•Chapter Two•

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"She's what?! Mom! No, this is ridiculous! Send her to fucking boot camp! Rehab, a halfway house! Anywhere but with me! I worked too damn hard to have her come on tour with us and ruin everything!" I couldn't put into words how frustrated I was. I worked hard, me Mike and Tré did just to get where we're at. My sister isn't coming along so she can ruin everything including what little life I have.

"It's not my fault, Billie. Ask her what she got herself into. I knew this tour was coming and we made a little deal. One more jail incident and she was off with you. You want me to break her and I'm going to. I don't know what else to do. Spending a few months on the bus with you and the guys should work. It'll bring her back, she’ll realize how much she misses it all and you'll thank me in the long run. Billie, please understand. What could she do?" I shake my head, pacing back and forth as Mike and Tré stand in shock, not knowing what to do.

"Oh I don't know. What could she ruin guys? Huh? Just maybe the whole tour, our lives. You don't understand. I'm not bringing her along and I don't give a fuck what you say"

Not only did I later regret talking that way to my mother, but I also suffered the pain and embarrassment when she slapped me and threatened to basically ruin my reputation.

This is one problem I didn't know how to solve. I didn't know how to keep Velvet away from me and I didn't know how to change my mother's mind.

"Should we bring one of those dogs in to sniff her bags for drugs before we take her?" Tré sounds as if he's joking, but I know he's not. I was really starting to consider it.

Grabbing my hair, I groan and close my eyes.

"How is this gonna work?" After minutes of silence from both of my friends, I haul myself up to Velvet's room and plan on working out a plan. Anything to get her not to go with me.

"Do you think you can change her mind?" I ask, walking in slowly with my hands in my pockets.

She's kneeling over her dresser, and as I wait for her to look at me, she lifts her head and rubs her nose, setting a playing card down and coughing.

"Billie, if I could've changed her mind I would have. I don't want to be around you anymore than you-" I cut her off, staring at the dresser with wide eyes.

"What the hell was that?! Are you snorting coke?! What's wrong with you?!" I grab her shoulders and shake, trying to get some sense in her.

"Stop it! Get off of me, Billie!" My mind was going a million miles an hour and the anger that had been building up inside me for the past two and a half years came rushing out through my hands that went around her neck.

I squeezed harder as her fingernails shot pain into my skin and left my knuckles bleeding.

She screamed and then made a choking sound, her eyes closing and watering up.

Tears were streaming down her face and I wanted them to stop. I wanted to squeeze harder until she couldn't breathe anymore. I wanted to see her face turn blue so I could know that she would never ruin my life.

"Billie! You're ch-choking me! Please, I c-can’t breathe!" The screams behind me are fading slowly and I can barely hear them.

Suddenly, Mike, Tré and mom are in the room.

My hands release and I watch as Velvet falls to the floor limply, coughing and gasping for air.

*Velvet's POV*

I couldn't see and I couldn't breathe. Every time I took a breath in my lungs burned and I felt like my ribs were being pushed through my skin.

My nose still burned from the coke I had snorted when Billie walked in. There was some kind of conversation that I don't even remember before his hands went around my neck and my feet came off the floor.

Through my own struggles, I could hear him mumbling to himself, his eyes glazed over like he could really have killed me right there and then if someone hadn't stopped him.

"You're not going to ruin my life, I won't let you" He kept repeating it, and call me what you will. A drug addict, a liar, a thief, it doesn't matter. I know what I heard and now I know that all the times Billie told me he hated me growing up and that he wished me dead, he truly meant it. From the bottom of his heart he meant it, and I just experienced it first hand. No one can ever tell me that he's sorry, that he never meant what he did or said. I knew better, now it was confirmed. My own brother would've killed me if he had the chance.

Still gasping for air, I can faintly hear mom screaming at me to open my eyes. A few seconds later I recognize her sobs and can feel the contact of her light slaps on the side of my face.

I open my eyes and she embraces me tightly, her heart pounding so hard that I could feel it on my own chest. Her breathing was so escalated that you would've thought she was the one who was nearly strangled to death.

My neck is unbearably painful from Billie's tight grasp just minutes ago, and my breathing still hasn't fully come back.

My vision stays blurry but I don't know if it's because of Billie or the cocaine.

Looking around the room, I recognize Billie with a red face and clenched fists next to Tré.

Over mom's shoulder is Mike, the guy I had to blink a few times to remember. He's just standing there, looking uncertain. Like he doesn't know if he should help me or help Billie. He too doesn't know his place and I could read it on his face all too well. I've been there myself more than a few times.

I don't know who made the final announcement, but somehow everyone decided in minutes that I would survive and that the majority of the ordeal was over.

Yeah, I'm fine. I've been strangled lots of times, don't worry about me. Worry about Billie and his precious life. His tour that I would ruin because I was put in jail for one fucking night. Billie's been in jail before but he might as well get praised. I was a disgrace to this family, at least that's what everyone thought. Billie was the good guy and I was trash. I wasn't even wanted in the first place. My only friend was my father and he's six feet under because of cancer. Who created cancer? The world. And that's why I hate it.

It's just no one can seem to understand that.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now