•Chapter Forty•

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As this week went on, me and Addie began spending more and more time together. We were inseparable by this point, telling each other secrets and laughing at the mistakes and pranks we've pulled on our boyfriends. We've compared past boyfriends and wondering why we were ever in those situations.

We had just kissed Billie and Mike goodbye when Addie pulled out our poker game.

It should have been finished yesterday, but my headaches were getting worse and my time spent in this bus was making me car sick and home sick.

Everything just seemed to be moving along so slowly for me.

"He had the tv up so loud last night, and then they started rehearsing and...and Joey yelling all the time..." I sigh, feeling the need to just break down. "The aspirin isn't helping, Addie. I just feel like my head is going to explode, and right now I wish it would" I lay down another card, seeing her shrug.

"Maybe you just need a good night's sleep is all..." I shake my head, chuckling.

"That's the thing. I'm exhausted and asleep by ten and I don't wake up until noon. I think it's just been a while and I'm still getting used to the whole tour thing...it wasn't this bad last time" She shrugs again, and I get it that she doesn't exactly know how to answer me.

"I'm taking care of two children and you sleep like you're in my shoes. I wish I could sleep as well as you. Maybe you're getting ready to have a period or something, excuse me if I'm being blunt, but you've been more moody than me when I was pregnant. And I'm moody on a regular basis" I shake my head, laying down a card.

"I don't think so. I know how I feel when a period comes. I haven't checked the calendar or anything, but this isn't that kind of feeling" Addie taps a card against the table, pursing her lips as she stares down at her hand.

"What about when a period is missed? I don't suppose you know that feeling, do you?" I avoid going down that road with her.

"Mike uses a condom..." She stares at me blankly.

"Uh huh. So did Billie. But Jakob's alive and well" My stomach giggles and my head pounds at the same time, making me groan a little.

"Well...that's just not the case, Addie. I know you think you're trying to help, but..." I trail off, trying to forget this conversation.

Addie throws her cards down, scoffing.

"Oh come on, Velvet. Stop being so coy. Do you track your periods on a calendar?" I shrug, knowing the answer.

"Yeah, but I don't-" Addie doesn't listen and stomps into my room, coming back with the calendar I keep in my suitcase under the bed.

"How far apart are they? How many days?" I scratch my head.

"I don't know. Like thirty two or something like that. They change sometimes" She nods, looking over past months of a black dot on days.

"What's the longest you've ever gone?" I shove her cards towards her.

"Can we just play our game?" She ignores me like she always does when she's focused.

"Addie, please I'm serious. I don't want to talk about any of this" She slams my calendar down, stuck on the month of May as I could see her counting days with her mouth.

It was July and my forehead started sweating.

"I'm trying to help you! Now sit there and let me, alright? I've been through this before, you haven't. Wouldn't it make sense to listen to someone with experience?" I told my arms across my chest, sitting back in my seat as I pouted.

"I guess"

She starts counting to herself again.

"The longest you've gone in between is thirty five days. The time from your last period has been..." She starts counting again, and I roll my eyes as I want nothing to do with this.

"This would be day fifty one without a period, and you were supposed to start..." Counting. "Two weeks and two days ago" She looks up at me with a blank expression and I look back at her with the same.

"Your periods are steady, Velvet. Fifty one days is a long time..." I snatch the calendar away from her.

"You counted wrong" Addie looks at me and her eyes are sympathetic. But I didn't want her sympathy for anything, she was full of it.

Yet my eyes well up with hot tears and I tell myself it's because I'm so angry.

My lip quiver and she reaches out for me.

I move away, hot tears spilling into my cheeks.

"Get away from me! Don't touch me! I...all you do is try and create problems for me and I hate it! I hate what you do! I hate how yourself with my brother and I....I hate you!" Addie looks hurt but I don't care. I rip my calendar and throw it on the ground, stomping and shredding on my way to my room.

I slam the door so hard it shakes my body, making me feel sick.

This time when I try and swallow the bile in my throat, it doesn't stay down and I run to the bathroom, somehow emptying food that was never in my stomach.

I cough and gag, my eyes so blurry with tears I could barely see anything.

I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be home and under my blankets, where no one could bother me and fill my head with lies.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now