•Chapter Twenty Four•

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*Mike's POV *

I've been sitting here on these cement steps for almost half an hour in the pouring down rain, waiting for Velvet to show up. She never told me exactly what time she was supposed to be at work, so I showed up at six and have been waiting ever since.

Velvet wasn't going to leave me this time. I wouldn't let her.

A cars headlights shine in my eyes, and I look up the best I can, blinking the rain out of my eyes. Velvet hops out of the mustang with an umbrella and doesn't notice me until she's practically stepping on me.

"Wha-...MIKE! Are you nuts?! What are you doing here?" She pulls me up by the collar of my coat and pulls me close yo her under her umbrella.

"Yes. I'm nuts, you should know this by now. You never told me what time you had to be here for work so I came early and waited" She sighs, shaking her head as she gave a judging look towards me.

She unlocks the door and pulls me inside with her.

"Close the door behind you and sit down" She orders, sounding almost annoyed to find me soaking wet on the doorstep.

I shiver with my hands in my pockets, and water drips from the end of my nose.

"Here. You're Dave for the day, okay?" She tosses me a black button down shirt and some black jeans.

I quickly put them on in the back and rejoin her out in the dining area.

"Why were you waiting for me, anyways? I play a mean shrink, if that's what you're here for" She sends me a sarcastic wink and I help her grab chairs down off the top of the tables.

"No. I don't need a shrink. I just wanted to see you for a little while, it has been four years after all. You look different" She keeps a straight face and avoids eye contact as she begins to wipe down already clean counters.

"Is the nose ring too much? You should see the tattoo on my back if you really wanna be impressed" Her mentioning her new tattoo makes me wonder what else looks different under her clothes.

"No, I like it. What'd you get on your back? Show me" She stops wiping down counters and laughs.

"Very funny. Sorry, Mike. But I don't anticipate taking off my clothes in front of you" I smirk.

"Later then" She sighs, a daring look in her eyes.

"You always say that" The bell on the door rings and we both turn to see a girl with short shoulder length blonde hair walking in.

"Good morning, Velvet. Who's the new guy?" Velvet waves a hand and motions to me.

"It isn't a new guy. This is just Mike" The girl walks over and sends a polite smile as she sets her purse down on the counter Velvet just wiped.

"Hello, Mike. So, how do you two know each other? What's the relationship?" I decide to put my two cents in.

"I'm the ex boyfriend she was too ashamed to really mention" The girl makes an awkward face when Velvet chuckles but smiles, seeming to enjoy my truthful jokes.

"I am not ashamed to mention you. Ann, this is Mike. My ex boyfriend. Ex boyfriend Mike, meet Ann. There you go. Happy?" I nod and Ann says a polite greeting before excusing herself to the back room to get started on her day.

"How was your night, Mike?" Velvet asks as she begins to clean plates and set them up.

"Great, really. I had the whole house to myself" I see Ann walk by briefly and give us both a smile before going into the kitchen.

"How about some breakfast, Mike? Do you like eggs and sausage?" I give a nod to Ann through the window and she smiles before the smells of those breakfast foods fill my nose.

"How's Billie?" Surprised that she asked, I shrug.

"Not much different. He got married to his girlfriend Adrienne and now you're an aunt. Congratulations" She looks a little deprived at first, but I watch her as she blows it off.

"What about you? Do you have children yet?" I shake my head no quickly, making her laugh.

"You don't seem so keen on even the thought. No children ever then?" I'm silent for a minute.

"I dunno. Maybe if I married the right girl. What about you? Kids?" She shakes her head no.

"Someday though. When I'm ready to be responsible I suppose. But not anytime soon. I enjoy my freedom too much. Ann has children, though" At the mention of her voice, Ann walks out with a plate of breakfast for me.

I enjoyed Ann's stories about her children. She had a boy and a girl, both around five and six. She showed me pictures an explained all about them until it was opening time.

I pay for my breakfast and hand both girls a tip for taking the time to talk to me, Velvet announcing that she would walk me out.

"I get her at six forty five every morning. Hopefully next time you won't get stuck in the rain" I nod, remembering it instantly.

"Oh, and I don't work on Sunday's. It was nice seeing you, again. And Ann likes you, so...it's alright if you come back" I look up at the sky that starts to grow darker and cloudier.

"Okay. I'll come back. You don't have to beg" She laughs and playfully slaps the side of my arm before staring at me a minute and placing a kiss on my cheek.

She never says a word before returning back inside where I'm left to sort through my mixed emotions.

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