•Chapter Twenty Seven•

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*Mike's POV*

"I'm not leaving forever, I'll be back. I have to get a shower and stuff at home. You know, for work tomorrow" Velvet looks sincere and sad to be going, but the thought of not getting to watch her wake up tomorrow left me wanting her to stay.

"You can do all that here" She sighs, smiling at me.

"Stop being difficult. My apartment is in Rodeo" I sigh, watching her as she nears closer to the door.

"Can I come stay with you?" She laughs, her cheeks turning pink.

"What's all this about, Mike? Do you not trust me when I say I'll be back to see you tomorrow? My things are in Rodeo. Why do you want to come with me?" I shrug, scratching the spot on the back of my neck that begins to get hot.

"I just wanna be there when you wake up, okay? Then I'll leave if you want me to" She smiles an unsure smile at me.

"Really? That's it? You want to watch me wake up with messy hair and smeared makeup? Alright, suit yourself. Lets go" She waves a hand, and I run out the door like a little boy to hop in her car.

She laughs behind me and gets in the drivers seat, me listening as she began to talk about her nephews that she had grown so attached to in a number of hours.


I scan her apartment and step over things on the floor.

Clothes, makeup, and everything imaginable was scattered everywhere.

"I'm not here that often and usually I'm in a rush, so...that explains the mess" I nudge a shoe out of my way as she throws her keys on the coffee table and hangs her jacket on a hook.

"Make yourself at home. I need a shower and I'll be back"


"Remember the time you almost killed me? Because I sure do" We both laugh after a series of questions and memories came flooding into our discussions.

"If you could describe that in one word, what would it be?" She opens her mouth, but pauses and smiles.


Thinking of our fight that day, I remember how I felt when I saw her again and the injuries she wore.

"What about the injuries. Describe how you got those in one word" She picks at her nail and doesn't look me in the eye.

"Scary. But I don't wanna talk about it" I nod, looking away.

"It's okay. You don't have to. He's in jail" She gasps and there's an unreadable look on her face. Before she can say anything, I stare hard at her curiously.

"Why didn't you just tell me? I had to learn the hard way when he thought you weren't coming back. He told me everything and it was sick, Velvet. You lied to me when I could've fixed everything" She looks scared and sorry as she chews on her bottom lip.

"He told me he would tell Billie about you and me. I spitting his face and then he swore that he would kill me. He cut me with his knife and I believed him, Mike. What was I supposed to do?" I sigh and wrap an arm around her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up" She sends a weak smile and leans into my side.

"I'm glad I got it off my chest. I never should've kept that from you. I may be a bitch, but I still love you and you deserved to know" My heart pounds in my chest, and I chuckle.

"I still love you, too, V. But when people aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, they usually don't day these things to each other" She rolls her fist on my chest and curls her knees up to her side.

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend, Mike. And we'd love each other even if we weren't" I run my lips along her smooth hair and close my eyes.

"If you're my girlfriend then come live with me. I don't like to do a lot of driving around to come and meet you everyday. I'd rather you be with me" She looks up at me and laughs.

"So you can be a creep and watch me wake up every morning?" I nod and she sits up to put her lips on mine.

"Deal?" I ask as she pulls away.

She smiles and nods.

"Deal. But I still have a job to maintain" I raise an eyebrow.

"So do I. Get used to it" She hugs me and closes her eyes.

"I'd dream getting used to it. I'm tired" With her light in my arms, she hangs onto me until I lay us down on her bed.

I position a pillow under my head the best I can before she curls up next to me and leaves me incapable of leaving her side.

"Night, V" She sighs and kisses my collar bone.

"Night, Mike. Wake up at 6 if you wanna see this hot mess" I reach over and push a button on her alarm clock.

"I'll wake up at ten till so I don't miss it" She giggles before pulling the blanket over her and flipping off the light.

I fall asleep with my hot mess in my arms.

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