• Chapter Thirteen•

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*Mike's POV*

I didn't know what to do. Velvet was staying clear of me mostly, and when she wasn't she was a pain. Anything I said she took literally, was always being a smart ass and not in the playful way. Was it because of me? Was she playing me in the first place? Probably. I never should've felt anything for her. 

And then we had sex. 

And then I was ruined.

We agreed that it was just a deed done, that it wasn't a big deal. 

I woke up and left for the show while she laid there in the bed, half of her naked body covered with only a thin sheet. Tattoos and scars covered a great amount of her skin, things I hadn't seen when the lights were off and all I could do was feel my way. 

And that's when it hits you the hardest. That's the moment in your life where you look at the person you have feelings for and it's hard to think what life would be like without them. And that for her and me definitely wasn't healthy. At all. 

Not with Billie lurking around. Not with her attitude. Not with my carelessness. 

We just saw things a different way, that's one thing that would never change. We disagreed too much. I didn't know how to solve any of these problems that I helped create.

Looking towards the bathroom door of the hotel, I put my elbows on my knees and hold my head, wondering why she had been in there so long. 

*Velvet's POV*

I just stood there, looking at myself in the mirror. My hair was still dripping wet, creating a puddle at my feet from my shower. 

I didn't know how to avoid him. He was just out there, and there was no escape for me. This was one place where I couldn't lock myself in a room for the rest of my life and forget about everyone. I would have to come out soon and show my face.

I tried to deny everything I felt about Mike. The way he made me feel, the way my body felt hot when he was around. The way my heart picked up speed when he merely glanced at me. I didn't like any of it and I couldn't control it. 

And now just standing here looking at myself, I wondered why he looked at me the way he did. Was he thinking about me right now? Probably, wondering why I've been in here for so long. And then I think about how I must be hurting him. 

He wants to be around me and I want to be around him, but everything has to be complicated and I have to be a bitch. It was in my blood. I had cold blood and it could turn scorching hot in a matter of seconds. That's just how I was. That's the way he accepted me. 

And then we had sex.

And then I was ruined. 

I denied the feelings all day, wanting him to wait for me in the bed so I could wake up next to him and be relieved that he stayed the night and didn't vanish like everyone else. But he didn't and I had to busy myself all day so my thoughts wouldn't travel back to him. And then I push him away when I want him. And now he probably hates me.

And I'm not okay with that.

I slump against the door, wondering what he thought of me when he saw the scars and tattoos I inflicted on myself. Did his mind change at all? Did he see me a different way? Was he disgusted?

A knock on the door vibrates against my back and startles me at the same time.

"Velvet? Velvet, c’mon...other people have to use the bathroom around here" Sighing as my eyes burn, I open the door, deciding to be brave.

*Mike's POV *

The door opens slowly, and she just stands there.

Her hair was dripping and sticking to her shoulders and neck and chest, all the places I remembered touching with my lips yesterday.

I struggle to keep my eyes on hers as she stands naked in front of me, but it's a struggle I would overcome as neither of us move and we don't break eye contact.

She looks like she's having an internal argument as she let's out a ragged breath, it hitting my chest because we were so close.

"I'm sorry..." My eyebrows raise on their own as I hear something I wasn't expecting. To be honest I didn't know what I was expecting, it just wasn't an apology.

"Why?" And that's what I didn't expect to say. I wanted to know why she was sorry. I wanted her to mean it.

"...I want to restart and forget about everything that happened" Me too.

"What does that mean?" She takes a step toward me, so close that the drops of water coming from her hair fall on my feet.

"We don't worry about what happens in the future and we just focus on now. I want to live in the moment and just be happy for once, okay? No matter how it goes down. I just want us to agree on that" I nod slowly, trying not to smile.

"We can agree to disagree" She let's out a breath, and before I know it her arms around me and mine are around her as we hug.

"You're the only one that's ever been there for me, Mike. I'm glad you didn't run when I pushed you away, too" I even praise myself for holding out and waiting for Velvet.

"You just can't get rid of me" She hugs me harder and let's out an unsteady breath.

"I'm scared, Mike. I've never been in love before" My heart stopped and I wasn't breathing for a good few seconds.

No girl I've ever been with has ever said anything like that to me and meant it. Velvet meant it and I was surprised to ever hear it come from her.

"I guess we'll just have to figure it out together" She pulls away from me and the fear in her eyes is replaced by a look I once knew from a girl much younger.


"I guess we will" She smiles at me, and I chuckle.

"If I take off my clothes too, can we count who has the most tattoos?" Her eyes widen a little, something that used to happen when she was little.

She smiles and laughs.

"That's what I was gonna say" Our eye contact doesn't break as I begin to unbutton my shirt and she sits down on the edge of the bed slowly, her smile challenging and her eyes alert.

I guess we'd just have to figure out where the next step took us.


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