•Chapter Fourteen•

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"Come here so I can start counting" She says as soon as I've got my shirt unbuttoned. The excitement was rolling around in my stomach as I stepped closer and she patted the spot next to her.

I sat down, waiting for her to do whatever she was planning.

She puts a hand on my shoulder and pushes me down, rolling and covering my body with her own at the same time.

"Let's see. No tattoos here..." She puts her hands on my face and I laugh, her body moving from mine.

She giggles with me before placing her hands on my neck.

"None here, either..." Now she moves to my chest and sighs as the admiration returns in her eyes.

"One...two...three..." Now on my right arm, she places a kiss on every tattoo she spots and makes me break out in goosebumps and shivers.

Staring at the Yin and yang tattoo on her chest, my mouth begins to water.

"When do I get to count yours?" She smiles, pulling away to stare down at me, her wet hair falling around us.

"After I'm done with you" The image in my mind makes me want to get tattoos in places I shouldn't, and I'm not ashamed as I wait for her to continue.

"Four...five...six..." On my left arm she does the same, counts with kisses.

"You better not have any on your feet" She giggles, an arm going behind my head.

"Where else would you like me to have them?" She shrugs, looking extremely brave as she laid her chest flat against mine and closed her eyes.

"Places no guy should ever get tattoos" I was starting to break out in a sweat before she sat back up and sighed.

"Can I take off your pants?" I didn't know why she needed to ask, but she did and it made it all the better.

I unbutton them and she pulls down the zipper as excitement rises in my throat and everywhere else.

The first time we did this, there wasn't excitement like there was now. We didn't really touch each other and we took off our own clothes, not the other way around. We did a deed and that was it. It wasn't important like it would be tonight, not if we only stuck to counting tattoos.

My pants were off and she was giggling uncontrollably with her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry. I giggle when I'm nervous" I smile, nodding.

"I know. That's one thing you never outgrew" She blushes a little and rolls her eyes, the smile fading a little.

"I'm not that little girl anymore, Mike. And you're definitely not my big brother. Little girls don't do things like this with their big brothers" I got even harder at the hot thought and the way it sounded coming out of her mouth.

"I suppose you're right" I roll over, now holding her under me as I waited for my turn to kiss every single one of her tattoos.

I started on her chest, counting one.

Two on her shoulder. Three on her rib. Four on her wrist. Five behind her ear that earns me a hot breath. Six just above her hip bone.

"It's a tie. We have the same number of tattoos" Her eyes are closed before opening to look up at me with something I've never seen before.

"Mike..." She breathes softly, her eyes nervous as she began to giggle again.

I smile, pulling her close as we rolled onto our sides and faced each other.

I wait for her to stop giggling until she finally gains control and her eyes go back and forth between mine.

"I want you, Mike...bad...really bad. Do you think it can happen tonight?" I nod, trying not to smile too much.

"If that's what you want" She looks worried for a second.

"Isn't it what you want, too?" I nod and I know that she believes me.

How would she not believe me? She was laying right against me, she had to know, she had to feel how she was affecting me.

We kiss, slow at first and then gradually building up faster. Our tongues were in each others mouths, on each others necks and chests.

Thinking about doing this with her was hot in the first place, but screwing around undercover, knowing we could be potentially caught was hotter.

I had her on top of me now, my hands roaming down her back as we kissed.

She gasps and pulls away when my hands reach her butt, and sends me a playful look.

"That's mine" She grabs my hands and puts them higher on her back.

We kiss a while longer and this time the admiration is in my eyes as she isn't afraid to do what she wants.

Sitting up, she pulls apart the opening in the front of my boxers and exposes me, smiling.

I let out a breath, leaning up on my elbows.

"You're beautiful" I raise an eyebrow and fight my laugh.

"Isn't that my line?" She shakes her head and I mentally curse at the red marks starting to form on her neck and jaw. How was she gonna explain that to anyone who asked?

"You've never called me beautiful before" She states, not looking hurt or offended.

"Do you want me to? I don't think it needs to be said, you own a mirror of your own" She smiles a little and shrugs.

"I don't need a guy to tell me I'm beautiful and I don't need a guy to make love to me. I need a guy who listens to me and lives in the real world" I kiss her and roll us over before she can take my boxers off all the way.

I kiss her before doing anything and when I touch the inside of her thigh unintentionally, she giggles into my mouth.

"I can't kiss you when you're giggling. Why are you nervous?" She stops and sighs as she touches my face.

"Because this is the most real thing I've ever done in my life" I lean into her hand and kiss her palm.

"We'll figure it out together, remember?" She looks at me for a second before nodding.

And that's where our journey together began.

I accepted her for who she was and she accepted me. We listened to each other, took risks and put our relationship in danger everyday.

Being dangerous made hell of a relationship.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now