compliments while his friend decided to cop a feel. Those bastards. They're so disgusting. He even asked me to come back to his place and then they laughed at me when I rejected him. I just wanted you to find me and get me away from those jerks" I could speak about it now and it felt better than I had expected. 

It felt good to know someone else but me was mad about it, judging by the way Mike's hands tightened around my locks of hair. 

"I shouldn't have left you alone" I shrug, liking the feeling of him beginning to play with my hair again. 

"I wanted you to leave. I was mad at you, and I thought I could handle myself. And I can...just not around those guys. It was two to one, what was I supposed to do? All I could do was stand there and take it. Besides...he was holding onto me. I couldn't move" He chuckles a little.

"I hope you kicked him in the balls for what he did" I shake my head no, messing with the carton of smokes.

"I didn't have the guts" 

"I don't think you have the guts to do a lot of what you want to" I raise an eyebrow, turning around to look at him.

"And why do you say that? Because you think I'm a weak kid?" He shakes his head no, letting go of my hair. 

"No. I just think you're too good for them" Smiling, I pretend to blow him off and stand up to walk out.

"Thanks for the smoke. Think you can keep that and our story a little secret?" He nods, making a muscle.

"I feel pretty bad. Bad enough to lie for you" I smile and give a nod.

"I knew I could trust you. Maybe you are a little bad after all. Welcome to the dark side. I've been waiting for you" 


~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now