•Chapter Fifteen•

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*Velvet’s  POV*

It was the last day of the tour and they had just gotten done playing their show a few hours ago.

Mike had gotten a quick shower and so had I. Billie and Tré as far as we knew were still oblivious to everything and I had the right materials to cover up any clues.

Concealer for love bites left on my skin. Hairdryer so our hair wouldn't be wet at the same time.

As for Mike, he just had to behave himself around the guys and not give away any clues.

Tonight though, I wasn't sure he would succeed. Billie and me had gotten closer and he had bought me a nice dress for the dinner tonight. We were all dressing up, Mike in a nice dark gray button down that I was fixing the collar on.

"It's just a shirt, I don't see what's so special" I stand on my toes to flatten the collar and fix a few buttons.

"It makes your neck look nice. I've always liked guys in button downs, it makes them look sexy" He raises his eyebrows.

"Tré’s wearing a button down tonight" He walks away to grab his belt and I smack his butt with a chuckle.

"Behave" He calls over his shoulder, Billie and Tré barging into the room with confident smiles and their fingers running through their hair.

"How do we look?" I give a small smile at the way my brother cleaned up so nicely. To be honest I haven't seen him dress this nice since our father's funeral.

I ignore the memories and acknowledge them.

"Great. You guys look good, nice" Billie had been making an effort with me and I was happy about it. I just didn't want it to conflict with me and Mike and I was afraid that it would.

"You look beautiful, V" I smile and thank him softly as Mike looks over with a straight face that shows no emotion towards me.

I could barely show no emotion towards Mike when other people were around. I don't know how he did it.

"Ready, guys? Last stop before home" And then it got silent.

Everyone was thinking about going home. It's been weeks since we've been in California and we were all home sick. I just didn't know how me and Mike were gonna pull off seeing each other.

I send him a secretive glance as we walk off the bus and into the restaurant and he sends one back.

I sit across from Billie and Mike sits across from Tré, diagonal from me.

"So, has the tour taught you anything?" Billie asks, being sincere.

I shrug, staring down at my plat of food nervously, my stomach bubbling with giggles that I was trying not to let out.

"It's made me appreciate being home more" Billie seems convinced with my answer and takes a bite of his food.

"Do you regret it?" I look at Mike out of the corner of my eyes and he looks back down at his food, not able to hide a smile only obvious to me.

"No. It was fun. The concerts were fun to watch" Billie chews his food, staring down at his plate.

"What about, Mike?" I nearly choked on my food and forced the giggles away.

"He's been teaching me bass. I'm not a very good learner, but...I'm trying. He told me I could join the band, right?" I speak to Mike directly as he looks up from his plate and gives a small nod.

"It won't happen. Teaching her is like pulling teeth" He outs on a believable act and Billie looks up at me.

"I remember those days. I think you've changed, just like you said you wouldn't" Billie knew he was starting an argument with the tone he was using.

I wasn't going down without sticking up for myself. I hadn't changed like he thought I had.

"Really? Huh. Maybe when you strangled me half to death it shook some brain cells back into place. Just a theory" Billie sighs and the table becomes unbearably silent.

"I apologized for that and you know it. You were different then and you had it coming. I don't know what the fuck this tour did to wake you up, but I suggest you keep your good nature so you don't have to come on another one. We may be okay and I may be your brother, but that doesn't mean I want you here to make everything awkward and screw everything up" Mike's fork clinks against his plate as he drops it.

"Beej... can we just have a nice dinner?" I could already see the anger in Mike's eyes.

"Because that's all I know how to do is screw everything up, right? You know, Billie, you're not any better than me. We come from the same place, the same parents, the same blood-" Billie rolls his eyes at me and Mike's attention is focused on us.

"We're two completely different people and you know that. I'm successful at what I do and you're not. You get everything handed to you and you don't appreciate anything anyone does for you. I've been counting down the days till you leave us. Once we get home you'll go right back to your old ways and this time I won't be the one bailing you out of jail" I shake my head, feeling soft.

"I've changed, Billie" He scoffs in disbelief.

"Okay. Tell me. What's made you change?" Mike's name was on the tip of my tongue and telling Billie the truth was important to me.

But Mike was more important to me.

I go back to eating my food and it's hard to swallow as a sob stayed in my throat.

I would always be a disappointment to Billie. No matter what I did. He never wanted a sister in the first place and he made up his mind that he would never accept me.

*Mike's POV *

She kept her cool the whole time back to the bus and my fists ached with the want of bashing his face in.

We just laid here for almost an hour, her breaths unsteady and her eyes focused on a button on my shirt that she had been playing with.

We laid next to each other, me rubbing her back and waiting for her to do something.

And then her eyes closed.

And then she broke and fell apart.

I had never heard such a heartbreaking sob in my life. It was like all eighteen years just flooded out all at once, all the feelings she had tucked away behind a door. That door just broke and so did she.

"What did I ever do, Mike?" I had to be blunt with her, I wouldn't lie.

"You were born and that just wasn't okay with him. He won't change, Velvet. It'll take a miracle" She sniffles and I wipe the running mascara off her cheeks.

"I don't believe in miracles" Her nose was plugged up now and she had stopped crying.

I plugged my nose and started talking, making her giggle and erupt with laughter instead of sobs.

I tickled her ribs, listening to her laughs that I quieted so no one else would hear.

She sighs after I stop and sits on her knees with her back to me.

"Unzip my dress, Mike" I do as she says and help her slide out of it before she sits back down in front of me.

"What are we doing?" She looked sad but happy at the same time.

"We're going to make love before we get home. We might not know when we'll get another chance to be together and I want more than just a few memories of you to keep me up at night and make my dreams paradise" I had never heard a better answer in my life, and none of them had ever made this much sense before.

I look into her eyes after she pulls away from a kiss.

"Tell me you love me" I demand, the reaction on her face making my worries go down the drain.

She smiles and gives a nod.

"I love you" And I knew she did.

"Tell me you love me back" She sits herself on my lap and I wrap an arm around her.

"I love you back" She plants a kiss on my lips and the night is ours.

~No One Knows~ A Green Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now