•Chapter Thirty•

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I inhale and want to throw up as I sit up quickly from my short nap on the couch when the door knocks.

I groan, hold my head and give myself a minute to swallow the bile creeping up my throat.

The person who knocked I quickly realize is Billie, and it doesn't take me long to remember I didn't kiss Velvet goodbye this morning when she left for work.

She threw me a pout and then a sympathetic look as she wished for me to feel better. She left at eight and it's nearly two now as Billie lets himself in, frantically searching for something.

"Do you remember that paper I gave you? It had all the lyrics for the new song on it" Billie sends me a look, and I search my memory for any kind of paper he ever gave me. With no recollection, I shrug.

I still hold my head and rub my eyes as he searches under furniture and digs through a pile of papers on the coffee table.

"I don't remember. What was the song?" Billie lets out a disgusted sigh.

"I didn't name it yet, bird brain. That's why it's hard to find. You okay? You're looking a little pale" I put up a hand and shake my head, my brain feeling like it's moving and hitting my skull, making me feel sick all over again.

"A little. I might be coming down with something, but it's no big deal" Billie's barely listening as he welcomes himself to search my room upside down.

"You know, this might be a lot easier if I didn't have to dig around my sister's bra's. Gross" I laugh at the memory of her getting passed when she couldn't find her keys this morning.

She searched the whole place and threw her clothes out of the drawers until she found them under a newspaper on the kitchen table.

I just hadn't gotten around to pick anything up yet, and the sight of her undergarments never bothered me any.

"Found it!" Billie calls, jogging out into the living room with a crumpled piece of paper with smeared ink on it.

Either that or my vision was going too.

"Great. I'm glad you did. Now leave, I need rest...bad" Billie chuckles under his breath.

"Maybe you'll get a few hours before the kid comes home. I thought Velvet was a pest and then I got kids. Word of advice, never have children" I close my eyes and lean my head back on a pillow.

"I don't plan on it for a while. Let a man have his freedom. And his sleep for that matter. I'm sorry your life sucks, but get out" He past me on the head and mutters a goodbye before slamming the door and making my head pound.

I cringe and shut my eyes tighter.

*Velvet's POV*

I unlock the front door and find Mike just as I had suspected him. Asleep.

He's pale and snoring on the couch, his mouth slightly open and the living room even more of a mess than it was when I left.

I put my things down and walk over to him slowly, laying the back of my hand against his forehead softly.

He was burning up, and the color was gone in his face.

He wakes slowly, and blinks a few times before sending me a small smile that looked painful.

"I got you some medicine on the way home. It tastes kinda nasty and it was a little expensive, but it works. Think you can handle it?" He makes a face, but doesn't hesitate before nodding slowly.

I take the medicine from my bag, let him take it, and laugh when he gags.

"That's disgusting" I take it from him and wash out the small cup.

"Yeah, but it works" I grab a blanket and put it over him as I lean my back against the couch, sitting on the floor as I let him play with the ends of my hair.

As usual, he asks me about work, and I forced myself to tell him about the German woman who was one of my regulars.

Her son came in today when she didn't show up and told me she had died. I never thought it was possible to love someone so much, but I guess I proved myself wrong.

I had held the tears back all day at work, but now I let the tears flow freely down my cheeks.

"She was special to you..." Mike says, but it isn't a question.

I nod slowly.

"She taught me a lot..." I laugh a little at the memories.

"She taught me that you can love someone and hate them at the same time" Mike chuckles behind me.

"You're referencing that to our relationship then, right?" I nod and he kisses my hair despite the thought of spreading his sick germs to me.

But I had sacrificed going without a kiss this morning, and I needed a few days from work to get used to not seeing my German lady friend.

"Make me sick, too, Mike" He moans a little.

"I don't think you want this, babe" I nod eagerly as I turn around.

"Oh, but I do. It only has to be a little kiss. I didn't get one this morning" He raises an eyebrow.

"You are such a whiner. C'mere" He gives into me like always, and I earn the tiniest satisfaction from the tiny kisses he allows me to receive.


~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now