•Chapter Forty Two•

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****Mike's POV****

Tears stream down her face and Addie next to me walks out. She knew about this. She knew about all of it.

"What? I...I don't understand. What did I do wrong?" I can almost hear my heart breaking in my chest, and for a second I think I really do.

She shakes her head and begins to sob, some reason this is hurting her too but I don't know why.

She wants to break up with me. I rack my brain, trying to find out what I did so wrong to her.

"You can't just break up with me and not give me a reason, Velvet! I didn't do a God Damn thing to you but love you, and you!...." My voice cracks and now the tears are streaming out of my eyes as well.

She's crying so hard that no sound comes out of her and her eyes are so red and puffy that I can't see the color I dream waking up to every morning.

"Just give me a reason...and we'll call it quits if that's what you want..." I can't believe I say it, but I do and it breaks me down further.

She stands wiping her eyes and breathes in a ragged breath. She won't look me in the eyes, she looks at the floor.

"I..." I wait, but no words come out.

"Tell me you don't love me if that's the reason" She looks up at my eyes and the heartbreak reflecting off of each other is something I never wanted to see.

"I'm breaking up with you so I can't blame you for doing it first and breaking my heart for me" Like that made any sense.

"Why would I break up with you? Velvet, in case you haven't noticed I love you. I practically begged Billie to let you come with me on tour because I couldn't stand to be away from you that long. When I told you I loved you for the first time, I meant it. It hasn't changed. Nothing has changed!" She nods, starting to cry again.

"But it has changed, Mike. I...a lot has changed. You've been off on your shows and I've been here sick for the past couple of weeks...everything was supposed to be so easy with us..." She looks down again and I don't know what I'm feeling now.

"Will you please just tell me what's going on?" She sniffles and wipes her eyes again.

"I'm pregnant, Mike" Her lower lip trembled and I feel like I've just been hit in the stomach with a cannon ball.

I stumble over the words.

"Pregnant?" She breaks down again and covers her face with her hands.

"I don't know what happened, Mike. It wasn't my fault, and now you hate me..." She sobs. She can't wipe the tears away from her eyes fast enough, because more just flow in their place.

"I don't hate you, Velvet..." I run a hand through my hair and try to ignore my heartbeat in my ears.

"Good. I won't give you a chance. It's over...it has to be" I get angry and I can't help it.

"Whatever happened to you being strong, Velvet?! Now you just want to call it quits because you're pregnant? In case you haven't noticed, I'm responsible for all of this and I'm not gonna run and cower because of it. I'm gonna be by your side supporting you. Because me and you can get through anything together, we've proved that to ourselves before" She sniffles and the surprise on her face makes me wonder why she would ever think such things.

"R-really?" I nod and pull her close to me, leaning my forehead on hers.

"Don't give up yet, Velvet" Her eyes well up with tears again and she begins to tremble, forgetting what I'm saying.

"I'm scared, Mike! I'm s-so scared" She sobs into my shoulder and I stroke the back of her head, trying to comfort her and heal both of our broken hearts that have already started to heal.

She hasn't run from me yet, I needed to be positive. But it was hard.

I let her cry into my shoulder until my eyes feel heavy and the news leaves me exhausted. She's trembling and my shirt is soaking wet with her tears.

"Mike..." She begins to calm and keeps sniffling as she keeps her head on my shoulder. "P-Promise me you w-wont leave me" The way her chest tightens against mine, I can't tell she's going to sob again.

I hold her tight, trying to prevent the person I loved most from feeling so low.

"I promise, Velvet. I promise..." She nods against me and I cradle her in my arms as I pick her up and lay us down.

I was exhausted from playing a show, and now I just had a lot on my mind. The stress was getting to me and wearing me down fast. I don't remember much after I lay us down, beginning to stroke her hair.

****Velvet's POV****

My stomach grumbles, and I dare say I'm used to it as I wake up, Mike's eyes already open and staring into mine.

Relief washes over me.

"You're still here" He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close, the grumbling getting worse.

"I'm not going anywhere, V" I think back to last night. The shock on his expression, the promise he made me. The way he called me Velvet. He never calls me Velvet, last night was a night that I would have trouble forgetting.

My eyes were still puffy and sore, and when my stomach grumbles this time, he feels it, his grip loosening.

Bile rises in my throat and I have to run to the restroom. Mike isn't far behind as he grabs my hair back and I can hear the plastic tests still on the sink as he lifts one of them up.

"I guess this isn't a false alarm..." He sighs, and as I stop emptying my stomach I sit back against the wall.

He just stares at the tests, his expression hard to read. Finally he sends me a smile and shrugs as he puts them in his pocket.

"We'll get through it. This is child's play..." He offers me a hand to help me up with. "Come on, I'll go make us a smoothie"

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