•Chapter Twenty Nine•

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*Mike's POV*

It was quiet except for the television as we sat on the couch eating Chinese food.

I had never mastered how to use chopsticks so I settled with a fork while Velvet easily picked noodles up with the Chinese utensil.

Her smooth legs lay crossed over my lap, and she stares down into her carton of noodles with a blank expression, her hair falling in her face.

I hadn't seen her take a bite in a number of minutes. She just sat here with me, moving her food around.

"You okay?" I ask, the silence from her almost unbearable.

It's like everyday she's been over here with me, which would be the second day by the way, she's grown quieter and quieter and has been less engaged than usual. Plus she just seems tired all the time.

"Yeah, sure. Just tired..." She sighs as she throws her chopsticks down in the carton and throws the carton on the coffee table.

The carton falls over when she attempts to throw it, a toss that could be landed by a five year old.

I watched her as she discreetly cringed, and threw her shaking hands in her lap.

She groans to herself and brushes hair out of her eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just a little off my game today" She sends a guilty smile and I remember how she usually stacked plates up her arms at work.

Today when I picked her up She had trouble balancing one in each hand.

I knew this look on her. I could recognize it anywhere.

She was going through withdrawal, and it was starting to get bad.

"How's come you didn't tell me you were doing coke, again?" She's quiet and I figured she'd put up an argument. But she's so done that she doesn't even bother.

"I thought I made that clear a long time ago. You didn't exactly choose the band over me, but I was still without you. You'd be surprised what people do when they're alone without influence. They go back to their old selves because they can. I didn't have anyone to please so I did what I wanted" I run my hands along her legs and listen to her sigh as she leans her head on the side of the couch.

"Will you be able to sleep tonight?" I look over as I ask, her eyes closed.

"Probably not" I lay my head back against the couch, knowing I was tired, but also knowing that I was dedicated enough to stay awake with her.

"Do you wanna go get some ice cream later? Or we can go to the movie theater, or the mall, or anywhere else you want. I'll stay up with you. What do you want? Where do you want to go?" She opens her eyes slightly and looks calm, but not tired.

"Truth?" I nod.

"I just wanna stay here and have sex. A lot of sex, like you see in the movies. You know, where the guy and the girl stay up all night and never get tired. They have sex until they pass out and neighbors complain about the noise, and then the next day they wake up and walk around town like their so in love" I chuckle, but she just wears a brave smile.

"You sure do have a lot of faith in fairly tales. If me and you stayed up all night having sex like you wanted, then you'd miss work and I'd sleep for two days" She closes her eyes again.

"Tell me why that's a problem" I sit back and try to do as she says.

But I just can't find any reasons.

"All night, huh? Until we pass out from exhaustion?" She opens her eyes and smiles at me.

"Yeah. Just once, just to see what it's like to live in a fantasy" I grab both of her legs and pull her towards me, grabbing her around the waist to throw her over my shoulder as I stand.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now