•Chapter Twenty Eight•

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Her hair is a mess around her face, and her eyes are closed with smudged eyeliner. 

Her lips part slightly as she sleeps, and her legs have been wrapped around mine all night.

Her knees are balled up against my stomach, and the large shirt she wears to bed is up around her mid stomach, and the shorts underneath are up high on her legs that look smooth.

With a shaky hand, I place my hand on her leg so lightly that she doesn't stir. Her skin is soft and warm from the blankets around us, and as I run my hand higher, she sighs a deep breath and places her head into the crook of my neck.

I swallow with a dry throat at the feeling of her lips against my neck, and part of me wishes that we were both younger and just working on my lousy truck again.

I close my eyes and almost laugh at the memories.

I'm surprised we ever got any work done on that truck. Half of the time she was too distracting and we spent the day rocking the truck back and forth than we did anything else.

I feel her inhale a deep breath and I open my eyes just as her alarm goes off.

She groans and I shut her alarm off as she pulls back and runs a hand over her eyes.

She opens her eyes slowly, and I stare into them until she smiles.

"I'm all tangled up" She untangled her legs from mine, and I pulled my hand away from her leg to put it beside me.

"I have to work today. You spent the night for no reason" I shrug.

"I wouldn't say it was for no reason. I had fun" She laughs.

"Me too. I mean, I always have fun sleeping" I shoot her a look and sigh.

"What'd you dream about?" She smiles at me as she wraps her legs around mine again.

"That my dear, Mike, is a secret" I accept her kiss and want more as she pulls away.

"Tell me something that isn't a secret" She grins at me as she lays her head back down on the pillow.

"You have very bad taste in women. And I have very bad taste in men. And that's why me and you work out. That's why we're the perfect couple" I nod.

"I agree with all of those things" She sighs after a minute and slaps my chest as she sits up.

"Well, if I lay here talking with you any longer then I'll be late. Find something to do with yourself while I take a shower" She doesn't look exactly thrilled to go to work, but she hauls herself out of bed anyways and grabs her clothes off a chair before disappearing into the bathroom.

*Velvet's POV*

"Not one, Ann. Two. Two boys. Joey and Jakob. They look just like him and Joey's already calling me Auntie V. It's been two days and I've already become a fun aunt. It's been two days and I'm already moving in with Mike. My life's just out of control right now and I feel like I need to sit down and watch some movies that'll make me cry. You know what I mean?" Ann stares at me wide eyed and let's out a laugh.

"I can relate to the movie thing, yes. But you're still very young. You have such a full life ahead of you that none of this matters. You should be happy. Your nephews already love you, and getting back with your ex boyfriend was easy as pie. What more could you want?" I shrug and sigh as I grab plates to serve.

"I don't know. That's one thing that I've never been able to figure out. I've always wanted more, but I never know what more is" Ann sends an almost sympathetic smile as I get back from serving customers.

"You don't think all of this is moving too, fast? I mean, normal people don't just get back with their boyfriends and decide to move in the next day" Ann chuckles as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, honey. If you haven't figured it out by now. You are anything but normal. You're spectacular. You're the craziest person I've ever met, and everyone needs a little crazy in their life" I smile a little and thank her before getting back to work. 


After chatting and saying goodbye to all of my regulars, the rest of the day consists of serving up orders to people I don't know. Which, in case you don't know what that's like, it's sucky as hell.

And some of the people are disrespectful in all kinds of ways. Like the one guy I served that complained about me almost dropping his food. Then the other guy that wanted to flirt with me rather than me take his order. I almost considered just walking away, but I stuck it out.

As I start to clock out and grab my jacket from the back, Ann hollers my name. 

"Hey, Velvet. You have another customer" I clench my teeth and throw my jacket down, just wanting my day to be over.

"Yippie" I sigh under my breath, walking around the corner to see my favorite customer sitting at the bar.

"Keep me waiting and you won't get a tip" I smile and want to jump up and down at the sight of Mike surprising me at work, but I keep my cool as Ann shoots me a smile.

"You've been the talk of the day, Mike" Ann says as she leans over the counter towards him.

With my chest pressed into Mike's back as he sits, my arms wrap loosely around his shoulders and I lean my chin on his head. 

"Blabbermouth" Mike mumbles, making me press my chin harder into his hair until he laughs.

"I'm ready to go home" I sigh, Mike pulling my arms away from him so he can drop them between us and connect our hands. 

We say goodbye to Ann, and the next place I end up is at home.

Only this home looked different than my apartment, but was still mine. 

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now