•Chapter Forty Four•

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"Come on, Velvet. What's she gonna say if you don't call her? Did you plan on just waiting till the tour was over and showing up with a pregnant stomach at your mom's front door? Call her" Addie presses on me, throwing my cell phone in my lap and urging me to do it.

I couldn't help it, I was nervous. What if mom was disappointed in me? That's all I've done my whole life is made her disappointed. Billie was always the good one. He was married to Addie before they ever had any children, but here I was. The fuck up of the family, pregnant. And I'm not even close to being engaged. I missed the marriage checkpoint by a long shot.

I sigh, figuring I should just get it over with.

I dial her number and Addie sits by patiently, watching what I'm going to say.

Mom answers on the third ring.

"Velvet? Is that you?" She sounds happy, like she just got done laughing. It makes me feel worse to think that I could ruin her mood so quickly if she let it.

"Yeah, mom, it's me. How are you? What are you doing?" She tells me that she's holding up for an old woman, making me chuckle. Then she goes on to tell me about a funny show she was watching before I called. Now she asks me how I am.

"I'm..." I consider saying "fine", but really I'm not. I've been sick for going on four weeks now. "Well, I've been sick lately, so not that great" I chuckle a little and Mom makes a sound like she's thinking, something she always did when she tried to determine my illness.

"That sucks. What are your symptoms?" I sigh.

"Oh the usual, you know. I've had some bad headaches and I've been throwing up some...it's nothing too serious though, I don't think" Addie makes a hand gesture, mentioning for me to move it along.

"Sounds like the flu" Mom replies, her voice sounding struggled a bit as I can tell she gets up and begins to move around.

"Actually we determined it already. I'm pregnant" Silence.

"Mom?" My heart sinks a little, and I know she must be disappointed.

"You're pregnant? Velvet, please. I'm an old woman, if you joke with me I could have a heart attack" I shake my head as if she could see me.

"No, mom. No jokes, I'm serious. I took the tests and everything" She talks, and I recognize the way she sounds, a happy sound coming from her.

She wasn't disappointed in me after all.

"Do you know how far along you are?" I shrug.

"A few weeks. I just found out the other day" I can practically see her nodding.

"How did Mike take it?" I smile at the thought. I decide not to tell her about my whole meltdown and us breaking up for two minutes. I figured that part wasn't important.

"He's happy. He says we'll get through it together" She tisks her tongue.

"He better stay by your side, Velvet. I'm not kidding. I know Mike is a good boy, but...it never hurts to he cautious. Are yous ure you're Olay over there though? You don't want to come home?" I shake my head, not even wanting to consider it.

I felt like I needed my mom right now, but I know that without Mike by my side I'd fall apart.

"That sounds nice...home. But right now, mom, I think I need to stay where I'm at. With Mike. And Addie is helping me a lot, too. She's got a lot of advice" Addie smiles at me, yet I'm so caught up in my conversation I barely notice.

"Just call me if you ever want me to come and get you, Velvet. Because I would, I'd drive halfway across the country to get you if you wanted me to. I love you" Tears almost come to my eyes, but I blink them away.

"Okay, Mom. I love you, too. I'll talk to you soon" We hang up and I wipe the corners of my eyes.

"She took it well" Addie smiles at me softly.

"Don't be so hard on yourself next time, kid" I nod slowly, listening to her words.


I was half asleep when Mike came back from the show, and I got a small nap while he took a shower, the sound of the water lulling me to sleep.

I woke slightly again as he climbed over me to slide under the blankets, the hot water from his shower radiating off of him and warming me.

"How was your show?" I open my eyes just enough to where I can see his blue ones staring back at me.

He smiles the smile that I adore, the smile that I see in my dreams and thoughts when he's not around.

"Big. There was a big crowd there today and someone drew my face on a poster. It was great" I laugh a little, seeing how much pride he felt to see his fans do that for him.

"That's great, Mike. There must he someone else out there in the world who loves you" He smiles a little and gives a small nod.

"What about you? Did you get sick today?" I grumble to myself, rolling on my back to stare at the ceiling.

"When am I not getting sick, Mike? This is all your fault, you know. Why I'm suffering and all" He frowns, taking me too seriously.

"I'm sorry" He wraps an arm around my torso and scoots into me, kissing my cheek.

"I'm only kidding. I'm not suffering..." He sends me a look of disbelief.

I roll my eyes.

"Okay, so maybe I'm suffering a little. But it'll go away, I promise. Addie told me. And I talked to my mom today" His eyebrows knit together and his eyes look curious and worried.

"What'd she say?" I lean into him and close my eyes, smiling.

"She thought it was great, Mike" I can feel the breath push out of him, and he begins to rub my back.

"Good" He kisses my forehead and I don't remember much else after listening to his humming get more distant by the minute.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now