•Chapter Forty Three•

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I'm busy throwing frozen fruit and ice cream into a blender as V and Addie sit at the island in our makeshift kitchen. They're whispering to each other, but so far I've been making out most of the conversations.

"He didn't leave me...he didn't even want to leave me" Velvet still seems surprised that I stuck by her side after she announced her pregnancy.

I look over at them sitting there, and they both return my gaze.

"You're a bad eavesdropper, Mike" V crosses her arms, but I know she doesn't care what I heard.

I empty more ice cream into the blender.

"You're a bad whisperer" I retort, watching the grin spread across her face and glow up into her eyes.

I send a small smile and return to my work. I didn't remember the last time recently when her eyes have smiled. They were still puffy from last night, and she looked a little more pale than usual, but this was just a stage. Kinda a long stage I guess, but hopefully she would look alive soon.

I finish blending a smoothie a put two down in front of the girls as I drink the rest which was only a few sips.

"Thanks, Mike" They both say in unison, sipping at their drinks and "mming" all over the place.

"Think you could keep this up for a while? These are great!" V says, watching me as I put the blender in the sink and cleaned it.

"Sure. Anything you want" Billie comes walking out, Joey tagging along behind him as he carried a crying Jakob on his hip and passed him to Addie.

As far as I knew, Billie never heard the "news".

V glances at Addie, and Addie shakes her head in return. Billie still didn't know, and I found myself being nervous about it.

"Why is everyone so quiet? Everything okay?" He asks, already knowing something was up.

I dry the blender and put it back in it's spot.

I wait to hear anything, and it's Velvet's voice sounding strong and confident in herself. That's my girl, don't be afraid.

"I'm pregnant, Billie. Me and Mike are gonna have a baby" Silence. It's everywhere. Even the boys are quiet.

I turn around, facing my best friend who I know is forcing an unconvincing smile.

"Great" Nobody smiles with him, we all stay quiet and he rubs a hand over his forehead.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I've just got a lot on my mind. Congratulations, Velvet" V nods, but as Billie turns away I can see the tears that she tries to blink away.

"You're a God Damn bastard, Billie. Why don't you just say "fuck you" to her face and be proud about it? It'll do just as much as your fake apology" I've never so much as stood up to Billie like this, but he crossed his line and made his point.

I wasn't having it. What V announced included both of us, and the way Billie reacted hurt both of us just as much.

Billie flips me off and then goes and hides like the fussy he is in the music room.

Joey is the one to break our silence.

"Daddy's just being a bully, Auntie V. You don't have to cry" V chuckles as she wipes under her eyes, picking him up and sitting him on her lap.

"It's okay, Joe. I just get a little emotional is all. But it's our secret, okay?" She touches his nose and he nods with a smile on his face.

Joey looks at me.

"Why is Auntie V and you having a baby, Uncle Mike?" I knew what he was asking, and Addie waves a hand.

"Because we love each other, and you get babies when you love each other, Joey" Joey looks confused as he sits on Velvet's lap.

V laughs a little and wraps her arms around him for a hug before he can ask anymore questions.

"Well I think it's all great, it's the next step for you guys" I nod and Velvet looks up at her.

"You think? I mean, I'm not saying it isn't great...I just..." V looks at me and I lean against the counter.

"I just don't think I'm ready for all this yet, and Mom. Oh god, my mom. How am I gonna tell her? What if I don't make enough money at work, and the tour, and Billie, and being sick. What about appointments? Ugh" V lays her head down on the table and still holds Joey.

"Never grow up, Joe. Because most of it isn't fun" Addie chuckles a little and rubs her back.

"Well, you have me. I had two kids, I'm sure I can be of some help. Why don't we just take it one day at a time? We can figure the rest out later" V lifts her head and sends a small nod.

"What do you think, Mike?" I just shrug.

"Whatever you do is fine with me, V. I'm still trying to get used to all of this too, you know?" She nods a little and smiles at me.

"If I'm being perfectly honest here, I think getting used to it might take a while" V adds, all of us getting quiet and just nodding at each other.

I walk over to their island and take a seat on the other side, taking a sip of Velvet's smoothie.

"Is Billie mad at you?" V asks, looking sad and unsure.

I shrug.

"Probably, but he'll get over it. I'm not gonna let him get by with saying things like that to you" V sighs, grabbing my hands.

Addie gets up and leaves, taking the boys with her.

"I just don't want your guy's relationship to end because of me" I pull her arms closer, making her lean forward.

"I'd rather my relationship with him end rather than with you any day, V. Remember that" I kiss her and then her forehead. "I love you"

She sighs, closing her eyes as she leans her forehead against mine.


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